Showing Posts For IskariotE.8675:

GPU works at 20%

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IskariotE.8675


So any fix ? I still have problems with my Gpu and its not only in GW2 its in all games i have that. Starts at full power and then drops to 20-30% usage… Need help

GPU works at 20%

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IskariotE.8675


it was just a suggestion, checking you’r load on cpu won’t arm if the clock is low you have a problem in gw2 because it also sets you’r gpu on low power. It woulden’t be the first laptop throttling for no reason. But if you say it was good before the update, ok you have a point

Could u explain more precisly what to do ?

GPU works at 20%

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IskariotE.8675


To avoid wrong answers. This problem happens only with GW2 other games are always using 98-99% of GPU and i dont have kitteny fps like in this game. F.e BF3 Cod mw3 etc.

GPU works at 20%

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IskariotE.8675


Still my question was about 20% used GPU not about my CPU so… u didnt help a bit.

GPU works at 20%

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IskariotE.8675


Lol dude what are u talking about. I have 2gigs 555m, cpu maybe isnt great but its i5, its not bad. Its decent. I should have atleast 50 fps.

GPU works at 20%

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IskariotE.8675


So. It works at 20% causing me to suffer low fps ~10

beta 306.02


Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IskariotE.8675


My GPU works mostly at ~20% and its temperature reaches 80-90 degrees… kinda weird

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IskariotE.8675


I just noticed that my gpu usage is ~25% and ram about 200mb this gives me 10fps ……

Latency in game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IskariotE.8675


So there is no possible way to see how much ms do i have to the server i play lol ?

Latency in game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IskariotE.8675



I’d like to know if there is any way to see ur ping in game?


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IskariotE.8675


This is sick on no matter what setting i play i have ~10fps >_>

Maybe post your specs?

Lenovo Y570 that laggs like creazy || Old PC that works with 30FPS max settings.

i5 2430M (2.4GHz) || Intel Core Quad Q8600 or so (2.3)
GTX 555M 1.6GB VRam || GeForce 9600GT 1gb
8Gb Ram || 8gb ram

I doubt this game has bigger requirements then f.e BF3.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IskariotE.8675


This is sick on no matter what setting i play i have ~10fps >_>

Can't connect to login server

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IskariotE.8675


Same here. Need help

Ping reduction services on GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IskariotE.8675


How to check ms in game ?


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IskariotE.8675


Lenovo Y570
Win7 64bit
GeForce 555m 1.6GB VRam
Intel Core i5 2430M
8GB Ram

Latest Lenovo drivers (261 smtn). Was also testing on latest beta geforce drivers 306.X but still had issues with FPS drops. It whould work on high spec with atleast 30fps.

BTW. When i have FPS drop and i use my GPU switch button FPS go back to normal but not for long, in about 30 secs i have to switch back.
