Showing Highly Rated Posts By Hybarf Tics.2048:

At this rate...a big let down.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hybarf Tics.2048

Hybarf Tics.2048

Yes with the new LS 2 things are better but with Anet’s big silence treatment with no expansion pack in sight and still unwilling to give us the time of day, I’m now down to dailies and monthlies and 1 day of LS per 2 weeks. At this rate even the added content will take a full 4 months to give us 1 map, proof look at Dry Top after 1 month of content it’s 25% the size of Brisband Wildland.

It takes 2 months for 1 map to be created and ready based on 5 years of production for 25 zones and 5 cities which is what GW 2 started with and don’t forget Anet had 170 employees when it started the game by the time they finished it they were about 330 and now 370.

The company is getting bigger yearly and still producing at a freak’in turtle pace. I started on day one of GW 1. Anet’s the company that gave me faith in MMO’s and also the one who’s making me loose faith in MMO’s.

So I guess It’s dailies until the 29th and then I’ll see you back in Dry Top for a full day of excitement in 12% of added zone content. Anet you’re becoming a big let down.

ANet's silence is why so many people leave.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hybarf Tics.2048

Hybarf Tics.2048

I’m not leaving but these days I have a hard time staying online more than half an hour.
My main grief as I call it is ANet’s law of silence. I remember the days before launch when ANet needed a player base, there was a multitude of articles, blogs, pictures and videos. Now that we are here playing and supporting the store we are simply treated like customers and therefore we are on a no need to know basis. Since we don’t need to know ANet won’t give us an inch.

ANet, as players we don’t need full disclosure or precise dates but an approximation would do, a few pictures or a video would do. The competition already knows we have 6 dragons in our lore it’s not a state secret. Now we know the second dragon is coming and it’s Mordremoth. What we don’t know however is when, is it August, Spring 2015.
We don’t need 30 new zones but we are overdue for a good 3 to 5. 19 months of silence is enough, to know what’s coming in 2 weeks isn’t even scratching the surface.
A dev presence is needed in this thread, if Collins or Dociu don’t show it will truly show that Anet doesn’t give a Skritt anymore or a rat’s butt if you will.