Showing Posts For Idea Of Evil.1845:

Help Insta Backstab thief

in Thief

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

i need to pass the enemy from inside to land it fast?

Help Insta Backstab thief

in Thief

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

guys what i am asking is not how to backstab someone….i am asking if there is a way witch after i do the 5+2+steal combo and land heartseeker to land backstab in less than a second

Help Insta Backstab thief

in Thief

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

but with that i dont land the heartseeker right?

Help Insta Backstab thief

in Thief

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

ohh so you also press 1

Help Insta Backstab thief

in Thief

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

Hello guys i am a bit noob to thief and cant manage to do insta backstab after the 5+2+steal combo i play with some other thiefs and the moment they land they have backstabed me already for me it takes atleast 2seconds to backstab them and in most of cases they see it coming and dodge any advice is welcomed.thanks

Thoughts about the current Thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

i play still Dagger Pistol,but not with critical stikes and no executioners,double steal seems op you can vs guards more easy

Thief needs more health

in Thief

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

Yh kitten payback time xDD

Use skill scrolls on new characters now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

the patch is night 22 to 23 or night 23 to 24???

Hardest rotation and the hardest to survive

in PvP

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

i believe that the hardest rotation to 1vs1 has to be engi and the most glass class is mesmer what you guys think?

Help Beat Guard DPS MEDI

in PvP

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

game is not balanced around 1v1

That was what i thought too

Help Beat Guard DPS MEDI

in PvP

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

OP, medi guards are hardcounter to thieves. I would avoid fighting them and go help teammates somewhere else unless you are forced to fight them (see 4 medi guards on enemy team, yes it happend to me multiple times; eff you marvin for trying to counter and camping mah alt thief, I SAW THROUGH YOUR SCHEME).

If you really have to fight them, try to kite them at begin of the fight as most medi guards usually spam their CDs trying to nuke you. If you avoided that and have still decent amount of HP left you have good chance of killing them. Best way to learn it is probably play medi guard yourself to see how they work though.

Note: this applies only to noob/average medi guards. If medi guard is one of the top players you won’t be able to beat them unless you outnumber them.

The point is i dnt care about tpvp so much i care most about 1vs1

Help Beat Guard DPS MEDI

in PvP

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

okay no one in this thread is really completely right. I play guardian probably most competitively out of the people I saw posting here (unless theres some EU dude i didnt recognize).

One of the best ways to win is to save skull crack until your steal is back up, use it, force a stunbreak, then f1+f1 to steal skullcrack AGAIN right after his stunbreak. This is honestly one of the best ways to beat a guardian if youre doing consistent damage over the duel. Its one of the strategies some of the best dueling thieves like Caed uses. Furthermore using steals out of stealth is helpful, since they’re very unlikely to just rng dodge or block it if you learn the timing from practice. If youre going against very skilled opponents, dont use steal off cd cuz they might be counting it.
Save shadow step for rings or immobs that you didnt see coming. Use panic strike + daze to your advantage cuz if they’re low on cd’s it might mean a straight up 3s STUN which is instantly death with little cds. Use cd’s to extend the fight as long as possible.. typically the longer the duel the more likely you’ll win IF youre doing consistent damage. You can also try to predict shelters (I honestly shelter unconsciously when you refuge) by basi+ sb4 since its unblockable. So a refuge> basi cast> sb swap> sb4 as fast as possible will get a lot of guardians.
And theres a little luck in improv lol. I usually lose a duel to thieves who get their improv proc’d on the first 2 steals (happykid lol)

There’s only one mes on NA i lose to (sorry night its not you) and that’s zeromis. He runs greatsword sword/focus with DOUBLE ENERGY. Don’t be thinking you have to run air/fire because its high dps, the double energy IS more dps cuz of shatters as well as more survivability. Save blurred frenzy defensively. Use diversion to prevent invulns/shelters to land a good mindwrack+mirror blade. Use ileap for a GS swap to land your burst because a ileap+BF is far too predictable. Blink is typically used for when youre caught in a ring or immob you cant invuln, and should be saved for such; don’t waste it. You have so many utilities to dodge hammer burst and outdamage scepter burst that if you play perfectly throughout the fight and dont eat a stupid mighty blow because you forgot to dodge, you’ll win most of the time in perfect play vs perfect play. Just try to use these tips as much as possible. You can also whisper zeromis and see what he thinks though i dont know how much he wants to be bothered.

Thanks for the advices m8 i run the same mesmer build as ur friend i will try to practice on the things u told me

Help Beat Guard DPS MEDI

in PvP

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

OP, medi guards are hardcounter to thieves. I would avoid fighting them and go help teammates somewhere else unless you are forced to fight them (see 4 medi guards on enemy team, yes it happend to me multiple times; eff you marvin for trying to counter and camping mah alt thief, I SAW THROUGH YOUR SCHEME).

If you really have to fight them, try to kite them at begin of the fight as most medi guards usually spam their CDs trying to nuke you. If you avoided that and have still decent amount of HP left you have good chance of killing them. Best way to learn it is probably play medi guard yourself to see how they work though.

Note: this applies only to noob/average medi guards. If medi guard is one of the top players you won’t be able to beat them unless you outnumber them.

The point is i dnt care about tpvp so much i care most about 1vs1

Help Beat Guard DPS MEDI

in PvP

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

OP, medi guards are hardcounter to thieves. I would avoid fighting them and go help teammates somewhere else unless you are forced to fight them (see 4 medi guards on enemy team, yes it happend to me multiple times; eff you marvin for trying to counter and camping mah alt thief, I SAW THROUGH YOUR SCHEME).

If you really have to fight them, try to kite them at begin of the fight as most medi guards usually spam their CDs trying to nuke you. If you avoided that and have still decent amount of HP left you have good chance of killing them. Best way to learn it is probably play medi guard yourself to see how they work though.

Note: this applies only to noob/average medi guards. If medi guard is one of the top players you won’t be able to beat them unless you outnumber them.

The point is i dnt care about tpvp i care most about 1vs1

Help Beat Guard DPS MEDI

in PvP

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

OP, medi guards are hardcounter to thieves. I would avoid fighting them and go help teammates somewhere else unless you are forced to fight them (see 4 medi guards on enemy team, yes it happend to me multiple times; eff you marvin for trying to counter and camping mah alt thief, I SAW THROUGH YOUR SCHEME).

If you really have to fight them, try to kite them at begin of the fight as most medi guards usually spam their CDs trying to nuke you. If you avoided that and have still decent amount of HP left you have good chance of killing them. Best way to learn it is probably play medi guard yourself to see how they work though.

Note: this applies only to noob/average medi guards. If medi guard is one of the top players you won’t be able to beat them unless you outnumber them.

The point is i dnt care about tpvp i care most about 1vs1

Help Beat Guard DPS MEDI

in PvP

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

OP, medi guards are hardcounter to thieves. I would avoid fighting them and go help teammates somewhere else unless you are forced to fight them (see 4 medi guards on enemy team, yes it happend to me multiple times; eff you marvin for trying to counter and camping mah alt thief, I SAW THROUGH YOUR SCHEME).

If you really have to fight them, try to kite them at begin of the fight as most medi guards usually spam their CDs trying to nuke you. If you avoided that and have still decent amount of HP left you have good chance of killing them. Best way to learn it is probably play medi guard yourself to see how they work though.

Note: this applies only to noob/average medi guards. If medi guard is one of the top players you won’t be able to beat them unless you outnumber them.

The point is i dnt care about tpvp i care most about 1vs1

Help Beat Guard DPS MEDI

in PvP

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

I liked that you changed your topic to help instead of nerf. So Ill give some infos about how to beat guardians like me.

- Kite me strong with short bow (poison all time) until you see the right time of jump with dagger on me.
- Don’t use the venom without stealth its so easy to blind/block it.
- If you go inv and will prepare a burst and I’m with focus scepter. You should know what skills i have in cooldown like focus 5 and how its going my endurance.

I can kill 90% of the thieves that i face, I’m natural counter, but sometimes i got someone real good that can outplay me. You have only 5 months of game, need to learn a bit much. Don’t use forums to call nerf without great experience.

yh maybe nerf was a bit rush but was because i had anger i was playing 1vs1 with a very good guard and i tryed every build i had condi and power and he still could beat me i won some too but like 2out of 7 and he even killed me with dd ele

(edited by Idea Of Evil.1845)

Help Beat Guard DPS MEDI

in PvP

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

Thieves and Mesmers as power relies on spike damage.
Guardians counter spike dmg with blocks and aegis.

DPS Guardian is strong but predictable. Its a very simple kit and rotation.
The moment you realize you cant apply basilisk Venom on a Guardian with your first hit, you will see a bright light of knowledge strike you and voila, you are good to go.

On mesmer: Dont stealth, sword 3, swap, GS 2->BLINK->Shatter->3->4->Dodge->Shatter… Obviously they just pop a shield and survive and kill you instantly because you suicided by wasting all your skills when the Guard still got his active defences up.

i dont just talk for power builds i tryed all condi builds and still they can kill me

Help Beat Guard DPS MEDI

in PvP

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

Couple of things:

  • I can barely understand what you mean due to the lack of proper written sentences – this makes it frustrating for debate since I have no clue what you mean
  • Leaderboards mean absolutely nothing
  • Title literally says Nerf but what do you want to get nerfed? Their burning damage? Their Tomes? The ability for them to WASD? You are vague, and highly uninformed as it seems
  • Educate yourself before expressing yourself on these boards with random talk about nerfs

well all of ppl understand what i say except you so maybe you have the problem m8 check it out

Help Beat Guard DPS MEDI

in PvP

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

Hello guys i play gw2 for like 5 months and i only play pvp as thief and mesmer and i can say 1 thing the Medi dps guards are cancer if the guardian knows what to do vs a class they can easily kill everything and i mean everything from condition builds to zerker
when they will get nerfed kitten

Are you suggesting the only valuable build for guardians atm to be nerfed, because you can’t kill them? Have you thought to ask for help and advice instead of coming here to cry for nerf? It will be a refreshing variety, don’t you think? I know a thief who pretty successfully deals with DPS guardians, so there is a way if you are really keen to learn.

First of all i dnt cry fot nerf i came here to take opinions and elementalist dagger dagger was the only viable build for pvp but it got some nerf and maybe the thief u know doesnt play with good guardians if they dnt know when to block is logical to get there kitten beaten..

Help Beat Guard DPS MEDI

in PvP

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

Hello guys i play gw2 for like 5 months and i only play pvp as thief and mesmer and i can say 1 thing the Medi dps guards are cancer if the guardian knows what to do vs a class they can easily kill everything and i mean everything from condition builds to zerker
when they will get nerfed kitten

Highlighted the important part of your post there.

The guardian does not need a nerf. It’s in a very good spot now. It’s good enough to be in the meta, but not at all overpowered. The DPS mediguard is a build that is as good as the user is. It’s not overpowered and it’s not easymode cancer like for example the turret engineer used to be.

If you’re a thief it’s only natural you get countered hard by good guardians. That’s just how this game is. It’s not made for 1v1s and you can’t expect to always be able to win any 1v1 against any class against any build. GW2 is like rock-paper-scissors. A good guardian might counter a thief, but the thief counters a mesmer and the mesmer does well against other classes, etc. etc. etc.

Please Anet, don’t listen to the OP, don’t nerf DPS mediguard, they’re in a really good and balanced spot right now. If anything I’d say guardian is a little UNDERpowered, but only a little.

I play vs a guard that is actually very pro he was in the pvp leaderboards and anyway i mean that he knows what to do and yh maybe he is countered from a build or 2 like shoutbow and condi engi but even if he is he owns most of the other classes i tryed vs him with all mesmer condi builds and with all thiefs also with ele and read the wind ranger and still he can outmatch me my point is that even if he get countered from like 2-3 builds he owns way more and can play versus all other builds without problem witch is a bit OP in a way because as a mesmer and thief(i talk only about them because i play them most)u get countered from way more and u can own other glasses build with is kinda unfair,with guard u have a ton o blocks and some of the most powerfulls bursts x(

Help Beat Guard DPS MEDI

in PvP

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

Hello guys i play gw2 for like 5 months and i only play pvp as thief and mesmer and i can say 1 thing the Medi dps guards are cancer if the guardian knows what to do vs a class they can easily kill everything and i mean everything from condition builds to zerker
i know that they may get countered from like 2-3 builds like wp condi engi but really u hardly find that build at tpvp and it’s like unfair that they can own most of power builds and can stand very well versus the most others,they have a tone of blocks a freakin op burst and they also have a tone of healing and if i try to play them from afar they get me half life easy and the thing is that i dnt have so many escapes to deal with them even if they apply burning to me it rekts me hard and if they mix burst rotation is way to hard to stay alive and still manage to kill them and what rages me is that they can do it on all glass builds and still manage not to have a hard couner i even tryed all condi mesmer builds and he still killed me

(edited by Idea Of Evil.1845)

Is it true no celestial amulet nerf?

in PvP

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

instead of nerfing thief or warrior or the frakin engi they went for ele coz all the babies cry if you are an average player u should have no problem fighting an ele to start with now they destroyed the only viable pvp build ele has and kitten thieves can still burst like kitten and stealth anytime good work

An ele can’t bunker like a warrior, can’t move fast as a thief( unless using a huge CD elite and even then they fall short) and can’t apply as much pressure as an engy in any reasonable amount of time…only thing eles can do “well” is outsustain you to death..and that doesn’t go well for your average player who consider ele is favourite target given his low HP pool and high CD skills

Ele can bunker better than war

Ele can move almost as fast as a thief

Ele can apply as much pressure as an engi, aside on dead bodies ( poison granedes help there).

You’re wrong on almost every aspect.

yeah sure ele can bunk a lot but u need to be good player to combine the right skills for toughness AND most players can’t i have play a lot pvp and it’s a matter if i had find 1 good ele that gave me problem and i am not pro,what i want to say is that they nerfed a build that wasn’t so OP and IT WAS THE ONLY RELIABLE BUILD TO PLAY PVP and don’t tell me that the sc/d or the focus builds have any chance they are like free kills for thieves AND playing an ele at average skill level needs a lot more skill than a kitten hambow or a kitten dagger/pistol thief that has OP burst and a tone of stealth wont ever bother about talkin about engi….now what they did is made ele useless for pvp.

Is it true no celestial amulet nerf?

in PvP

Posted by: Idea Of Evil.1845

Idea Of Evil.1845

instead of nerfing thief or warrior or the frakin engi they went for ele coz all the babies cry if you are an average player u should have no problem fighting an ele to start with now they destroyed the only viable pvp build ele has and kitten thieves can still burst like kitten and stealth anytime good work

(edited by Idea Of Evil.1845)