Showing Posts For Jace.6973:

19/04 SF/NSP/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


Oh obsession. Yes I cried when PAXA wiped fight club

And yes, I did stick up for one of my MoB commanders. What I like most about this commander is that he admitted he made the wrong call, and apologized. So yes, I did support him.

Also MoB doesn’t start drama we just clarify whats facts and whats made up.

Like yes PAXA did wipe us. Did they fight fair? They think so we think not. Things like this are never going to be settled because people view them from 2 points of view and realistically means nothing. Ask any member in MoB I will be the first to tell you that PAXA is extremely talented. As they should be they put a lot of effort into their small man fight. And I think they are the best hands down small man group out there.

Ideally some one on your own server shouldn’t call you out. At the end of the day were still on the same server.
To me, it’s more about what actually happens inside WvW.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

(edited by Jace.6973)

19/04 SF/NSP/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


Wait, what?

I swear, no one does anything except transfer away from NSP. Which makes me sad.

Well he is just fulfilling the prophecy of being Ronny Raygun 2.0, that’s all.

Ronny wanted to start a new alliance, when it failed, he left the server.
Deja vu is all I say.

Also, currently checking into the legality of jace’s alliance website being a tax write off. I am no expert, but I’m pretty sure that’s fraud.

I don’t know where to start with this.

First of all your screenshot of our conversation was just about 3 months ago. When about 10 MoB players left to Yaks bend and then returned to NSP because we felt at home in NSP.

Secondly, get your facts straight before you start accusing. First of all the alliance website was paid for by thef from KOTR, and it was not a tax write off. The team speak 3 server however is a tax write off (for his own business)for somebody that doesn’t even play guild wars 2. How is that fraud?

Please post pictures of where I tried to sell you explicit pictures for 20g, go ahead anths, or should I pull up LooT forums where you can clearly see your “Private man parts” and when you try to deny it I can pull up a picture from your facebook and match the exact background on your wall to the background in the picture you posted.

Anths you are one of the biggest trolls on NSP.

Comparing me to Ronny Raygun? Thats pathetic I’m the only one from the NSC who actually tried to reach out to Ronny Raygun and communicate with him for the SERVER. Yes Ronny and I had our differences but I still tried to communicate with him (after I realized trolling him got nowhere). I’m by no means trying to split NSP or NSC. The people in our alliance care about the server and is willing to put our differences aside and unite under one server.

I see high school let out.

Having a teamspeak for a business, and writing it off as a business expense, while using it as something not for the business is fraud. You can have a business vehicle, but if you use it for personal use, and write it off as purely being for business, then that too is fraud.

As far as the LooT forums… just lol. I invite you to carry out this threat.

Also, I have a screenshot of the website not providing proper copyright to arenanet for the content that you use from them.

My favorite part about this post is how it will be removed by a moderator, who will see the above statement, and we will just have to see how that plays out <3

I removed the section about the LooT forums because I didn’t want to get into personal attacks.

But again the teamspeak is not fraud.Do your research maybe even log on the teamspeak and you’ll see at the very bottom theres a channel for his business which he actaully doe’s business work in.

I’m really not quite sure what your trying to achieve by putting me/everyone in the alliance down. And your calling me immature when were working for a long term goal of NSP. Unless you don’t want that, then all of this would make sense. MoB has not talked bad about Os ever. We even communicate with them while being on the same map. What fueled you to attack me? Jealously? Hate?

I don’t like Ronny Raygun, and I don’t like Ronny Raygun 2.0

One server, one alliance, united.

Two alliances is a divide, and isn’t optimal for unification unless everybody is in both alliances, then they would just be redundant and unnecessary.

The teamspeak is not primarily used for the business, if there is only one channel for the guy’s business, then it is primarily for guild wars 2. Please refer to my earlier statement about business vehicles.

Also, you can’t retract a statement that has already been quoted by a couple of people.

Okay, I’m going to be the bigger person in this. I hope you got your fun out of your trolling.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

19/04 SF/NSP/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


Wait, what?

I swear, no one does anything except transfer away from NSP. Which makes me sad.

Well he is just fulfilling the prophecy of being Ronny Raygun 2.0, that’s all.

Ronny wanted to start a new alliance, when it failed, he left the server.
Deja vu is all I say.

Also, currently checking into the legality of jace’s alliance website being a tax write off. I am no expert, but I’m pretty sure that’s fraud.

I don’t know where to start with this.

First of all your screenshot of our conversation was just about 3 months ago. When about 10 MoB players left to Yaks bend and then returned to NSP because we felt at home in NSP.

Secondly, get your facts straight before you start accusing. First of all the alliance website was paid for by thef from KOTR, and it was not a tax write off. The team speak 3 server however is a tax write off (for his own business)for somebody that doesn’t even play guild wars 2. How is that fraud?

Please post pictures of where I tried to sell you explicit pictures for 20g, go ahead anths, or should I pull up LooT forums where you can clearly see your “Private man parts” and when you try to deny it I can pull up a picture from your facebook and match the exact background on your wall to the background in the picture you posted.

Anths you are one of the biggest trolls on NSP.

Comparing me to Ronny Raygun? Thats pathetic I’m the only one from the NSC who actually tried to reach out to Ronny Raygun and communicate with him for the SERVER. Yes Ronny and I had our differences but I still tried to communicate with him (after I realized trolling him got nowhere). I’m by no means trying to split NSP or NSC. The people in our alliance care about the server and is willing to put our differences aside and unite under one server.

I see high school let out.

Having a teamspeak for a business, and writing it off as a business expense, while using it as something not for the business is fraud. You can have a business vehicle, but if you use it for personal use, and write it off as purely being for business, then that too is fraud.

As far as the LooT forums… just lol. I invite you to carry out this threat.

Also, I have a screenshot of the website not providing proper copyright to arenanet for the content that you use from them.

My favorite part about this post is how it will be removed by a moderator, who will see the above statement, and we will just have to see how that plays out <3

I removed the section about the LooT forums because I didn’t want to get into personal attacks.

But again the teamspeak is not fraud.Do your research maybe even log on the teamspeak and you’ll see at the very bottom theres a channel for his business which he actaully doe’s business work in.

I’m really not quite sure what your trying to achieve by putting me/everyone in the alliance down. And your calling me immature when were working for a long term goal of NSP. Unless you don’t want that, then all of this would make sense. MoB has not talked bad about Os ever. We even communicate with them while being on the same map. What fueled you to attack me? Jealously? Hate?

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

19/04 SF/NSP/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


Lying is still lying, Jacey boy. Can we have our 500g yet? Or do you back down from bets too?

It looks like that 500g will be an IOU since he just transferred…

I just saw a bunch of MoB in HoD Bl…

Yes don’t worry MoB is loyal to NSP and is proud to call NSP it’s home. We fortified the HoD bay last night. But big shout out to Calisto and the [lost] crew. They helped us throughout the whole 5 hours+

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

19/04 SF/NSP/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


Wait, what?

I swear, no one does anything except transfer away from NSP. Which makes me sad.

Well he is just fulfilling the prophecy of being Ronny Raygun 2.0, that’s all.

Ronny wanted to start a new alliance, when it failed, he left the server.
Deja vu is all I say.

Also, currently checking into the legality of jace’s alliance website being a tax write off. I am no expert, but I’m pretty sure that’s fraud.

I don’t know where to start with this.

First of all your screenshot of our conversation was just about 3 months ago. When about 10 MoB players left to Yaks bend and then returned to NSP because we felt at home in NSP.

Secondly, get your facts straight before you start accusing. First of all the alliance website was paid for by thef from KOTR, and it was not a tax write off. The team speak 3 server however is a tax write off (for his own business)for somebody that doesn’t even play guild wars 2. How is that fraud?

Also Anths. I could bring up the red underwear on the LooT forums. But I see no point in directly calling you out. I’d like to avoid personal drama because I’m not interested in that.

Comparing me to Ronny Raygun? Thats pathetic I’m the only one from the NSC who actually tried to reach out to Ronny Raygun and communicate with him for the SERVER. Yes Ronny and I had our differences but I still tried to communicate with him (after I realized trolling him got nowhere). I’m by no means trying to split NSP or NSC. The people in our alliance care about the server and is willing to put our differences aside and unite under one server.

However, I do find it funny that your trying to pull screenshots from months ago and twist it back on me to make me look bad. The NSP alliance hasn’t failed by all means. It’s still under construction. And were getting it ready to be fail proof.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

(edited by Jace.6973)

19/04 SF/NSP/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


Does this mean I can join PAXA?

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

19/04 SF/NSP/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


I’m no sure what Os has to do with this.

Nothing besides Jace lying to some Os members about steamrolling PAXA after his group got killed by a PAXA group.

LOL okay 1 Os member aka insane, is not Os

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

19/04 SF/NSP/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


Sorry SF I was holding back on posting this video because I didn’t want to embarrass you.. It takes 65+ to hold back a guild that peaked at 32 on reset night. If this happens to you in tier 7 what will it be like in tier 6…? I really do think SF is a t7 server. Please watch this and I recommend you watch it in HD, it show’s all your dead bodies a little bit more clearer.
MoB Reset night

Can PAXA have our 500g yet please? A bet is a bet. Or wait, you had to lie about beating us, didn’t you? Haha, lesson for a teenager – lies always find their way out.

Whenever we asked PAXA for a 5 on 5 you say “Paxa doesn’t do arranged 5 on 5”…. Go troll somewhere else.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

19/04 SF/NSP/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


Sorry SF I was holding back on posting this video because I didn’t want to embarrass you.. It takes 65+ to hold back a guild that peaked at 32 on reset night. If this happens to you in tier 7 what will it be like in tier 6…? I really do think SF is a t7 server. Please watch this and I recommend you watch it in HD, it show’s all your dead bodies a little bit more clearer.
MoB Reset night

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

(edited by Jace.6973)

NSP-Serious WorldvsWorld Guild

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


Shiverpeak Mafia [MoB]

This is our recruitment video (reccomended watch)

Who is MoB?

MoB is a close knit organized WvW guild. MoB excels in strategy and dominance as we are often found slaughtering our opponents, and looting our loot bags. MoB runs organized WvW on a nightly basis, and runs full force for Friday night on reset. For communication MoB uses teamspeak3 and shares it with the rest of our alliance. MoB also runs guild missions every Sunday.

Why MoB over any other guild?

The members in MoB are welcoming, and enjoy watching our community grow. We pride ourselves on the wealth of knowledge we have to offer. We will help you personally with the build you are running, so you can maximize your enjoyment out of the game. MoB also supports server transfers, we encourage all players to come join us on NSP! You can and will make a difference in T7!

Is MoB the right fit for you?

If you are an individual who is looking for a mature group of gamer’s then MoB is the right fit for you. MoB has high pride among-st their members and we are a great community!

If you would like to join the Mafia please contact me in game for further details!

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

(edited by Jace.6973)

4/12 SF/HoD/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973



Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

(edited by Jace.6973)

HoD WvW 5 man LF Support/heal guardian

in Guilds

Posted by: Jace.6973


It kills me to vouch for PAXA. But I will admit that PAXA is definitely the most skilled 5 man group/“smaller”/“roaming” group in tier 7 ATM.

As a zerging guild we often find PAXA roaming our back-lines attempting to pick off 1 or 2 at a time. PREWARNING, PAXA has a skill on sight mentality from 90% of our guild and probably 75% of the server. Mostly because of the trolling, which goes both ways.

If your a skilled individual looking for a group of guys that plays every-night and enjoys the attention (good and bad) that PAXA gets, PAXA is the guild for you.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

Commander chat suppression

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


I’ve recently stopped commanding PUGS because of this, My commanding style requires a lot of “Stop, Buffs/Boons/Shouts, Stack, Push, Get back, Hold the choke,” ect the list goes on. And it’s super annoying to go stack, buffs up, then “suppressed” when you say push, or “suppressed” when you say fall back. Next thing you know your group is wiped, and now the morale among-st your PUGS hits the floor.

For these reasons I now mostly command my guild and we use TS3.

I’ll only come command pugs if there’s
A, No active commanders on the map.
B, I get called to command on the map by an ally.

I know there’s really no way to get around chat suppression because I can see both sides of it, that people would abuse it if taken away, but just having squad chat is useless no one ever joins my squad because there is no reason too. And if you tell the pugs too, you would be lucky if 1/5th of them did…

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

4/5 HoD/SF/NSP (4th attempt at civility)

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


[MoB] had lots of fun tonight in WvW. This is a quick edit that a guildie did. I do believe that this is worth the watch.

EDIT: Kilaeyla.1420 video is different then this link, this link is the battle, hers is the after party

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

(edited by Jace.6973)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


You know I did not post anything hateful however all I got was hateful responses, no one in PVP has said anything to anyone, if you feel you want to do a 20 v 20 please let me know who wants to do and we will let you know when you our people are avail.

So yea next weekend maybe or when ever. I just do not want this discussion to go any further than it has about how you are far superior than anyone else, where as I or anyone else have never accused of you or any of the other server being below us. So lets set up a time for this 20 v 20 group and lets just settle it.

You have mail
As were the only one who will actually muster up 20 people to fight you without QQing about it… We only have 110 people

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

(edited by Jace.6973)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


to the PvP guild:
you obviously have had practice with the portal bomb. i watched you portal bomb 3 separate times on the same zerg. absolute decimation. Not to mention your numbers. hats off to the offensive part of SF.

All I have to say to this is, watch this… Guildie recorded

This was a fun fight, and we tried to find you around the map but couldn’t get another clean fight with you guys again.. Props to your portal bomb skills.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

(edited by Jace.6973)

3/29 HoD/GoM/NSP #2

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


Was sort of funny watching NSP send wave after wave to their death at Aldon’s. I must have gotten a couple hundred NSP kills tonight between the failed golem rush at SM and the hour long defense of Aldon’s. They eventually took it, but a couple people claimed to have gotten 2 rank ups before they did.

Was sort of funny watching HoD send wave after wave to their death at Mendons. I got over 600 kills from our little mendon fun.

Here’s how it looked from my point of view.

40 HoD come walking up to the bridge part of mendons acting all tough because theres 40 of them… And then……..“OH CRAP They jumped!! run back to keep!!!!” Wipe after wipe after wipe <3 thanks for the 2 stacks of badges.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/29 HoD/GoM/NSP #2

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


Paxa send me mail. Let’s set up a date and we’ll roll. Because I’m next to positive that we had equal numbers tonight. +/-1 or 2. We would like the option of 10 on 10 but if you can’t do that, then thats okay.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/29 HoD/GoM/NSP #2

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


To the PAXA squad running around GoM BL. Yes you guys are skilled. And we’ve had our fun in the past “trolling” “teasing” “each other”. But I will say as for small zerg fights you guys are the most talented group we have fought yet. Infact you guys downed me right away I thought we were going to wipe. But we ended up gettin ya in the end.

Disclaimer- we had 11 people 2 parties(full) and 1 without a party. Please do not say we had 20 or 15. You guys looked like you had 10ish or so.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/29 HoD/GoM/NSP #2

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


To be honest I wan’t to change the mood of this thread. We can all complain about each servers ups and downs. However I’m ENJOYING the new transfers that HoD in particular got and I do believe that it has increased the amount of fun I have in WvW. I don’t believe this unbalances our tier (Yes I’m aware most of HoD transfers are strictly WvWer’s). I hate PvDooring we can all put down a ram or two and take a undefended tower that takes no skill. I’m often urging to get into WvW so I can experience fighting against players or guilds from higher tiers that have transferred. And to be quite honest all you guys who are complaining about it not being fair. HoD is 20k ahead of NSP and 40k ahead of GoM, it’s not like a tier 8 pull-away..

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/29 NSP-GoM-HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


I had a blast in NSP BL last night, Props to MEND for holding Hills all night long. Great dedication!

Thanks for throwing this refreshing tidbit in among all the negative posts, you guys made a lot of inventive attempts to take us out, it was a lot of fun to fight against you.
I particularly liked when you managed to have 25+ at the north and south gate, that got pretty intense as I ran back and forth between the two!

Thank you NSP for giving us such a great fight, hope to see many of you on the field again soon!

(Also a note, we killed all GoM in our sights)

I have high respect for [Mend]. This is not our first encounter with [Mend], I tried everything I could think of to break you from hills.. Our guild eventually got called to help an ally. But oneday [Mend] we will break you from a tower/keep… It’s a goal for our guild. As we haven’t played against other big guilds that defend.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/29 NSP-GoM-HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


Calisto Stormblade for president!

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/29 NSP-GoM-HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


Well aint that cute??


Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

In dire need of Web Designer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jace.6973


Oops the name was wrong its edited now

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

In dire need of Web Designer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jace.6973


Hello all, I’m currently working on setting up an alliance website. I have two people working on it and my lead web designer got seriously ill and is inthe hospital. I’m willing to pay you for your work that is done but I personally know nothing about what needs to be done. My ingame name is X Braveheart, the person you need to contact to see what needs to be done is Empress Thef send us both mail! Thanks alot guys!

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

(edited by Jace.6973)

Northern Shiverpeaks Welcomes You!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jace.6973


Also- because it won’t let me edit my post. On Northern Shiverpeaks each indivdual counts. There are no que times you are not just one number ikittenerg. We are a population that recognizes the importance of each individual. We don’t often have zergs of 50+ We usually have 1 or 2 zergs of 15 to 20 on a map when we can get the numbers.

If your looking to really make a impact on a server Northern Shiverpeaks is the server for you. If your looking to just follow big zergs then somewhere else is probably more appropiate.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

Henge of Denravi welcomes you!

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


To the guild Mend that recently transfered to HoD, wow you guys must of came from a high tier. You guys have the numbers and strategies that completly fooled my guild. Great seeing new opponents!

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

Northern Shiverpeaks Welcomes You!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jace.6973


Who is Northern Shiverpeaks?

Northern Shiverpeaks is a server that has gone through its up’s, as well as gone through it’s downs. But the great thing about Northern Shiverpeaks is the community that is left on NSP. Alot of the population left for the server Kaineing over 4 months ago to join the alliance they were setting up. This left NSP with a bunch of loyal people on and off the battlefield.

What we can offer.
NSP offers a great variety in guilds, with some key guilds being MoB,Os,ZoS,ROFL, ect. Were all part of a community here working with eachother on and off of the battlefield.

If anyone has any questions about NSP feel free to send me a mail ingame (I’m leaving for a hockey game right as I’m typing this but I will be back later tonight).

Here is my guild on reset nice to give you a small idea of what NSP has to offer.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/22 GoM vs NSP vs HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


Wafflez. You are the man.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/22 GoM vs NSP vs HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


I want to thank GoM for the hour long fight or so over your keep in EB, it was alot of fun!


Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

NSP-Guild Recruiting Serious WvW Members

in Guilds

Posted by: Jace.6973


MoB has doubled it’s size in less then 20 days. This is our WvW video from last night reset. I kept missing the record button.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/22 GoM vs NSP vs HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


We seriously need to find a new recorder because I am not good at it I usually miss all of the cool shots, and I never record when the cool stuff happens. We record these for guild purposes but we thought you guys would enjoy as well.

Here’s some gameplay of tonight on reset hope you enjoy it.

i call bull kitten on that, when i run through zergs like u just did i get downed in 2 secs as full bunker after i do my dodges, why they no love engineers..have to go full zerker for any real damage to boot >.>

I’m not sure whats there to call bull kitten on. Also I fail at recording becuase my main job is to break up the zerg while my group lights them up with AoE’s ect. If you notice I always run straight through and my group aoe’s the middle.. Making me miss the action shot.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

New Server

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


Come play with MoB guild on NSP
Here’s us on reset.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/22 GoM vs NSP vs HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


We seriously need to find a new recorder because I am not good at it I usually miss all of the cool shots, and I never record when the cool stuff happens. We record these for guild purposes but we thought you guys would enjoy as well.

Here’s some gameplay of tonight on reset hope you enjoy it.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

(edited by Jace.6973)

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


And to end the rant I did a quick teaser of the Fight club.

Nice preview, by any chance did you record the fight between me, the gom [ASH] Engineer and the warrior (?) in the gold temple armor?

At that fight i was wearing the leather temple armor and a order of whisper’s hood.

Score for those at work

Sorry, I have over a hour of footage, finding you would be painfuly annoying, Next time I’ll record and stop and start at intervules and record who it is and who wins.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


First of all, Atomic and I were the ones that set this up so I want to speak on behalf of that, do not blame GoM for “setting this up”

Secondly, I felt that it was appropiate to have fight club, Personally I know that my guild and I have been doing way more then our fairshare of WvW this week. Infact many of us pulled an all nighter wednesday night to try to catch GoM. So Fight club was a nice little “reward” or treat if you will in my eyes.

However this is not my main concern, NSP morale is in the tank, our server is split and nothing is being changed about that. Even for MoB who is a dedicated WvW guild we often find it hard to go into WvW because our server as a WHOLE is split and makes it darn hard to get guild morale up enough. Especially because we often have to do the “Boring” jobs just to keep our points somewhat close to GoM…

Our server doesn’t understand. IoJ is freefalling out of T6, this would of been our perfect time to pop right back in. However GoM will (probably) move up and we will be stuck in T7 against IoJ and SF. And for those of you that are unaware of SF. It will NOT be pretty when they move up..

Instead of trolling the forums and arguing over fight club go play WvW. I’ve done my fairshare of trolling but reality hit me. It’s time for NSP to make the decission, do we work towards becoming a strong WvW server again? Or are we okay with being known as the “Troll” server. This is a serious question, alot of players want to know if it’s worth putting in the effort to make it a serious WvW server again or if the majority just enjoy the trolling.

And to end the rant I did a quick teaser of the Fight club.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

(edited by Jace.6973)

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


I really enjoyed it as well, hope everyone else enjoyed it as well I have some clips I can upload to youtube tomorrow

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


—ATTENTION— Ronny raygun has decided that the truce between MoB and TCMM is no longer in effect. MoB wants to end this truce by giving TCMM some help before we go on our seperate ways.

MoB has decided to teach TCMM how to effectively use the golem rush tactic, something they have yet to perfect after many tempts….

Disclamer-we are sorry to the GoM hills that was used in this tutorial..

Here you go Ronny and all of TCMM
Love, [MoB]

How the hell were you able to take that keep when it was so heavily defended???? Props man.

It’s all in the technique, were trying to teach TCMM here..
Please no troll.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


—ATTENTION— Ronny raygun has decided that the truce between MoB and TCMM is no longer in effect. MoB wants to end this truce by giving TCMM some help before we go on our seperate ways.

MoB has decided to teach TCMM how to effectively use the golem rush tactic, something they have yet to perfect after many tempts….

Disclamer-we are sorry to the GoM hills that was used in this tutorial..

Here you go Ronny and all of TCMM
Love, [MoB]

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


To the NSP [MOB] guild crew and the others that attacked our BL late last night about 11 hours ago, that was the most fast paced defensive battle I’ve ever had there! I had LOADS of fun having to bounce back and forth between the Hills and Bay keeps xD I want more battles like this, so much fun! I’m mainly thankful HoD backed off from our north side shortly after you guys arrived on the scene, haha!

We want to thank you for giving us a good time as well. We were really suprised at the numbers that showed up. Great job defending

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/15 NSP/GoM/HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


I feel like this is an epic MUST WATCH video…. Please watch in HD and full screen….It makes it more epic.. I wish I would of recorded vent but I am slightly slow….

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


1.Whats the big rush to get over the bridge, slow it down, one of you may fall off.
2. Kept you guys out for a while but you guys kept on coming,
3. Did you know you could build cannons where ever you wanted?
4. Did you guys pull from other maps just for lil olde us? you shouldnt have =D
5. No really you should have, how many of you guys >.> 4 catas down and the 5th was being perma siege blocked.
6. Decided to do a dungeon, red circles everywhere

Hey man I was the commander for #1, #2. [MoB] had a blast fighting against you guys it was a really fun battle we had goin on there.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


Thanks for those HoD that listened, my guild and I had a blast. Thanks for 150 badges!
(P.S We had to kitten somehow let’s see if you can find it)


Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

(edited by Jace.6973)

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


To any HoD still awake please come try to take Mendons.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


I really do enjoy being double teamed in EB. It really allows for us to test our skill against you guys.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


Rob My heart is broken..

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


Good fights last week, let’s keep the fights clean, and continue the fun throughout this week.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


[MoB] thought just for kicks and giggles we’d camp Mendons, however the 8 of us that were on can not handle 60+ HoD… I didn’t even render half of you guys darn Culling.. BTW [MoB] <3 Mendon’s.
Heres us getting wiped 8v60 not cool.

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


Sigh no one liked my video?

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/1 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jace.6973


I think all NSP citizens can enjoy this video I made.
Just remember MoB>TCMM

Commander: X Braveheart
Shiverpeak Mafia[MoB] Leader
Northern Shiverpeaks