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The issue I find is found from gem store purchases. It seems to me, and a few others I’ve spoken to, that items such as the everlasting mining pick, harvesting sickle, and logging axes should be an account wide purchase. Armor is purchased for a specific character that wears a specific armor type, so it makes sense that they remain individual items. Picks, Axes and Sickles however should not fall under the same category and should arrive in each characters mail upon login to that character, much like the rewards for starting a new character already work.
I’m not writing this to create a debate on acceptable business practices and whatnot, I simply think for the gem cost associated with buying these types of items, they should be reworked to become account wide. I would like to hear other people’s opinion on the issue. But, please keep it troll free.
Lost everything in the last hour since login servers crashed
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ixyt.5486
Server: Crystal Desert
Zone: Blazeridge Steppes
Character: Ixyt
Lost: roughly half of a zone completion, loot, completion money rewards and an entire level.
I just spent the last hour and a half attempting to complete Blazeridge Steppes, and finished all but the bugged skill point. Then I move on to work on my class quest only to be disconnected from the server due to a “login” issue, even though I was already ONLINE. Come to find out after being able to log back in that I lost roughly half of the zone I had completed, along with an entire level.
Seriously, this is absurd. Low fps on machines that far exceed the game requirements (for some), network issues making anything that involves multiple players nearly unplayable (for some), and now rollbacks without any warning whatsoever are the signs of amateur administrators running the show. I appreciate that you have quite a few headaches to deal with, but then again you shouldn’t launch a game until you’ve worked out the basic kinks that are supposed to be addressed during the beta.
I’ve refrained from speaking poorly until this point because I do understand that a new game is going to have its quirks and issues that are unforeseen prior to launch. Network issues and engine optimization are almost an intrinsic part of any new mmo title. Rolling back peoples characters without any heads up is not. Not responding to the concerns of the player base is not. You guys (Anet) really need to get your act together.
Since the sept 18 update, I have been getting massive lag spikes whenever I’m around more than 1 or 2 other people. I have even noticed a slightly less annoying version of the spike while solo, though I can usually avoid dying when I notice the spike coming on. The lag gets particularly bad during WvWvW and if a large world event is happening. My skills are delayed 5 or more seconds, and I’m a sitting duck should someone/something decide to attack my character. The strange part about it is, that it feels as though I’m disconnecting; but as long as I let the spike play out, my system recovers and a flurry of spells/action is played out in a fast forward mode on my screen.