Showing Posts For Holyonion.6940:


in Revenant

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


Why is Equilibrium chosen over Invigorating Flow?

I am constantly energy starved these days so rarely am I in a fight with energy over the threshold to do damage. and even when I am, the damage on the tooltip seems small. The heal appears to be less than the regular stream from Invigorating Flow, even if you are changing legends on CD.

I’m obviously missing something as it is in the meta and not so long ago there was a lot of complaining about the skill on the pvp forums

How to beat DH?

in Revenant

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


I can fight most classes. I don’t necessarily win against all but I at least know how to fight them. Dragon Hunters however, I have no idea what to do. I just get mashed up so quickly. I don;t know what to avoid, I believe it’s condi bomb that is killing me but honestly I don’t know.

Any help please?

Newly returned player

in PvP

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


I’ve recently returned having stopped shortly before HoT was released. I used to main Ranger and wondering whether to stick with it or maybe give Revenant a bash.

How are they both doing at the mo in PvP?

Thanks in advance

Newly returned, looking for build

in PvP

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


Thanks for the replies, I’ll stick with the warrior. I’ll give both specs a go

Newly returned, looking for build

in PvP

Posted by: Holyonion.6940



I’m newly returned to GW2 and I’m looking for an easy going class/build to play.

I’m in my 30’s, and don’t have the time to play and learn a hugely complex class. I like to just pick up the game and jump into hotjoins or unranked arenas and enjoy a spot of pvp.

I used to play Hambow as that filled that role nicely. Is it still as successful, or are there any other class/build combos that can do the same?

Many thanks

Returning player

in PvP

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


Thanks. I might try necro as I’ve not tried that yet. I was going to go ranger but as there are a lot of cries for nerfs right now I’ll let the dust settle first

Returning player

in PvP

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


No-one have any suggestions?

Returning player

in PvP

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


Hi I’ve recently returned to GW2 and I’m looking for an easy class to PvP with. I’ll admit I’m not that skilled so I would be terrible at most classes.

What class/specs do you think are decent for noobs/returning players to learn and enjoy with?

I previously have played shatter mes, unicorn thief, D/P thief and Hambow, but happy to try any class spec really. Also I prefer to play DPS rather than support


GS/Hammer or GS/axe and shield for roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


I’m newly getting into WvW and I’m interested in small scale skirmishes rather than trailing with the Zerg.

I’ve been reading several guides and at the moment I’m undecided between playing Axe/Shield or Hammer with GS.

Any thoughts on which is better?

S/D or D/P for sPvP?

in Thief

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


Ok so I tried out S/D tonight, but ended up back to D/P quite quickly. I don’t know if it’s just because I’m used to dp and just need to practise or what.

I was running 2/6/0/0/6 with barbarian and hoelbrak, but have changed to 2/0/0/6/6 (still with D/P). I find atm while still learning I need the extra survivability of acro. Looking to move to zerker soon, then finally drop acro

S/D or D/P for sPvP?

in Thief

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


Thanks for the reply. The utilities are supposed to be; infiltrators signet, roll for initiative and shadow refuge (though switch that one out for blinding powder sometimes). I’ve used withdraw for a long time, however, I’ve been playing about with SoM recently.

Also that build I’ve been using for d/p. Though I can survive I lot better when trained into acrobatics, I sometimes don’t have the hitting power I would like, I guess that’s to be expected though.

S/D or D/P for sPvP?

in Thief

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


I’ve been trying out both and though atm I am favouring D/P for the blinds I’m wondering if learning how to effectively use S/D would be better.

I’m probably too tanky with my D/P build anyway as I’m not full zerker (off the top of my head this is the build I’ve been running

Also as a second question, what is the thief role in sPvP…bearing in mind I’m still learning so only doing hotjoins, but I try to cap uncontested points rather than join in any protracted battles. If I am in a group fight I try not to get in the middle, but stay on the periphery and jump in quick with hits/blinds and/or rez/stomp

Edit: noticed i hadn’t changed the utilities)

(edited by Holyonion.6940)

S/D duelling guide

in Thief

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


I’m newly returned to GW and have picked up my old thief. Does anyone have or know of a duelling guide so I can see how people play against different professions/builds


Thief without short bow

in Thief

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


All builds I see have short bow was second weapon. Is it possible to play thief without it?

Cast Bars

in PvP

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


Is there any scope for the introduction of cast bars?

Some may say it isn’t needed as you can attempt to learn every classes animations and you should know what is coming. Well even if you know animations there is so much going on on the screen that it becomes incredibly difficult to keep an eye on every skill, especially if multiple opponents are on screen.

As an example, today I was fighting an engi, bouncing about all over the place, no problems. I then spotted a rifle warrior aiming at me, but had no idea how long he had been stood there. Was he just starting to wind up his shot or was he a second away. I have no way of knowing without spending the rest of the time watching him and waiting for the shot, during which time I have to try and fight off the engi still.

What is the reason behind not enabling cast bars?

Null Field/Arcane Thievery/Illusion dude

in Mesmer

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


Thanks for the feedback.

I run Staff/Sword + Pistol with 20/20/0/0/30 atm. I could either drop 10 from Domination to 10 in Inspiration for the remove condition on heal trait, or even 5 Domination and 5 Dueling. However, as I’m relying heavily on shatter for my damage/burst I’m loathe to drop either of those.

I might try the Mantra for a bit and see how that works out

Null Field/Arcane Thievery/Illusion dude

in Mesmer

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


Recently I’ve been finding myself being hurt by conditions and so need to look at my traits/skills to add in some decent condition removal.

I usually run with Null Field but was wondering about the other two condition removal options. As I see it-

Null Field – Ground targeted AoE which pulses to remove one condition/boon while in the area. Great for support but not very mobile and takes a wile to remove multiple condition (I would think also good against bunker Guardians)

Arcane Thievery – Single cast spell that instantly removes 3 conditions and steals three boons. One charge only, not great for support and needs a target to remove boons whereas Null Field can be cast after legging it.

Illusion fella (can’t remember his name) – Summoned chap, removes conditions and boons. I don’t know much else about him other than the CD is lower than the other two and again needs to target someone. Also take up a clone spot so would get shattered a lot.

So any thoughts on which is the better skill (only taking one as I use blink and decoy in other utility slots)


Mesmer noob after some help

in Mesmer

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


I want to run a shatter build but have a few questions if you wouldn’t mind.

Firstly is GS or Staff?The Staff seems to get more clones out which is handy and has the extra survivability from 4, 5 and boons from Winds of Change, but primarily uses conditions and as far as I understand shatter builds you should be building power and crit?

Which leads me nicely to my second question. Are power and crit the stats I’m after?

My final question is more on mechanics. When shattering sometimes my clones go straight for the target other times they just seem to blow up where they are. Do they charge to the closest target or my shatter target and if i’s the closest one any tips on getting them to the target I’m after?

I’ve watched a few videos and read a few guides but I’m still a little unsure on these points. I keep changing my build to see what works for me as my Mesmer is very much in its infancy and I’m still learning but any guidance from experienced Mesmers would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Solo DPS

in PvP

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


Thanks a lot for that Warmage. Exactly the sort of post I was looking for. I’ll take your advise and try out both professions for a day or two.

I think you hit the nail on the head there when you discussed the so playstyles. It’ll likely hinge on whether I am more comfortable being up close and personal or standing back and letting my clones do the work

So this guy starts spamming hate messages to me

in PvP

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


Interesting character there. Does GW2 have an ignore feature? I’ve not had the need to look yet but that would be my reaction. /yawn, /ignore.

Some people love the internet as they can be as rude as they like with next to no consequences.

Solo DPS

in PvP

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


A mate of mine plays engi which oddly puts me off playing the same class as him.

How about between Ele and Mesmer?

Solo DPS

in PvP

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


I have a guardian and thief atm. The guardian I love playing when with friends as I enjoy a bunker spec, but I don’t enjoy it so much solo.

I don’t really like playing a cheesy backstab build so I run d/d & p/d bleed build but recently it seems every man and his dog has umpteen condition removals and as I only really reliably apply 1 condition it is a real pain.

With that in mind can anyone suggest a decent damage proffession/spec which has reasonable survivability (i.e. not full glass cannon spec) and is fun to play?


Point defence help

in Guardian

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


Thanks for that. Currently I run with 2 meditations and a shout for utilities (as I said very new so still running a “cookie cutter” build)

I’ll try switching out one of the meditations out for Wall of reflection when left on my own on a point.

I’ll also try and be more aggressive. I’m always worried about that as its very easy to get focused on a target and allow someone to slip behind you.

I do run with a shield. I always have mace/shield, but swap my second choice between hammer and sword/focus. I seem to prefer sword/focus but I keep reading hammer is better for point defence so I’m trying to learn how to use that more effectively

Point defence help

in Guardian

Posted by: Holyonion.6940


I’m new to a Guardian and so far really enjoying holding a point against multiple people, especially when playing with friends that can get to me and kill off attackers as I hit like a wet noodle. However I need help when it comes to 2+ ranged if I’m either playing solo or my friends are tied up elsewhere. If they are clever they will stand either side of the point and pelt me with ranged attacks, I can’t go after either one of them as the other will move in to neutralise the point and if I stand there I can only stay so long before I’m a dead man, especially if one of the two has a lot of AoE as I can’t really do much about moving out of the way, again as they will just take the point.

I am currently running 0/0/30/20/20 with Mace/Shield and either Hammer or Sword/Focus. Any advice would be much appreciated
