Showing Posts For IndigoAK.5982:

How does Lost and Found work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoAK.5982


How do the items for this work? I’ve turned in the two items, but you need to turn in six total for the achievement. However, if you try to pick them up again it says you can’t.

So will this reset tomorrow allowing people to pick them up again or will there be new items in another update? Clarification is sorely needed on this.

strange lines on floors

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IndigoAK.5982


Just wanted to chip in.

I have a 7870 GHz edition and getting these lines with the Catalyst 3.2 Beta 6 drivers. When I first started playing this game in August, I had a 5870 and if I had the lines then, I didn’t notice them. I upgraded to the 7870 in October and it wasn’t until this month that I noticed the lines, so I don’t know what’s up with that. I probably just wasn’t paying attention (it’s a pretty game!).

A Couple of Months? Seriously?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoAK.5982


The latest blog post says this Prelude content will be around for a couple of months. Seriously? There’s nothing IN this prelude. It’s a single paltry title achievement that takes less than a blink of an eye to complete. Nevermind the fact that there’s nothing currently in the game explaining why any of this happening (and don’t even get me started on how there’s a bunch of Norns streaming out of the Charr homelands).

By the time you guys get around to actually advancing this story, nobody will actually care anymore because you teased us for months with absolutely nothing.

Where is the new "Living Story" content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoAK.5982


I’m glad I’m not the only person who hasn’t been able to find this stuff. It seems that it’s either not turned on yet or broken.

Personally, I’m getting kind of sick of patches being released only for them to instantly break again. I think Anet just needs to suck it up and do PTR releases. As it stands, their absolute insistence on having 100% control over every aspect of their game, players be kitten is ruining the game as a result.

Spoiler alert: About the last quest..

in Personal Story

Posted by: IndigoAK.5982


Ummm! Being almost ‘forced’ to group in GW1 was one of the reasons I stopped playing it.

I’m not anti-social by any means in MMO’s and come from a background of 8+ years of City of Heroes. I grouped most of the time but also soloed a few chars to 50. I spent a lot of time soloing because of time zone issues and RL – just as I do here.

I would love to group more than I do but am put off applying to join a lot of groups because most of them broadcast looking for exp members – I assume exp means experienced in this instance and I do not consider myself experienced yet. I did inquire in chat if exp meant experienced and got the reply ‘yet another total noob’ sighs deeply

Yes! I too want to finish my ‘personal’ story and be able to solo it like the rest of it, it ticks me off that I won’t be able to unless I join a pug and have a couple of hours to spare without RL interruptions.

I completed all of the story content in Guild Wars (including the Beyond content) solo, using only henchman and Heroes, so Kazi’s claim that you’re required to use groups is false.

I also love how his rant ignores the larger problem with the way that this last mission plays out: that it ignores all of the design principles of the game that came before it. As I’ve said in other posts, my main problem with this mission is that it isn’t consistent. GW1 is an amazing game because it’s consistent. It knew what it wanted to be and ArenaNet had a very focused plan for making it the way it was.

Guild Wars 2 is all over the place. There is no focus. Is it WvWvW? Then why does the personal story get so much screen time? Is it the personal story? Then why does it fall apart in the third act? Why do the last three zones fail miserably at telling a cohesive story, something the previous zones managed despite the Heart Quest system? Is it structured PvP? Then why is there so little interface real estate assigned to making it visible? ArenaNet seems to have no idea what they want this game to be or where they want it to go, that much is clear, though this isn’t altogether surprising because GW2 is a traditional MMORPG while GW1 was an action role-playing game with online co-op multiplayer when you wanted to use it.

(Edit: Probably shouldn’t have edited out Kazi’s nested quote, but I’m replying to him mostly and Supasilvafoxy secondarily.)

(edited by IndigoAK.5982)

Spoiler alert: About the last quest..

in Personal Story

Posted by: IndigoAK.5982


That’s not my issue with this mission.

My issue is that we’re forced to group for this quest. MMOs and RPGs are supposed to be about player choice, allowing the player to complete content at their own leisure, providing a multitude of ways for somebody to experience the game. The problem is that Guild Wars 2 really doesn’t have enough to do for ArenaNet to get away with forcing somebody to do this quest in a way they don’t want to. For a game that has so little actual choice to it right now, making this important of a choice for the player is a colossal mistake.

There’s also the matter that it’s not consistent with the design values of the rest of the game. Up until this point, the player has been allowed to complete this story on their own, to experience it in a completely personal manner. Then right at the last mission, ArenaNet throws their entire design philosophy out the window and gets rid of the one reason why everybody thinks the GW2 is better than other MMO stories (generally speaking).

Spoiler alert: About the last quest..

in Personal Story

Posted by: IndigoAK.5982


The real problem here is that with the population of the game as low as it is now, it’s near impossible to find a group to do this dungeon with. Nobody is doing it anymore. I apparently made the mistake of not powering through the story in the first few days of the game’s existence. I spent three hours in the Cursed Shore chat looking for a group and not a single person responded. I’ve been trying for almost two months now.

The Lost Shores: phase 1, update

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: IndigoAK.5982


Still broken. Event has popped twice and people are getting credit but the mobs die instantly of course and you can’t talk to Noll afterwards.

What happened to events scaling? There are like 50 people standing here, yet the mobs have 10 hp and die immediately…some have posited that they die so fast that the game can’t trigger the next part of Noll’s script. This is ludicrous.

It’s like you didn’t even read the post. It says pretty clearly that the Noll fix isn’t live yet and won’t be until tomorrow.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: IndigoAK.5982


Guild: Shacknews
World: Maguuma (US)

We reached the 300 member cap tonight and the guild leader wasn’t on, so I decided to go ahead and apply for the increase license since I was told that anybody can do it. The NPC gave me all of the dialogue options, I applied for the license, he said congrats and then took my money. No upgrade. We’re still at the 300 member cap. If I talk to him again, his new price is 2G instead of 1G, which means he’s talking about the 500 member cap.

Basically, I spent money and we didn’t get our cap increased!

Unbinding the Interact key Shows "[]" in SuperButton

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: IndigoAK.5982


Thread title pretty much sums up this bug. If you unbind the key for Interact, the interface will instead show [] in places where it would normally display the key – mainly the big SuperButton that shows up in the middle of the screen – instead of hiding that string entirely.

This isn’t so much a bug as it is an oversight, I guess.
