Showing Posts For Imaya The Dragonslayer.1308:
i know a pretty good mesmer: his main char is the amazing Azumi Araki, and his mesmer even kicked your kitten (more then once), so hit him up.
his account is Imaya The Dragonslayer.??? oh wait i forgot…
hmmmm what was it again… amazing.. amazing
Love <3
Dear Anet,
i got a suggestion about making bria a world boss,
reasons for this:
i like the event (BUT! it could be way better)
bria her back story is interessting one:
Bria is a powerful Ascalonian ghost and necromancer who lives in Hellion Forest within Iron Marches. She is responsible for the forest’s supernatural occurrences and seeks to steal the souls of charr cubs who like to play around her home. Bria is the only known victim of The Foefire that’s able to retain her freewill, access all the power that she possessed in life, and take on the appearance of a living human.
being the only ghost of the foefire to have her freewill gives oppertunity to make a cool event out of it
thats why i ask to look in to this,
tweak the event to a challenging event, with some fun pre events, give her a epic appereance and a bonus chest on the end.
it will give players more reason to go back to the Iron Marches.
thats why i ask look in to it, i think its a good one.
i got a question, iv been farming in the labi for days and it seems like the bone horror dont spawn anymore, is there something wrong with it?
Hey Anet,
i would love to see this sword come in GW2, Huge fan of it!!
plzz bring it on Halloween, as a skin or as a Weapon
already tnx
Dear Anet,
plzz make this hair style i would love it on my female human (warrior)
much tnx..
Azumi Araki
Hey guys,
I had the Wings of Dwayna bow skin unlocked before the Apr 15th patch (from a chest or something). When I go to the bank to look at the wardrobe, I see it unlocked as well as the other PvP skins that I had unlocked, but when I try to use the skin through the Hero panel, the Wings of Dwayna bow skin along with the other items that were unlocked in PvP do not show up. Am I missing something?
I thought skins from PvP could now be used in PvE, or did I read something wrong? I’m excited to use the longbow skin since it was too expensive/grind for me through the PvE method, but now it doesn’t show up when it comes time to transmute.
Thanks in advance.
You need to visit the Heart of the Mists at least once for the PvP locker to convert over to the wardrobe.Ignore me. Just looked at your screenshot after reading Digiowl’s reply. He seems to have the right of it. Shame on me for assuming things.
no, problem, this is just the point i was getting at, i am seeing more ppl walking with it now and then but yeah… it has to be this way,
if to many ppl wil run it.. just have to make a other, i just find it stupid.. (just my opinion)
@ OP: I’m mad I don’t have a time machine to go back to launch and purchase EVERY precursor on the market.
You got your skin, so who cares? I crafted Infinite Light a year and a half ago for 300g+ what it’s going for now. Do I deserve a refund? nope.
Just move on and enjoy the new system(or don’t, and continue to kitten about nothing).
the pvp version requires you to be rank 70 in pvp before you can make it… not to much ppl are lvl 70..
the longbow you can get in pvp from rank 1….
see my point..
look if the bow was like rank related i coudnt care less, but its to easy to get this skin @ even rank 1 with some luck, while pve’er had to work for it..
just saying they should make the pvp version rank related
Something we paid 200g for that everyone will be running around with soon…
I just don’t understand what Anet is trying to do there.
just my point
tnx anet,
with the patch it will be to easy to get the (Wings of Dwayna) bow skin tnx to pvp, while it does take some work in pve, really tnx….. (not)
plzz fix the pvp recipe or something
oi Phask, you forgot WAR?
Azumi Araki (WAR officer here)
yeah i got the part from that it will give a extra exp in discovory, i just find it kinda stupid to MUST use transmute crystals to get a destroyer weapon with those thats
im wondering why we cant craft destroyer weapons with zealot stats, would really like a
Zealot’s Destroyer Shield or a Zealot’s Destroyer Sword for my guard who is themed lava
Dear Anet
when are we going to get new icons (instead of the standard icons) for some well know weapons like:
Wings of Dwayna
Feathers of Dwayna
Infinite Light
The Legend
The Lover
and a better icon for the jormags breath to match the icon of the hall of monument one then only blue
When will weapons like Dusk, Wings of Dwayna, Volcanus ect get there own image.
Everytime i see a greatsword with the normal image when im doing the forge with exotics and i see its not Dusk i wanna flip the table :p
Any EU servers?
any eu server? need the OB shards
the same here too… my necro is a important part of my legandary (400 armor)