Showing Posts For I Covered Wars.4380:

PvE is fun and great,PvP is stupid

in PvP

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

Um… Every class in this game has access to stealth already.

POLL: Which Class IS the most broken?

in PvP

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

I don’t see Asura on here.

The positive thread

in PvP

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

68. Immobilize being stackable was one of the best ideas for spvp in this game. Now I don’t have to worry about coordinating with my team and can now just use all my immobile skills all at once.

Twelve Kay

in Guardian

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

Get gud Casul L2 PVT NUB

Zodiac Armors Feeback

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

I like the styles of the armors (especially the heavy which gives it a barbarian style to it in a way) however like a lot of others have said, the blue skin really puts me off from buying it. If there was a way to make this armor but change it to show actually skin replacing the blue skin and making it look a bit more humanoid I would buy all three sets in a heartbeat.

Tired of eles complaining

in PvP

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

Eles need and deserve the buffs. However there needs to be moderation in what Anet wil increase, because eles really have the tools and flexibility to go beyond control.

I concur. I’d rather they tone down what’s obviously OP right now than going for the power creep route which is what they’re taking since the Dhuumfire patch for almost all classes except for ele/thieves.

Guardians haven’t been getting anything useful at all.

The End

in Match-ups

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

This change is so sad. A lot of the stuff on here was gold and there were some decent discussions every once in a while.
Oh well if anyone is sad about this just watched the first minute of this video and I hope it makes you feel better.

Remove ability to res finished players.

in WvW

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

No one wants to spend extra time running across the map, when a friendly can just re spawn them.

Sucks for the small man groups who are wiped out by a zerg then huh. Seriously if you are good enough at playing then don’t die. It shouldn’t be hard when your with 40 other friendlies. Then you wouldn’t have to worry about re-spawning. Removing the ability to res finished player would be a small wonderful change to this game and would add a whole new layer strategy to the game (which this game mode needs more of) while nerfing the zerg a bit (zerg’s are what anet want to nerf anyways right?).

20g to any guardian that can down me in wvw

in Guardian

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

This week, bunker guard vs bunker guard. Next week, canceled due to unfinished guardian duel after 7 straight days.

Bunker Guard is op. Please nerf.

SorrowFul nace/Eredon Testament/OKai-neng

in Match-ups

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

Shout out to the SF Power Engi with the Legendary Rifle in Kain BL (I think idk i’m tired.). You were actually good and sorry for dancing on ya. You did it to my friend first.

Sylvari Tier 3 Light Chest RUINED

in Fractured

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

Welcome to the “Arena net destroyed our cultural armor” club. I wonder who will be next. Charr, norn or maybe asura?

Most of Charr’s cultural is not very good on on Charr already so if they destroyed that then no one would care.

SorrowFul nace/Eredon Testament/OKai-neng

in Match-ups

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

[BS] guild is trash. I challenge any one of them to a 1v1 and let’s see who is /laughing after that. As far as I can see, the only thing this guild is good at is ganking up levels and spawn-camping in OS. It is a pathetic guild full of terrible players.

Your tears are delicious.

So how does the dirt taste after being buried by us? You must’ve loved the taste, you kept coming back for more.

Please keep sending me more of these kinds of post. This is good stuff.

SorrowFul nace/Eredon Testament/OKai-neng

in Match-ups

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

BS is so bad at pvdoor and ppt. We don’t know how to cap a tower.

Jesus Christ that HUB size, is it to help with your clicking?

Actually it does sadly.

SorrowFul nace/Eredon Testament/OKai-neng

in Match-ups

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

BS is so bad at pvdoor and ppt. We don’t know how to cap a tower.


SorrowFul nace/Eredon Testament/OKai-neng

in Match-ups

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

Man I cant believe you guys are happy at our servers misfortune, we are coming apart the seams man THE SEAMS

Sorry about your server clint. Here watch the first minute of this video.

I hope it makes your day and makes you feel better.

20g to any guardian that can down me in wvw

in Guardian

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

Joe what the hell are you doing? If you wanted me to cheese ya on my guard you should of just asked.

Gate of Sadness/Eredon Basement/Anvil Paper

in Match-ups

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

I have a video of ASH wiping.

hehehe I’m sorry.

Gate of Sadness/Eredon Basement/Anvil Paper

in Match-ups

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

LOL this guy from ASH gonna talk now. Thats why your guild declined a gvg and i have multiple videos of you wiping

They turn down your offer because one MAJOR reason, no loot bags in PvP. AKA “Cupcakes” as ASH calls them. They go where the potental for loot bags are highest. Orange swords, large group attacking a keep, anywhere large zergs gather will always trump a GvG challenge.

Therefore, your challenge rings hollow.

Because the reason we play WvW is for the loot. Also I would actually be surprised if ASH did accept a GvG because so far the ones I fought while roaming were actually kinda bad.

FerguiliCious/ExtraTerrestrial/Manvil Stone

in Match-ups

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

Why are people so obsessed with winning a WvW match up?
I am baffled by this.

FerguiliCious/ExtraTerrestrial/Manvil Stone

in Match-ups

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

I’m a roamer

Sf has non of those! Why you lie! You can’t lie on internet!

SF have roamers… They roam in small packs of 20+ and usually have a bunch of [CoSA] with they.

I may be new to bronze League but I found this after reading this post and thought it was perfect

“When SF strays from the zerg”

Thank you for making my day.

What class is viable for solo and zerging

in WvW

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

Warrior, the manliest class.

If it’s so manly then why do I see a lot of Warriors run from me when I roam? :P


in Match-ups

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

Yo mama is so fat, that when enter the world of Guild Wars 2 for the first time she instantly got 100% world completion.


in Match-ups

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

haha no. When I see [bs] I decide to engage or not based on situation. Ive had some bad encounters in the past and ive learned how to deal with guilds like [bs] and [xoxo]. Why not always engage? Its simple, you don’t play for ppt and I do. I don’t have to fight you and I still win. Don’t fight your enemies where they are hardest for minimal/no gain, fight them where they are softest for maximum gain.

I respect the lvl of skill some of your members have for sure, but I don’t really respect your playstyle. I could explain this further if you care but whatever.

Please do

ok, I guess thinking about it I would use a real world comparison.

We got soldiers who fight for objectives and die for them.

We got murderers who kill when its easy and hide when they are being hunted. They have no objective other then to kill for whatever reasons go through their own minds.

you don’t spike players because its of benefit to your server, you spike them cause it makes you feel warm and gooey on the inside.

I spike players defending and capturing objectives trying to help server win.

Does that invalidate your playstyle in wvw? No. My opinion is that its tasteless is all. To that end I choose when to engage [bs] and when to move on to other objectives that are of more benefit. Its unfortunate when I tell someone don’t chase your members that they do so anyhow and get lured into a disadvantage and spiked merely because someone needed an ego boost.

I guess this may seem weird since its just a game but its how I perceive it.

Interesting opinion.
I’m curious could you explain to me the fun of capturing objectives and ppt? What is it that you do when playing WvW exactly? (you may not do this but I am assuming you follow a zerg with a commander or something like that but I am probably wrong.)

Like besides having your server win due to a point system what is fun about capturing and holding these objectives with siege. I’m being serious and not mean at all, I want to be in your mindset for a minute to see what makes you tick, because I don’t see what is fun about pvdoor or avoiding PvP in a PvP type game mode.


in Match-ups

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

haha no. When I see [bs] I decide to engage or not based on situation. Ive had some bad encounters in the past and ive learned how to deal with guilds like [bs] and [xoxo]. Why not always engage? Its simple, you don’t play for ppt and I do. I don’t have to fight you and I still win. Don’t fight your enemies where they are hardest for minimal/no gain, fight them where they are softest for maximum gain.

I respect the lvl of skill some of your members have for sure, but I don’t really respect your playstyle. I could explain this further if you care but whatever.

Please do

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

Thank you for responding Chris.

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

Whahahahaha! Where’s you proof that IoJ is bad? Hmmmmm you in tier 10 right? Whahahahahahahah!

Who laughs like this? Honestly, do you have some sort of mental disorder, or do you actually sound like this when you laugh?

I think he is this guy

8/02/13 ET/HoD/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

Ninja HoD bay with 2 guys and a lvl 24 pug. After we captured it some wierd stuff happened at the south door


7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

My favorite part about all this thread isn’t the VS/BS arguments, I actually enjoy reading all the responses, none of it bothers any of my members, and i’m 99% positive nothing we say bothers BS members and in the end we’ll both continue WvWing however we please

The best part is how everyone cries “Oh this thread has drama wah!” What do you kids do, come here to flirt with each other and try to make an e-friend through the forums? Do you know how much more boring this thread would be right now if we never started. Who goes to a movie to watch people sit there and say “I love you!” the whole time. If you do, i’d hate to see what kind of life you live. Stop whining about the drama, it’s the internet, this is a PvP thread. There will be drama, right or wrong it will be there.

It’s not even real drama, I don’t see why some people act like it hurts them to read it rofl. It’s the internet, who cares. If there is E-drama, well too kitten bad. It’s funny to read and that’s all.

Now, everyone please keep bickering and making funny replies so I have something entertaining to read when I wake up.


7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

I hope you had fun killing about 10 of us two times tonight.

Actually we killed you guys three times. First time near Redvale, Second time on middle island, and third time just east of Bay.

You enjoy those 5 ish loot bags you get from 20 kills. I’ll enjoy getting my 100+ a night actually doing something progressive on my server.

Um ok … if that’s something you want to brag about then more power to ya I guess.

Again, if killing a group of us all running the type of builds we have makes you feel good, then you’re a pretty bad player.

Pretty bad in what term? Sportsmanship or how we fought?
This doesn’t make any sense.
If your using the type of builds excuse then why didn’t you guys run away from us?

God forbid what you’ll do if your number two key ever breaks in the middle of a fight. All that smashing on it, and it’ll be gone before you know it.

This… What is this I don’t even…

Nice try at trying to break apart my post and defend your butt buddies, 4/10 for that performance.

Any more of your players you want to send on here my way? It’s already been about four of you. Keep it up, maybe soon one of you will reply something clever.

Is this something clever?

To be honest though the fights we had against you guys were fun last night, keep them coming.

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

I hope you had fun killing about 10 of us two times tonight.

Actually we killed you guys three times. First time near Redvale, Second time on middle island, and third time just east of Bay.

You enjoy those 5 ish loot bags you get from 20 kills. I’ll enjoy getting my 100+ a night actually doing something progressive on my server.

Um ok … if that’s something you want to brag about then more power to ya I guess.

Again, if killing a group of us all running the type of builds we have makes you feel good, then you’re a pretty bad player.

Pretty bad in what term? Sportsmanship or how we fought?
This doesn’t make any sense.
If your using the type of builds excuse then why didn’t you guys run away from us?

God forbid what you’ll do if your number two key ever breaks in the middle of a fight. All that smashing on it, and it’ll be gone before you know it.

This… What is this I don’t even…

Charr Armor

in Charr

Posted by: I Covered Wars.4380

I Covered Wars.4380

I agree with this post on more revealing armor for Charr to show off their fur. My character is a Guardian so their are a few sets that are revealing however, I am disappointed with the lack of options of revealing armor in general (especially medium armors). Since I play a Charr I found the most revealing armor set I could find and I’m loving it.

They shouldn’t just make revealing armor for Charr but also more armor that fits Charr in general (Cultural armor is good so far). Most of the armors in the game are stretched from Humans and look terrible on Charr. Hopefully when they fix the bugs and more important things in the game, they will focus on giving more pleasing skins for Charr to wear.

Here’s my Charr so far (It’s the pit-fighter set with T2 Helm.)
