Showing Posts For HotFire.6931:

No health bars is losing me

in PvP

Posted by: HotFire.6931


I’m for it, for all intents and purposes I may as well not have a mouse. I’m right clicking and using it for camera and direction control. All I can see is, Guardian over there, ele over there. . .

Scepter 1 doesn't confuse target, nor clones attacks

in Mesmer

Posted by: HotFire.6931


I see. guess if it all jived it would be pretty rediculous, shame that scepter 1 doesnt do as much though. If only clones still summoned other clones. . . I remember that being pretty fun

Scepter 1 doesn't confuse target, nor clones attacks

in Mesmer

Posted by: HotFire.6931


Did I miss something? The tooltip still states that the third attack confuses the target. The clones attacks don’t either, and the clones attacks dont summon another clone like they used to either. Anybody else noticed this, or have we all given up on scepter?

Just bring dueling

in PvP

Posted by: HotFire.6931


Doooo it. And some servers with a max of 10 would be nice

Discuss our Oct 22nd changes

in Mesmer

Posted by: HotFire.6931


Mesmer’s phase retreat bothers me. Used to be such a great ability, but now your enemies can direct your movement. Not to mention predict it.

New Phase Retreat is a pain in the kitten. But whyy

in Mesmer

Posted by: HotFire.6931


Phase Retreat used to move your character directly backwards from the direction you were facing. Now, it moves you away from your opponent.

So if you’d like so summon a clone, your travel direction can only be away from an opponent. That rules out the strafing flashes that leave you at the same distance (so you can continue dps), or any more offensive uses to land surprise shatters on people to the sides.

I’m sure I’ll get better with it, but it’s really frusterating and seems unreliable. A tricky last second dodge roll from an opponent can leave you in a really dangerous position. Say that warrior you’re targeting rolls at some thief behind you, now you’re shooting into their back lines, except you’re facing the wrong way. Or staring at some wall, or behind a pillar.

In the end it just feels like I’m losing a large part of the skill’s functionality. Was the intention to nerf Phase Retreat?

Phase Retreat changed

in Mesmer

Posted by: HotFire.6931


I’m not too happy about it. No longer can I swing the screen and confuse anyone, it’s so predictable. Plus I cant land on people for shatters. I keep getting shoved into corners and losing camera angle. Staff’s my favorite weapon

Phase Retreat changed

in Mesmer

Posted by: HotFire.6931


something was wrong last night

(edited by HotFire.6931)

Duels would go a long way towards balancing the game.

in PvP

Posted by: HotFire.6931


Oh if only. Imagine fights goin down across the mists

Patch tonight? I quit to download it and the launcher can't connect

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: HotFire.6931


Says it’s having connection issues. At times it will download very slowly for a second or two, but the rest of my internet is fine. Anybody else having problems?

Guide: 7 Ways to to kill a Thief. (Warning: Long.)

in PvP

Posted by: HotFire.6931


Good points were made reguardless of vitality. ty

Downed State - A constructive assessment

in PvP

Posted by: HotFire.6931


I’d be more happy with it if they removed any knockbacks and disables from downed state, and decreased the health by like 75%, so you could actually stab someone to death in a reasonable time.

Downed State - A constructive assessment

in PvP

Posted by: HotFire.6931


I totally agree, downed state is frusterating for both the killer and the killed, and it isn’t even fun.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HotFire.6931


I can’t. But why? It’s the funnest way to practice pvp or kill time waiting for someone else. I love the pvp in this game so much, it’s just frusterating that there are only the two ways to access it.