(edited by Ioras Dagnir.3927)
Showing Posts For Ioras Dagnir.3927:
sorry to see so many people disagree with this, yesterday I went for my third profession achievement in pvp for ascension. I rank at silver this season having solo’d druid and deciding to switch my main to mesmer half way through the season. when i face them i always proceed with caution and now with mesmer i can 1 v 1 the average dh no problem but i still have to play perfectly to do it.
my point anyway, yesterday i thought i’d take dh for a spin just to get 5 wins for the achievement. the balance on this class is a joke. i did 1 unranked match to get used to the skills then in ranked i bunkered mid the entire time on most matches getting pretty much all top stats save offence. easiest 5 wins ive ever had solo, idk what the higher tiers are like but i should have had a harder time, i shrugged off any focusing with the elite and f3 no problem, my 1 trap ate people alive feeding mid every game. people in silver arent complete idiots it wasn’t a 1 at a time brainless thing. i felt so dirty and sick with myself after i had to go take 3 showers.
needs either a damage nerf or longer cool down on the traps, the longbow had amazing cleave and utilities were great at keeping me sustained through any hard focusing. while each thing isnt necessary op on its own when it all comes together even a brain dead noob to the class like me is OP let alone in the hands of someone familiar with the class, some things need to be touched on for sure.
progression for ascended should be through wins only at the very least, no one wants uncaring unmotivated pve players clogging up ranked. the pvp population might be up but there is no incentive for them to learn the game mode and even put in any effort to win. its not about learning to carry or being in a division where players belong, everyone deserves competent/competitive teammates in ranked.
Not for those who dont have fun playing solo all the time or being stuck with randomers, ranked was meant for teams but unless teams are esl level now there is no progression or rewards or challenge for us. I’m just asking we get some ranked leagues too, considering we got voted out an entire season it’s a pretty fair compromise when you think about it.
Evan did say the following on another thread
Not enough full parties play to keep an entirely separate 5-man queue healthy 24/7. However, that doesn’t mean teams shouldn’t have a structured place to participate in PvP. This will be part of the the discussion around the followup poll regarding solo/duo queue.
like i said just an idea but just shutting us out completely isnt what the devs originally had in store, so i dont mind this season so long as there is something for us in the future.
(edited by Ioras Dagnir.3927)
Just an idea so that teams still have a place to play ranked while solo players don’t get stomped. Players seem to agree that for the most part solo/duoQ works a lot better than previous seasons but teams and pvp guilds that enjoy the social aspect, teamplays and strategy only have unranked atm if they cant commit to community tournaments, and thats still no better than beating pugs like the last seasons. Also it should encourage solo pvpers to make friends/future teammates during the solo season, get them together as premades and still give ranked teamQ a go if they are inclined to do so.
what are you smoking? cause Im not saying we should survive because we don’t unless we are making 0 mistakes. When condi pressure is already our biggest weakness it doesnt need making worse by nerfing our main defence and even then it isnt a garuentee because yeah we get focused and get downed before we can get avatar state back up. but thats just good teamplay from the other side and i have no argument with that. I only use celestial avatar for stealth and super speed to disengage, when it really shines though is when i’m in a team fight and need to break out the extra heals and remove those conditions from myself, i dont use ancient seeds trait. if devs did as you asked it would take no skill or effort from our counters. if you want celestial avatar nerfed you should ask condi damage be nerfed too. I know that in a team fight i need to evade those condis from necros and warriors but not every class has the same removals or mobility so teams rely on druids and eles to keep them alive thats our role and thats balanced imo. I do multiclass so I know what going up against a druid is like and how to counter. go on the season 5 class balance thread and see druids are one of the least mentioned classes where other classes and builds take a way higher priority especially condi builds.
(edited by Ioras Dagnir.3927)
do you even know what the hardest counter for druids is? its condi pressure, i admit we got high sustain with our heals and thats one of the great things about rangers and makes for good bunkering, but the biggest killer for me in a team fight is getting constantly condi bombed and thats even when im running an additional condi clense utility, if celestial avatar got a nerf the damage spike would wipe us everytime with 0 effort from condi builds. so i disagree celestial avatar condi clense is not needing a nerf when we are far from running the strongest meta this season.
Fair enough Spartacus, I know rationally its just meant as a joke I am just that frustrated that this season went the direction it did, sorry for making it personal taking shots. Different players play for different reasons mine is purely rewards and co-operative teamplay. Which is why i I cant speak for anyone but myself. but in my guild we majority played 3-5 man teams but mostly 5 man if we could, and yeah the challenging games against other premades were the best, i didnt even resent losing because you know then they are the better team and you could of played bettter. ruining other pugs with scores of 500-100 which yeah got boring i was never going to lose any sleep over it i just think ‘why are you even here?’ i even just straight up lost sympathy for them eventually. asking for help and communicating over ts is a big help and the biggest pro of premades but if its just one or two people without its manageable and we never excluded anyone for it.
This is why i think 2, 3 & 5 team only Q should be a thing. Duo is only a short jump from solo and you at least get put in with a 3man team, in those kinds of match ups a 5 man premade (unless they are a really skilled) has no garuntee of winning unlike 5s vs pugs.
Edit: Also BrotherBelial has a point cause thats how raids and dungeon parties are formed seems very fair tbh, if it doesnt effect queue times which i doubt it would.
(edited by Ioras Dagnir.3927)
So you admit you would rather have easy wins rather than competitive matches? ok….
no i admitted that i dont care who my opponents are so long as we won, don’t try and twist my words. your signature is literally ‘buff my main class, nerf everything else’ and think that speaks volumes on the kind of player you are tbh
Yet casuals cry at the mere prospect of a challenge like a premade team. People insist on playing solo and complain when they lost and then ruined it for teams who want to play competitively against other teams. If you want battles of individual skill ask for a duel system or make a 1 vs 1 match. Competitive league was meant for teams and guilds from the start. Unranked was meant for casuals.
You’re deluded if you think mixing premade teams and matching them up against casual pug solo teams was providing a “competitive” environment.
Why do you think “serious” teams organized their own scrims and tournaments? It wasn’t fun for them to stomp pug solo teams. Only people with low self esteem needed the help of premades to make them feel like they were good because they destroyed a pug team while on voice comms and optimal class composition.
suck it up and git gud.
i could say the exact same thing to pugs and casuals. idc who i played against so long as i won with my team. now teams dont get to play at all.
Ive had this same arguement in other threads and people dont seem to understand competitive league was meant for those exact players who used ts and did think about team comp, not for teams of 5 randomers, where is the fun in that seriously? its not about stomping on pugs to feel good about ourselves thats the exact skewed toxic perceptions thats caused a lot of these problems in PvP. I could say that the real reason players insist on playing solo is because if they lose is because they can blame literally everyone but themselves, but i know thats not true sometimes its just not convenient or its just not your play style. All players have pretty much have the same opportunities in game, to try and make friends/join guilds that suit their play style, its easy to download free ts software, mics arent expensive if you dont have one, and if you dont but your team is still on ts it doesnt matter that much anyway. competitive means being better and doing everything you can to win which is why solos shouldnt have a place in ranked if they arent doing just that, cause hotjoining pugs is just asking to lose a game.
(edited by Ioras Dagnir.3927)
competitive should remove soloQ and only allow teams of 2, 3 and 5. that way it still easy to enter and you are ganna be more organised in your play.
Just some quotes from the competitive play page from the GW2 website.
“Competitive play in Guild Wars 2 is easy to learn but offers challenges for new players and hardcore PvPers alike. Whether you decide to jump into quick, furious matches between small groups of players in organized PvP or join hundreds of other players in the grand battles of World vs. World, PvP is where you’ll find the ultimate challenge!”
please note the use of the word ORGANIZED and ULTIMATE CHALLENGE.
Heres some more “New and casual players can easily hop into an ongoing match and start playing right away without worrying about setting up a team. Competitive players looking for more organized play can test their mettle in PvP Leagues, which use matchmaking to pit teams of five players against each other in an attempt to climb through the ranks and enter the prestigious legendary division.”
Yet casuals cry at the mere prospect of a challenge like a premade team. People insist on playing solo and complain when they lost and then ruined it for teams who want to play competitively against other teams. If you want battles of individual skill ask for a duel system or make a 1 vs 1 match. Competitive league was meant for teams and guilds from the start. Unranked was meant for casuals.
Casual and competitive have very different meanings but some people don’t seem to understand that. Anet are now bending over backwards to cater to casual players who feel like everything should be easy for them that they’ve gone and changed an entire game mode. Talk about no backbone.
(edited by Ioras Dagnir.3927)
So, five pugs can be as coordinated as five TS bois? Man, this post is going down the hill
Obviously not to such a degree I’m just saying its not impossible, but like I said before if your not doing everything you can to win in a competitive league and that also means not trying to join premade teams and playing as a unit ofc you’re ganna have a bad time and need to rethink what you are even trying to accomplish. PvP has nuance but its simple at its core when you know your role, the rotations and choose your match ups these are things ranked players should know. I played with my guild last couple of seasons using discord and we still lost some games occasionally and not just against other teams, I’m not an incredible unstoppable hardcore player I only rank at ruby, I almost broke into diamond but it wasnt to be. That just came down to the same reasons any team loses premade or pug, a difference in skill/bad coordination/team comp+matchups and some dumb decisions. I always play with the mindset that there is always more that I can do to win, I want the rewards as much as the next player, so for me as an ex-solo player who was pretty green at PvP last year that meant joining a PvP guild and learning the druid and mesmer meta’s inside out and I found playing and winning as a guild is so much more fun and rewarding than solo. Which is why I find this really frustrating, cause now I cant play with the friends I’ve made since joining my guild.
Again moot point now, lets see how solo and duo goes. But it doesnt change the fact its a huge slap in the face to players who put in the effort for league. Im ganna stop kittening now, gl this season everyone.
(edited by Ioras Dagnir.3927)
For season 6, add a 5 man team queue. Make the rewards better than solo/duo queue to help compensate for the longer wait. And to make it more attractive for players to form teams.
Keep the solo/duo queue with the following change. When a team wins, the team re-enter the solo/duo queue as a team. After 3 consecutive wins, they get put into the team queue.
Now you provide solo players the ability to meet and form teams and help feed the team queue.
How about No to your weird idea
Keep two different queue separate. Why should solo players be forced to put in team queue just to facilitate team queue players?
Because it shouldn’t really make that much of a difference to Solo players, meanwhile teams get screwed over for a whole season because a majority refuse to play a game mode the way it should be played.
Players make it sound like teams are unfair or taking an easy route when in reality solos in pugs are just making things difficult for themselves. Imagine a teamQ only, there is the option of looking for a party similar to finding dungeon and raid parties where you LFG in HOTM and get to choose your team comp before joining Q, effectively cutting out half the middleman of MM. If there were only teamQ for ranked there would probably be more stable queue times and players really do only have themselves to blame if they lose. Even if its just a group of randoms if you know your classes and builds, choose your matchups and communicate even just a bit teams can still be beaten.
I didnt want to say it but your game philosophy is truly idiotic if you think you can hop in ranked solo in a 5 man team and win without working with your teammates. the reality is teams dont actually hold that much of an advantage over pugs, they are actually just being defeated by their own disorganisation.
Im with OP. If teams cant participate in league in what is supposed to be the best MMO to date whats the point? Solo players in pvp dont make sense to me, if you like playing on your own thats great I played solo for a long time too, but there are plenty of other spaces to do so PvE, WvW & Unranked. Now this is just my opinion but those who arent doing everything they can in a COMPETETIVE league to win they shouldn’t really be there to begin with. If all solo players are there for are the rewards thats fine but winning PvP requires cooperation, teamwork and strategy, which is why pugs dont work, thats just basic logic. I dont want anet to impeach players from playing how each wants to play but if players really wanted better chances of winning they would just bite the bullet gather their friends or join a guild. I guess its moot point now anyway, I’d be interested to see what the feedback for this season is. I wont be leaving pvp like OP though, cause I also love it and i used to play solo anyway, so you may see me out there this season with my one friend but i’ll be salty af.
I was really looking forward to season 5 and while some of the changes are positive I was not happy to hear about a solo and dual only queue. My previous two seasons I played the league as a part of a guild/with my friends. This meant full parties not usually well oiled but playing pvp in a group was a lot more fun and rewarding. While I appreciate solo and dual queue options were wanted by players, removing groups shouldn’t have even been considered. Players shouldn’t be getting punished for being organised, co-operative and competitive, that doesnt sound like the Guild Wars I know. In structured PvP it just seems like a big step backwards. This is something I hope goes out the window season 6 .
Nightfall was the campaign I started on so Elona will always be home for me. My main is a ranger of Elonian descent blessed by Kormir and named after my first character.
Take me home Anet!
(edited by Ioras Dagnir.3927)
assortment of cloaks and capes would be cool, i miss my old guild guild cap from gw1
wide rim glasses, aviator sunglasses, inventor’s sunglasses, primeval armor, kitty ears