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Battlegrounds: The Weak Link

in Suggestions

Posted by: JaBlam.7196


Because there’s nothing good to gain from GW2 Battlegrounds. (the Mists) Sure, cosmetic upgrades are a nice BONUS… but that’s just not enough.

I’m not saying re-introduce the gear treadmill, I just saying implement some earn-able tiered gear. I’m not even saying that the best earn-able gear needs to be any better than the best currently available. Just make people earn it. They will love you for it.

These statements are at odds at each other, unless you mean lock all of the sigils and runes behind a Glory cost.

No they are not. earning tiers of gear up to a set that is best in slot, and having that whole list of gear replaced every 4-6 are two totally different things.

RPG’s attract a certain type of player. Those who love loot. Those who like building a character into something better, and using that to their advantage. This barely exists in The Mists. I understand wanting to make things fair, but this isn’t supposed to be COD… actually I think there’s more to earn in COD pvp right now…

I can’t say I fully agree with this.

Sure, a lot of players may play it for the loot, but a lot of players play RPG’s for the story and immersive worlds, and couldn’t give two shakes about getting better and better loot. In fact, I’d go as far as saying that Battlegrounds don’t cater to RPG play; you can’t really role-play while in battlegrounds. Rather, they’re like MOBA in the sense that they’re limited in numbers.

So then why collect gear at all? MOBA’s do not usually include a full set of gear you collect and maintain, but in match gear. A system unlike any typical RPG. If someone is not looking to collect then why not play an action/adventure game? Not to mention the fact that WOW did earn literally Billions based on this concept. It’s like ANet tried to get on the bandwagon with everyone else, then underestimated a few of the key things that keep people coming back.

If you don’t already agree with what I’ve said, ask yourself: Why is it that in wow, people avoided large team battles like the plague, while in GW2 far more people play wvwvw? It’s simple. Working hard for a bunch of gear makes an mmo. Otherwise it’s just an arcade game…

Could be a number of other reasons as well:

  • People have gotten bored of one game mode in SPvP, whereas WvW has had an addition made.
  • WvW could be more people’s preferred choice.
  • WvW currently has a league going on.

I for one prefer WvW over SPvP, and it has nothing to do with gear. I couldn’t care less about gear. I’m perfectly happy in my Exotics. I prefer it simply because I’m not limited in how many friends I play with at one time.

All things that are a result of crappy sPVP, not the other way around. More game modes are not being made, because no one is playing sPVP anyways. People prefer wvw, because its better than spvp. They originally wanted spvp to be the gamemode with a legue, but more people play wvw.

They would never allow Anet to even consider a progression system going higher than the one there is now. However, that just brings us back to the original problem: the lack of progression.

Except vertical progression where numbers just get bigger is probbaly the shallowest form of progression:

  • Bigger numbers =/= more options.
  • It’s an illusion of sorts. If your damage goes up by 10, and the enemy’s health goes up by 10, have you really made any progress?

Horizontal progression, where the player gets more options to build the character how they want, and it isn’t necessarily more powerful, is the sort of progression they should be chasing after.

You need to read what people are saying more closely. I already stated that it’s not a matter of an infinite gear treadmill. You need to ear a set of gear to be relevant in dungeons don’t you? And you played those a bunch in order to get that gear? (unless you cheaply bought it). Yes, pve gear can be maxed out, but you still have to earn your way to that point.

All I’m saying is make people earn each of the various sets available for free in the mists. Don’t add more gear every 6 months, just make people start somewhere.

I for one know that “balancing gear” and getting rid of tiered gear is just for the whiners out there. why? because I ENJOY games where I have to work my way up. OH NO, its actually CHALLENGING….???? Not because you can easily beat lower leveled characters, but because it’s satisfyingly to beat someone who has more gear than you do. In WvW people are not balanced at all. Yet more people are playing that.

So again I vote for a new set of 10vs10 battlegrounds, using wvw gear.

Battlegrounds: The Weak Link

in Suggestions

Posted by: JaBlam.7196


Because there’s nothing good to gain from GW2 Battlegrounds. (the Mists) Sure, cosmetic upgrades are a nice BONUS… but that’s just not enough.

I’m not saying re-introduce the gear treadmill, I just saying implement some earn-able tiered gear. I’m not even saying that the best earn-able gear needs to be any better than the best currently available. Just make people earn it. They will love you for it.

These statements are at odds at each other, unless you mean lock all of the sigils and runes behind a Glory cost.

No they are not. earning tiers of gear up to a set that is best in slot, and having that whole list of gear replaced every 4-6 are two totally different things.

RPG’s attract a certain type of player. Those who love loot. Those who like building a character into something better, and using that to their advantage. This barely exists in The Mists. I understand wanting to make things fair, but this isn’t supposed to be COD… actually I think there’s more to earn in COD pvp right now…

I can’t say I fully agree with this.

Sure, a lot of players may play it for the loot, but a lot of players play RPG’s for the story and immersive worlds, and couldn’t give two shakes about getting better and better loot. In fact, I’d go as far as saying that Battlegrounds don’t cater to RPG play; you can’t really role-play while in battlegrounds. Rather, they’re like MOBA in the sense that they’re limited in numbers.

So then why collect gear at all? MOBA’s do not usually include a full set of gear you collect and maintain, but in match gear. A system unlike any typical RPG. If someone is not looking to collect then why not play an action/adventure game? Not to mention the fact that WOW did earn literally Billions based on this concept. It’s like ANet tried to get on the bandwagon with everyone else, then underestimated a few of the key things that keep people coming back.

If you don’t already agree with what I’ve said, ask yourself: Why is it that in wow, people avoided large team battles like the plague, while in GW2 far more people play wvwvw? It’s simple. Working hard for a bunch of gear makes an mmo. Otherwise it’s just an arcade game…

Could be a number of other reasons as well:

  • People have gotten bored of one game mode in SPvP, whereas WvW has had an addition made.
  • WvW could be more people’s preferred choice.
  • WvW currently has a league going on.

I for one prefer WvW over SPvP, and it has nothing to do with gear. I couldn’t care less about gear. I’m perfectly happy in my Exotics. I prefer it simply because I’m not limited in how many friends I play with at one time.

All things that are a result of crappy sPVP, not the other way around. More game modes are not being made, because no one is playing sPVP anyways. People prefer wvw, because its better than spvp. They originally wanted spvp to be the gamemode with a legue, but more people play wvw.

They would never allow Anet to even consider a progression system going higher than the one there is now. However, that just brings us back to the original problem: the lack of progression.

Except vertical progression where numbers just get bigger is probbaly the shallowest form of progression:

  • Bigger numbers =/= more options.
  • It’s an illusion of sorts. If your damage goes up by 10, and the enemy’s health goes up by 10, have you really made any progress?

Horizontal progression, where the player gets more options to build the character how they want, and it isn’t necessarily more powerful, is the sort of progression they should be chasing after.

You need to read what people are saying more closely. I already stated that it’s not a matter of an infinite gear treadmill. You need to ear a set of gear to be relevant in dungeons don’t you? And you played those a bunch in order to get that gear? (unless you cheaply bought it). Yes, pve gear can be maxed out, but you still have to earn your way to that point.

All I’m saying is make people earn each of the various sets available for free in the mists. Don’t add more gear every 6 months, just make people start somewhere.

I for one know that “balancing gear” and getting rid of tiered gear is just for the whiners out there. why? because I ENJOY games where I have to work my way up. OH NO, its actually CHALLENGING….???? Not because you can easily beat lower leveled characters, but because it’s satisfyingly to beat someone who has more gear than you do. In WvW people are not balanced at all. Yet more people are playing that.

So again I vote for a new set of 10vs10 battlegrounds, using wvw gear.

(edited by JaBlam.7196)

PvP players = Second-class citizens.

in PvP

Posted by: JaBlam.7196


Am I seriously the only one who sees the obvious flaw with GW2 pvp?

An rpg game mode…. with no usable rewards…

You want to make money off pvp? Sell the skins, and offer earn-able tiered gear. Not necessarily a gear treadmill like wow, I’m ok with there being a best in slot… But give us something to work towards. Just like your pve model… ….. ….

I know you want to fix all the issues that wow has to offer ANet, but right now hordes of players are going back to wow for their Battlegrounds. Don’t let them win for such a simple and obvious reason.

NO, just no. You are completely wrong. You think tiered gear is the problem? You think arena in wow is doing fine? They have just as much problems as we do, they just have a larger player base built over 10 years that won’t give up on their characters easily. Wow’s pvp is absolute no example to gw2. Tiered gear would be the last straw in gw2 attempt at an healthy pvp. Most people came to play gw2 just because of no tiered gear. You think wow’s best pvp players like tiered gear? Reckful has said that if he was in charge, everyone would have the same stats in pvp.

Take that conversation elsewhere, wvw, pve, whatever. Tiered gear is awful.

Once again someone who can’t read

the lack of rewards is the problem. It has nothing to do with being uneven in stats… but everything to do with nothing to work towards.

Think…. then type…

[Merged] Think "Mounts" outside the box!

in Suggestions

Posted by: JaBlam.7196


Haha. Except no you dont speak for everyone i dont want mounts in the game perioud. Plane and simple. It could slow you down, only used in town etc etc i wouldnt want it in the game

That’s great man,… so why are you on this thread then…?

I guess you don’t like anything based on aesthetics in this game then? You do know that’s pretty much the entire endgame right now? Try reading whats in front of you instead of assuming things. "I think i speak for everyone (who is interested in mounts) that it’s not even about the speed (that they want a mount, for reasons other than another speed increase, but rather for an aesthetically pleasing addition to the game). Just like pets….

Slowing you down in towns…..?


you must suffer from some pretty terrible lag, if your pc cant handle an instant.

[Merged] Think "Mounts" outside the box!

in Suggestions

Posted by: JaBlam.7196


Don’t really care man.

[Merged] Think "Mounts" outside the box!

in Suggestions

Posted by: JaBlam.7196


To the guy who stated the arena net quote on flying over content….

who said they have to fly…?

this is in the interest of fun, not speed. Mounts don’t have to effect gameplay or speed at all. They could be no different then skins.

Why there should be a dps meter

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JaBlam.7196


I think it’s hilarious that people are trying to argue against a dps meter. It’s prety simple:

If you don’t think your dps matters, then you don’t have to use it.

If you do care, then it’s there for you.

That’s it. That’s all.

In games like wow, your dps meter has no actual effect on gameplay, except to make you somewhat aware of how you did this match, compared to last match. It doesn’t keep you from anything. It can’t make you any worse. It just makes you better. Yes, there are many MANY things that effect dps in this game. That’s EXACTLY why a meter is needed. Without it, there is no definitive way to tell how much your supports are helping you; or, how a particular team composition’s dps will stack up. We do not all have time to calculate this out before hand; and, It has been proven over and over again in other mmo’s, that calculations are usually flawed.

As for the many comments along the lines of “I don’t want a DPS meter because it allows people to make fun of my crappy dps…”

Trolls will always exist. They will bash your DPS with or without a meter. You will often get kicked from groups for no reason regardless. That is the human element at play. It has nothing to do with what stats are available.

MOST OF ALL. If you don’t think these stats are usefull or relevent, why do you even care? The decision should be up to the people who care about dps, not the ones who don’t. They can simply ignore it….. like me….

I don’t care about my own dps, or what people think of it. However, I know many people who do not play this game, for that reason alone. People who prefer a dungeon to be competitive should not be excluded from this game because someone is embarrassed about their own score. At least make a “ranked dungeon mode” with a dps meter, if you really cant handle criticism.

PvP players = Second-class citizens.

in PvP

Posted by: JaBlam.7196


Am I seriously the only one who sees the obvious flaw with GW2 pvp?

An rpg game mode…. with no usable rewards…

You want to make money off pvp? Sell the skins, and offer earn-able tiered gear. Not necessarily a gear treadmill like wow, I’m ok with there being a best in slot… But give us something to work towards. Just like your pve model… ….. ….

I know you want to fix all the issues that wow has to offer ANet, but right now hordes of players are going back to wow for their Battlegrounds. Don’t let them win for such a simple and obvious reason.

[Merged] Think "Mounts" outside the box!

in Suggestions

Posted by: JaBlam.7196


Seriously ANet, still no mounts?

I think I speak for everyone when I say, it’s not even about the movement speed. Mounts look cool and they are something fun to collect. Not to mention the fun to be had, when more than one person can ride on one mount.

This game is supposed to be all about teamwork correct? I get that speed increases would change the entire dynamic of wvwvw… but why cut out typical mmo content that everybody loves?

Battlegrounds: The Weak Link

in Suggestions

Posted by: JaBlam.7196


I am not proud to admit it, but I was once a serious wow player.

I wasn’t a true guildy, with more friends online then in real life. I wasn’t the worlds highest DPS raider and I didn’t strive for every single achievement in the game. I was a Battleground Enthusiast.

Why? – Because I found this was the most unique and dynamic game-play that wow had to offer AND there was always some new item out there, that kept me coming back for more.

Before you rant about how GW2 is not WOW, and that there is no gear treadmill, yada yada… keep reading. I know this, I love it, and that’s not the point.

So, with all of the improvements to mmo pve and dynamic questing, why is it that so many people go back to other games? Why is it that lower budget games stand a chance against this masterpiece? Why is it that the forums are full of people who even prefer GW1 PVP???

Because there’s nothing good to gain from GW2 Battlegrounds. (the Mists) Sure, cosmetic upgrades are a nice BONUS… but that’s just not enough.

RPG’s attract a certain type of player. Those who love loot. Those who like building a character into something better, and using that to their advantage. This barely exists in The Mists. I understand wanting to make things fair, but this isn’t supposed to be COD… actually I think there’s more to earn in COD pvp right now…

I’m not saying re-introduce the gear treadmill, I just saying implement some earn-able tiered gear. I’m not even saying that the best earn-able gear needs to be any better than the best currently available. Just make people earn it. They will love you for it.


Create a new Battleground mode, witch allows you to play with your hard earned pve gear, and see for yourself. I’d bet it sees waaaaaaay more attention DESPITE not being as balanced.

I’d also like to add that playing low level pvp was tons of fun. Fighting with no more than a few simple attacks at level 19 was easily as entertaining and required a different kind of strategy.

If you don’t already agree with what I’ve said, ask yourself: Why is it that in wow, people avoided large team battles like the plague, while in GW2 far more people play wvwvw? It’s simple. Working hard for a bunch of gear makes an mmo. Otherwise it’s just an arcade game…

Please ANet. See this post. Realize your one fault and fix it. The way I see it, this is the only thing keeping a very large number of people from sticking to this game.