Showing Posts For Issac.1703:

Will we get hard modes for dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Issac.1703


Would love to see some really hard and long content ; )

Could be made like in GW a map with only one tp (or completly without??) where you can do events like in the normal PVE but made for groups and reallly hard enemys but with high quality drops like ektos or obsis etc … like the UW in Gw1.
You can only start when your groups pays some entrance fee , so its not for free and you have to really think about which skills are most effective etc…

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Issac.1703


Hope we get the tokens we lost to the bug … over 300 for me -.-
Else it would be really unfair , since we did the same dungeons but got less reward.

Why CoE and CoF were made easier?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Issac.1703


Searing Effigy:

I dont get why they changed him .. a really easy boss with a decent team.
All we did was full dmg on the boss till 60% then kitt him in a corner of the room and hit him till 30% (from 60till 30% he did not get healed at all ;D )
then the last 30% again dmg on boss and everyone should activate something for stability and boom – Boss down!

Only the last 30% were challenging to make him even more easy the dungeon could end up as the next speed run ; )

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Issac.1703


Character Name: Issac Metus
Server: Riverside
The last 2 days I ran Citadell of Flames all 3 ways and each day i got 45 /30/15 tokens … and I wasnt the only one who didnt get the full 60 tokens ….
So I got 90 tokens each day which is half of the normal amount!!
A friend of mine (we played the dungeons together both days) got 60/60/60 at both days, so it seems to have something to do with the account itself.

Yesterday I did TA as well 1 way and got only 45 again while the rest of the team got 60 tokens .
SO it cant be related to the time we needed to get through the dungeon.