Showing Posts For Ichihaifu.7941:


in Suggestions

Posted by: Ichihaifu.7941


For the longest time this has been one of my big issues with MMO’s and probably one of the biggest ones in terms of Roleplaying experience.

You cant sit down on chairs.

Could we perharps see the day when we can sit down on pub for a drink or simply enjoy the vistas from a nearby garden bench? I want to live that day.

Idea for meta event change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ichihaifu.7941


After seeing the new events I can say that tequatl is a step to the right direction without a doubt, but the event still lacks impact in environment.

There is next to no negative consequences to failing to defeat him, he places mines to the beach? Well thats okay to a degree (but still boring) since the boss itself is so hard that most servers cant even defeat him. But his easier brothers still lack any impact and I hope that atleast one of the dragon lieutenants would follow the modniir ulgoth -pattern where zone becomes contested instead of just turning small area around the fight zone hostile and no signs of the dragon itself.

That also boggles my mind about tequatl: he destroys the cannon and just flies back to water just to come back and see the same cannon again. Atleast make it so that he will stay in his beach or fly around the zone until pre-events have been complete and make the pre-event chain occur where the cannon grounds are secured and cannon rebuilt before re-attempting the dragon battle. Make the events easy enough that they arent overly hard to finish since the main difficulty is in the dragon fight itself.

ps. friendly bump.

Recurring Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ichihaifu.7941


Also, for the record, the sound card hasn’t got much to do with how sounds are cached and processed. Actually, that’s what the system memory and processor are for! The sound card merely facilitates playback to your listening device (speakers/headphones), and what receives input from a non-USB microphone if you’re using voice chat.

So… if i understand that correctly: Even if i use a X-Fi Chip with XRAM (Auzentech X-Fi Forte 7.1 for example) that processing power is (in case of audio playback) only used for some sort of audio post-processing?

Correct. Back when CPU’s were power limited audio cards were a big thing because they enhanced the sound more than CPU could because it had other priorities. Todays Processing units are so strong that a separate audio card is no longer needed, raw sound data from CPU is so good that doing post processing on it has next to no effect.

Give all Infinite Tools noises! ("dialogue")

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ichihaifu.7941


How about no? I absolutely hate the fact that every single bloody time I salvage something I hear the rusty annoying noise.

No. If anything remove the copper-matic-thingy sound effect please.

Idea for meta event change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ichihaifu.7941


Regarding the dragon fights themselves, they should have a certain method of instantly wiping the zerg, but with plenty of time to prepare for it and safe grounds prepared.
Take Tequatl as an example: the wave shown in trailer, that would be a good and sensible method to wipe out the zerg if the people are simply afk attacking the boss for loot, this way people would have to remain by their PC and actively participate in the fight.

Most bosses already have such methods but the safe zones are simply too close to the boss, have the safe zone farther from the boss and make the hard hitters happen less often or even better turn the hard hitters in to steady damage like Claw of Jormag phase 2 but instead of stacking in damage have it affect everyone for lower damage no matter where they stand in the event area, this would promote support builds for characters.

There are multiple ways for the epic dragon battles to be more engaging and feel more epic, but only few of those methods are utilized and as a result the dragons dont feel powerful or epic at all.

Ps. this post also serves as a bump

Idea for meta event change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ichihaifu.7941


Also let me add that obviously certain meta events can not function like this for varying reasons: Boss not being able to fly for instance. And not every meta event needs to work in this fashion either, smaller events are fine as they are (Fire elemental for instance is pretty fine as is).

There can be workarounds to make the smaller meta events more interesting but my solution is mainly aimed at dragon bosses (and maybe shadow behemoth on smaller scale), they are simply so underwhelming.

Additionally there is already one meta event in the game that functions similarly to said change: Modniir Ulgoth. This event is one of my absolutely favourite events in all game because it actually has some impact on the zone.

Idea for meta event change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ichihaifu.7941


This idea popped to my mind while reading gw2 reddit and I noticed this thread

Anyway to the point: I think one of the major lackluster things that GW2 suffers from is how the Meta events function, they are simply farm fests in hopes of lucking out and getting a precursor.
What meta events were originally prescribed was something like this: “Meta events are dynamic events on big scale that potentially affect whole zone”. Well currently the only effect on the zone is increased lag really.

The change I came up with potentially solves 2 big problems in the game: Lack of feel to meta events and lack of things to do after level 80. In other words this could even bring people who were looking for endgame content (back) to the game.

Make meta events punishing: If people do not participate in the said event, every waypoint in area locks down and/or area becomes increasingly hostile. Remove Champion lootbags from the area until the meta event has been cleared to prevent people abusing increased champion and veteran spawns. At the end of the event give out a reward similar to current Scarlet Invasions, nothing inbetween to keep peoples sights at the end of the event instead of constantly spawning champions.
Since atleast one of the areas where meta event happens will cover area that has a reputation of being hotspot for farming champion lootbags, it would provide a reason for them to take part in these events too over simply continuing their farm.

As for how often it should happen, I personally think only once or twice a week for a single event would be golden. This way its not too often and even if people miss one they still have chance to take part on the other, also they wouldnt happen too rarely this way if every event would semi-rotate (ideally there would be 2 meta events over the course of a day).

As for how the events should execute with this change, lets take shatterer as an example: Shatterer flies over area few times over 20 minutes and each time crystallizes a waypoint. After the 20 minutes has passed the crystallizations spawn minions that need to be defeated in order to open up the waypoint, and all waypoints need to be opened up before shatterer lands to be defeated. Every 3-5 minutes after the 20 minute mark shatterer crystallizes a new waypoint as long as atleast one waypoint still remains crystallized. Every waypoint counts as a group event designed to be taken down with 5 or so people.
To complete the entire meta event quickly it would require only roughly 30 or so people co-operating.
Once shatterer lands he will no longer crystallize waypoints.

The event would take roughly 40 minutes to complete if the every waypoint in the area is crystallized, and about 20 minutes if people start preparing the moment first waypoint is blocked. This way it the events would execute comfortably and would provide the “endgame content” for people who are looking for any.


TL;DR: Change meta events to actually affect whole area, block waypoints until cleared and disable champion lootbags for the duration to add incentive to do the event.

(edited by Ichihaifu.7941)

Hanto trading post Asura Lab?

in Living World

Posted by: Ichihaifu.7941


There did the Asura gate that was being built on that location disappear?
Asuras just decide to scrap the gate and instead build a lab there, why on earth? What better place to build a gate than to a place where you can trade with tengu that have closed all connections from outside world to their home lands.

Mending Armor "set?"

in Personal Story

Posted by: Ichihaifu.7941


Ah okay so the matching parts come later with different name, thats kinda funny.

Mending Armor "set?"

in Personal Story

Posted by: Ichihaifu.7941


So, I managed to get myself 5 pieces of Mending armor from my guardian’s personal story. Take note of how 5 pieces isnt a full set.

Now the question lies where along the road did I not obtain the pants or are they simply not in the game?

Who am I supporting when I buy gems?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ichihaifu.7941


Publishers as far as my knowledge goes, are NOT the innovators. They are the backers for innovation at best, just there to reap the rewards afterwards.
I will probably stop spending money on gemstore and just get my stuff with gold instead, because nothing NCsoft has put out is of any value to me and thus does not deserve my support. It would make so much more sense from consumers standpoint to direct the flow of money from product to the creator of that product, so that it A: makes the product better and B: Supports good future products from the creator.

Who am I supporting when I buy gems?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ichihaifu.7941


I’ve recently heard lots of fuss about the money from gem purchases not going in to Arenanets pockets but instead floating to other games that are under NCsoft publishing, such as the development of WildStar.

I love GW2 so much and I’ve believed that every penny I’ve spent on Gems has been for the game I love, but the thought of supporting games I hate ankitten ot intending to play infuriates me endlessly.

So, do I support Anet with my purchases or not?
(Note, if this thread gets deleted I will take that as direct answer from the community managers telling me I should stop making purchases)

Because people love pandas and quaggans! :)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ichihaifu.7941


… + derpy charrs and dolls
Couple of guildies gathered by Lions Arch bank and I decided to take this screenie. Now there is a big crowd sitting next to us or dancing around us just hanging out.


(edited by Ichihaifu.7941)

[Poll] Should the SAB stay permanently?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Ichihaifu.7941


Game Over

I’d rather have it as once a year event, that way it will be something to look forward to. If it stays people will grow bored of it, I can say that most people will have reached this point by the end of the month already.

(edited by Ichihaifu.7941)

Subforum for World?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ichihaifu.7941


Seeing we’re missing a subforum for World itself, where else could we discuss or theorize the different small or big things we find in the world?

Add World forum please.

Renown rewards and progress

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ichihaifu.7941


While I can understand getting the rewards mailed to you, I find this way rather annoying after the first time. It was a bit interesting to read the rewards every now and then when I first did them, I can honestly tell you that NO-ONE reads those letters anymore. Even my friend who just started his first character leveling and is generally open minded towards new things in games, and even most part finds the game better than other games he has, agrees to this.

Another thing that should be addressed: If you are in group with someone, doing renown hearts together is a major pain.
Kills and turn-ins should count towards the progress goal of everyone in the party.

Doing a turn-in based renown is something I’d never want to do with a party, because when your friend picks up an item, you can no longer pick up the same item and give it to the npc.
Killing or razing(as in raze-the-building) is also a bother because you have to kill the same mobs and buildings if you both want to be rewarded for it, otherwise the other will miss on the progress.
> Everyone is in a same big party-mindset is backfiring here, when you’d actually want to be in a party with someone in particular – there is no point. You might as well not be in party at all and just whisper chat with the other person.

TL;DR: Party goals and progress should be shared in party and you should be able to choose if you want to have your Renown rewards put in your bag directly.

(edited by Ichihaifu.7941)

Random FPs drops

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ichihaifu.7941


You should probably lower your graphical settings to best performance and see if it helps, then turn up the graphical options up one by one and see which has the biggest hit on the game performance. Then leave leave the setting(s) that have the most impact to reduced levels.

Player since first beta, still no guild :(

in Guilds

Posted by: Ichihaifu.7941


Thanks everyone, I mailed an application away. I much appreciate your time.

EDIT: I’ve found a guild, thanks for the interest guys and sorry to let the others down.

(edited by Ichihaifu.7941)

Player since first beta, still no guild :(

in Guilds

Posted by: Ichihaifu.7941


Thanks for the replies, I’l contact you people (or guild) somehow tomorrow when I get back to vacation and hopefully I’l find myself a new home

Player since first beta, still no guild :(

in Guilds

Posted by: Ichihaifu.7941


Server: Tarnished coast
I’m looking for a bigger sized guild since I’m the sort of player that could be compared to “a furniture in a room”, however I play well. (aka I’m not super exciting person, but I will be there when needed)
I still have 2 weeks of military service left so I’m not in all that much during these weeks but I’l be on more often after that.

So if there are guilds willing to have me in I’d be very much enjoyed as I like this game very much but the lack of activities with other people is a bit boring.
I play mainly elementalist and take my time to reach the top level and will keep on playing with her even after that as I’m not really alt-o-holic especially since theres so much customization to do :)

Also I’m an EU player and I’m mainly playing on this server since one of my friends plays here, but hes not on all that much anymore so I can transfer away if there is need for it.