Showing Posts For IvaDemicol.4182:

Players getting Disconnected RECENTLY

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IvaDemicol.4182


Hi all, there are a lot of threads for players with d/c issues. However, please post here if you have ONLY been getting problems in the last few days. I have run this game for months with virtually no issues.

2 days ago things started going wrong. Every 30min to 1hour the game would lag for a second then boot me (with the classic error 7). I have checked my internet multiple times. The connection is fine.

I can’t run fractals at all, and it’s pain to run any other dungeon.

The issues began on Friday January 18, 2013.

DC'ers / rage quiters should be punished

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IvaDemicol.4182


What about people who are d/c’ed because of Anet’s servers. Every now and then I would d/c from a dungeon even though my internet is working fine. The server would just boot me for no reason and force me to relog. Should people be punished for that?

Thiefs Discussion Thread [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: IvaDemicol.4182


@ Shukran

This is how people are. When their own build/class is highly effective and, dare I say it, over-powered, they never say a word. When another person’s build comes along and kills them, it’s immediately over-powered, they rant about it on the boards, and demand immediate nerfs. As far as I can tell, people want their own favorite classes to be able to easily win against all other classes, and, when they can’t win easily, they demand nerfs to other classes. Personally, I don’t even hold it against them. It’s human nature to want the things you like to be very good. Thieves are getting the short-end of the stick right now because they are so popular in PvP. More people play thieves —> More people complain about thieves —> more people think thieves are op —> more people play thieves. It’s crazy circular.

@ everyone else

Backstab damage is high, but, as previously stated, the number things that need to go right to hit that damage is also high. You need to precase/preload skills, get behind the target, and basically need to have steal up, just to name a few. If you want to reduce the damage, fine, but make it easier to pull off, like being able to hit from side, rather than just the back.

The stealth glitch is bug and it is a problem that needs to be fixed.

Thieves are generally meant to be a hit and run class, thus viability depends on high damage in a short period of time. If you feel the damage is too high and want Thieves to become stable/sustained damage dealers, then Thieves need a buff to survivability. Balanced comments are fine. But yelling “damage nerf, damage nerf” does not really help.

Finally, thieves only have like 1-2 useful combat skills per weapon set to begin with. (It’s either 2 or 3). The rest of the skills are situational, defensive, or utilities. I am pretty sure this is kinda true for all of the classes (which means if you are on the defensive, you will have to pull off multiple things while the attacked can just hit one or two keys). This is true for thieves just like everyone else. I don’t really understand all of the yelling regarding spamming skills.

Anyway, this is strictly my opinion, you don’t have to agree or disagree. I find GW 2 to be a fun game. It’s frustrating at times, but frustration just makes me think about how to be a better player. It’s all part of the experience.