Showing Posts For Iscarii.4592:

BETA: What we are enjoying

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Iscarii.4592


Hands down, Reaper was more than I could have ever hoped for. It’s gameplay, combo’d with how I currently play necro…. MIND BLOWN. I have no complaints about Reaper.

What bothered me was the Verdant Brink being the buggiest map I’ve ever played on. I understand it’s a Beta but I played on the first Beta and the Wyvern fight and fellow guildies of mine did not. I was so hopeful that we could all experience it but that did not happen. Events getting stuck, imcomplete, unclear as to what needed to happen to progress… All of these made VB pretty much unplayable and ultimately disappointing.

One thing I was super excited for was to try out the map rewards but again, was met with uncertainty. Perhaps instead of getting the added rewards in loot it should use a similar system to silverwastes, where when an event completes you get a wiggly chest on the side to let you know you got said reward.

Dragonhunter was something different but it didn’t feel complete. I was excited to try out the LB but like I said, it felt lacking and incomplete in terms of damage and exactly how it would better work in a party/dungeon situation.

Hopefully these can help to only make things better. My guild is very excited and growing anxious over the waiting for HoT, as I’m sure everyone is. Keep up the great work and let’s all get this expansion out!

Facets of Reality (Blackgate) recruiting!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Iscarii.4592


Facets of Reality is a guild that is currently looking for players interested in all aspects of the game with a focus on PvE. We’re looking for new and experienced players that are active, know how to work together as a team with a decent amount of experience or a willingness to learn. We have an amazing core group of players, but our active roster isn’t that large. We do dungeons, Fractals of the Mists (Up to lv 50 currently) Guild events, PvE and we’re starting into WvW.

What We Ask Of You:

A great attitude: the game can get to us all but in the end it is a game. Take the good with the bad, have fun and meet some new people here with us. We’re just a relaxed, friendly and casual guild with members eager to team up and enjoy the world of Tyria.
Should go without saying because we are all adults, but here it is anyway:

Respectful language in guild chat and voice chat is a must and extends to grouping with others and map chat while you represent this guild. Your actions reflect on all of us. No hate speech of any kind will be tolerated.

Our guild is suitable for both veteran and new players, and even you boomerang players that are getting ready for the upcoming expansion Heart of Thorns! We are more than willing to share our knowledge with those who might need help or advice with the game.

We don’t have a whole lot of rules but the ones we do have we take very seriously:

1. We do ask that you 100% our guild while you’re a member.

2. Absolutely no racial slurs, hate speech, gay bashing or anything to make anyone feel unsafe, ashamed or unwelcome. This is an auto kick rule.

While we strive to be an active guild, we are open to casual gamers who may only be able to log in every now and then. Real life always comes first at our guild and we understand that sometimes you just can’t find the free time to play; we’ll be here when you can.

We are a Guild Wars 2 guild and will always remain so: we’re looking for players who are into the game for the long haul as well.

Most of the members have transferred to Blackgate from Eredon Terrace and we look forward to meeting and staying here. Come and become a new facet to an amazing new guild!

Whisper or PM iscarii.4592 (Luutin)

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iscarii.4592


As a guild leader, when we went to do our missions last night we ran into a LARGE number of problems, some potentially known, others not so much. First and foremost was gathering everyone into parties with clear communication. We are all vet players, 18+ and very effective at communicating with each other. We started our bounty, killed one and went to the second. We had 5 parties, and each party ended up in a different instance. Once we found the target, we spent 5 minutes taxing everyone into the same instance, only to fail that target. Since I had all my guildies go to the first target, I was the only one that did not get guild comms and that is fine by me, but what is not cool is that the potential for members to be screwed outta get their comms. We then went to do our rush, again we got Fields of Ruin chicken run (so cute those little chickens!) and explained to a couple that have not done this one before. When we got there, another guild had 6 minutes left and we respectfully waited to start ours. Not one member of my guild ran this rush. Once their guild rush ended, we got credit for it in our guild but not ONE of us got the comm for it. Again, if I was the only one as the Guild leader not getting comm, I can get it somewhere else: my guildies are my priority. We decided to do another one, again another guild was running the same one, and failed, so 2 people got comms, no one else and again when the other guild failed, so did we. Fair right? Hell no.

Guild challenge was much the same problem: port parties into the same instance, another guild doing it, and may I add that these are not guilds from the same server whatsoever. I get that you want to make things better, but this is absurd and such a waste. It’s Guild Wars 2, not zerg the world events till your FPS quits, nor is it lets see how much time we can waste porting parties in. We should be able to do this as a guild and not play Teq Taxi to get to do our own events…

To sum it up: Megaserver….. Worst idea ever… “I must not fear Megaserver. Megaserver is the mind-killer. Megaserver is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face Megaserver. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the Megaserver has gone there will be nothing. Only my guild will remain.”

Facets of Reality[FoR] Blackgate

in Looking for...

Posted by: Iscarii.4592


Facets of Reality is a guild that is currently looking for players interested in all aspects of the game with a focus on PvE. We’re looking for new and experienced players that are active, know how to work together as a team with a decent amount of experience or a willingness to learn. We have an amazing core group of players, but our active roster isn’t that large. We do dungeons, Fractals of the Mists (Up to lv 50 currently) Guild events, PvE and a few do WvW.

What We Ask Of You:

A great attitude: the game can get to us all but in the end it is a game. Take the good with the bad, have fun and meet some new people here with us. We’re just a relaxed, friendly and casual guild with members eager to team up and enjoy the world of Tyria.
Should go without saying because we are all adults, but here it is anyway:

Respectful language in guild chat and voice chat is a must and extends to grouping with others and map chat while you represent this guild. Your actions reflect on all of us. No hate speech of any kind will be tolerated.

Our guild is suitable for both veteran and non-veteran players and we also have implemented a Mentor system which allows those with more experience to share their knowledge with those who might need help or advice with the game.
We do ask that you only represent our guild while you’re a member, but we won’t get uptight if every once in a while you pop into a friend’s or a novelty guild.

While we strive to be an active guild, we are open to casual gamers who may only be able to log in every now and then. Real life always comes first at our guild and we understand that sometimes you just can’t find the free time to play; we’ll be here when you can.

We are a Guild Wars 2 guild and will always remain so; we’re looking for players who are into the game for the long haul as well.

Most of the members have transferred to Blackgate from Eredon Terrace and we look forward to meeting and staying here. Come and become a new facet to an amazing new guild!

Whisper or PM iscarii.4592 (Luutin)


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Iscarii.4592


We ran this for a guildie, and we are all well versed in our classes and roles. It strikes me as odd that while in this fight, we not only get it reset, but also ported to a section that I have never been ported to during this fight. The timer is on the buff we get at the beginning of the fight, not the whole fight. We had her hp to zero on more than one occassion, and still we got ported. We tried more that 10 times in the span of an hour on this part alone, the final boss to complete this.

Is this the rewards you intend to extend to hard working, dedicated players trying to help others for no other reason than to help another person? The other stuff is irrelevant, but to constantly “kitten block” is unbelievable. Lag, we can work with, disconnecting party members from the lag when all other sources have been ruled out, not so much. Please fix what is wrong first before adding in more potential shortfalls.