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Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hrugner.1346


When finding a large group to do an event and doing one or two, I will sometimes end up in a new zone with nobody in it when we move on to another event. Is there some way to avoid this? I don’t mind ending up in a smaller group, but an empty map is a bit grating.

Everyone hates Scarlett?

in Living World

Posted by: Hrugner.1346


Scarlet as well as Traherne both stand out as pretty flat and awkward when set against the rest of the GW2 world. I wouldn’t blink if either of them showed up in a Blizzard title. She isn’t bad, she just happens to be the ugly girlfriend of GW2.

There is the possibility that I just can’t take the vegetable people seriously though.

Male Phalanx armor skin available for females

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hrugner.1346


I was looking at the phalanx armor on a male character and decided it looked pretty cool and would work out well for my female norn guardian. I switched over to that character and previewed the armor and discovered that the two armor types are extremely different. The female variant looks more like a medium armor type than a heavy.

I get that the ladies are always going to end up showing extra skin, but a female variant of this armor type would be pretty cool.

Does anyone actually like the living story?

in Living World

Posted by: Hrugner.1346


I like it, it’s one of the things that makes this mmo different from others. I look forward to living world patches and am annoyed when I don’t have time to fully enjoy them.

Not all of them are great, but I prefer them to the flat drag of other mmos. I do wonder what “more important content” means to the op though.

One Toolkit to rule them all

in Engineer

Posted by: Hrugner.1346


I’d load all the turrets onto a toolkit I think

Grenades not exploding on walls in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Hrugner.1346


I’ve posted this as a bug report, but I’m not even sure if it happens to everyone or just me.

Is there a low server pop solution ?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Hrugner.1346


Well, let me know what time you guys do these things and I’ll be there acting proper.

Also, it turns out I just play at weird hours compared to the rest of my server, while at the university or taking my daughter to school they’re all up killing things. Totally my fault.

Is there a low server pop solution ?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Hrugner.1346


I’ve visited the event a few times today and I’ve seen maybe eight people at each. Is it just time to leave Fissure of Woe?

According to most people here there are no low pop servers. It’s cute, but the implication that people have stopped playing is good way to find yourself brutally attacked.

Oh, the server has always been light on players, so anyone upset or excited by player losses shouldn’t find much to talk about.

Is there a low server pop solution ?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Hrugner.1346


I’ve visited the event a few times today and I’ve seen maybe eight people at each. Is it just time to leave Fissure of Woe?

The first annual Hobo-sack protest rally!

in Engineer

Posted by: Hrugner.1346


I still have my special starter kit hobo sack for special occasions like this.

What do you mean you won’t be able to see it if I have a kit active! This is an outrage why we should… ooooooohhh I see yes, I agree completely.

Grenades not exploding on walls in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hrugner.1346


Grenades from the engineer grenade kit, seem to no longer explode when they hit walls in WvW. This prevents splash damage from hitting targets on top of the wall even when the target could normally be hit with a line of site attack.

I hope this is an unintended change.

Revamping Tequatl? Why?

in Living World

Posted by: Hrugner.1346


I understand changing the only soloable dragon, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen 80 players fighting him. Maybe I really do need to transfer off of poor Fissure of Woe.

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: Hrugner.1346


That quaggan backpack would be a lot cuter if it were holding a grenade.

Asura ear bug?

in Asura

Posted by: Hrugner.1346


Personally, I was more annoyed that the long floppy ears don’t move about in most talking head cut scenes. They just stick straight out! I choose the longest and the floppiest, not some awkwardly turgid mass!

Fixes for damaging conditions (PVE)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hrugner.1346


I’d prefer if they just added a few abilities that ate condition stacks for bonus damage when they cap either stacks or duration. That would be a smaller change, though I’m probably not thinking through the pvp result of that too clearly; but you can just take it off the menu there.

-turn over flow bleed into ground effect area
-turn OFB into allied but not owned pet (blood golem, sharks, leeches)
-OFB procs random debuff (there’s blood in my eyes! all this blood sure is slippery!)
-OFB procs aoe buff (delcious)
All sorts of options

WvW is not PvE

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hrugner.1346


You can usually kill Dolyaks and capture way points without encountering players, hell getting underwater kills is easiest in wvw as well since they’re all clumped up and you can port in to wvw from anywhere. I also felt that somedays there weren’t enough daily things for a solo playing pve player, but I also didn’t expect a game to appeal to my very narrow play style.

I avoided wvw for a long time not wanting to pvp, but it ended up being easy to avoid once I got there and fun when I finally started to hunt for it.

My wvw impression is based off of Fissure of Woe, a low ranked wvw realm, so it could just be where you’re playing.

We don't like Trahearne *Spoiler Warning* [merged]

in Personal Story

Posted by: Hrugner.1346


It would probably help if we had some idea of how someone who is 25 years old is a respected scholar. That’s a good age for a promising student, but to be the most capable scholar in a field at that age requires some sort of explanation.

It would also help if, when speaking with the three huge guilds about Trahearne’s qualifications for leadership, you could just agree with them. “You’re right, one battle doesn’t win a war. Do you have anyone who’s won some wars, maybe someone with dragon and undead experience? Yes? Oh, well let’s go talk to them.”

I take it by the length of this thread that there isn’t a combination of story events that gets him killed, and I should stop looking.