Showing Posts For Jacorvin.7894:
Every class has abilies to cleanse themselves and other players. The issue is people do not want to switch their abilities per fight, which is not how this game is supposed to be played. This guy is the reason we can switch out abilities on the fly. As a necro there are some dungeons I switch my abilities every fight, even during the trash.
seriously? So you should not have to cater to guild rules, but they should have to cater to yours. Did your parents spoil you much?
Just curious, why choose the flesh golem over Plague? I would figure people would down the pet pretty fast and the cloud does what he does, minus the knock down.
Maybe it is to combat WoWs expac release. Maybe because its a Tuesday morning so people would be at work? I would say both are factors.
Since the patch I am having issues joining a dungeon. It either lets us enter but all in a separate dungeon or it does not let us enter at all. Myself and both of my flatmates are having this issue.
I’m pretty sure you can zoom in with the camera if you’re having problems with animations.
This doesnt help with the situation, all zooming does is minimize your sight on the battlefield and maximize your view of your avatar.
Maybe they could give us “emote text” like “Has just taken a deep breath!” so you now know the boss is about to breath fire, acid, etc… whatever. As far as I know, this is not in the game yet right? Could be helpful, maybe.
Exactly, that is the kind of design they can add and would fall under my “see or hear” statement. If they are really set on keeping the creatures their remaining size a vocal or textual notification would actually would be a perfect choice.
Firstly, I understand some like the dungeons the way they are. I would also like to say I realize the dungeons are not meant to be easy and ran through. What I want to discuss in this post is how the difficulty in the dungeons is not a really a difficulty in the traditional sense, but a a lack of information given to the player.
We all know most monsters have their abilities posted right under their names, I am not talking about that kind of information, I am talking about what the player can see and hear.
If you look at games like WoW, Rift, and Tera you will notice a few things about boss monsters, they are large. What would be normal humans are twice as tall as players of the same race, why is that? Designers do this so you, the player, can see the motions of the monsters and interpret what to do in response. Something like this is really important for an action MMO, much like Tera and Guild Wars 2. There are a few examples of this in the game already, the final boss of both Sorrows Embrace and Crucible of Eternity. These fights allow the players to see the something is about to happen and react to it. But there are a majority of fights that this fails to happen.
In the fight before the final boss of Crucible of Eternity you have an Asura of normal Asura size (I am guessing) who has the ability to one shot you. It is a charge up ability and can easily be avoided. The only problem is you cannot see who he is aiming at with all the spell effects going on. Now, this happens to be a major problem for melee, not so much range with quick fingers, but the point remains, there is a lack of information given to the player (this case being the melee player.) Another issue with combat is the red circles you have on the ground.
The red circles are a great mechanic, in theory. They allow you to tell what effects/spells are hostile (the red ones) or friendly (most of the other ones.) The major problem with these are the tile sets. Most often than not you will fight a monster on a tile set that bleeds over into the effect making the red circle hard, if not impossible to see. I will say, this might not be a problem for everyone, but I am colorblind, so it makes it exceptionally difficult for me to detect these effects.
Okay, now the bosses are bigger, the red circles are clearly visible now the players are walking through these dungeons with ease, that is bad! Not really, the problem with the current system is: punishing a player for lack of information is of bad design, players dying because they failed to dodge a clearly visible effect is good, because that is a issue on their side which can be worked at with practice.
I do not blame the designer for players dying on bosses like the Norns in HoTW, or the Robot boss in Sorrow’s Embrace, these fights are perfectly designed (and dare I say could be tuned up a tad.) They follow the basics of a great fight:
- Clearly visible actions.
- Movement to keep the battle feeling action oriented.
- Punishing a player for making a wrong decision.
Now for a bit of a disclaimer: I realize some of you have zero problem with the current system, you are above the average MMO player and that is good. Having a community like that to give tips and tricks is what keeps a lot of games alive. But, a lot of people are struggling, and that is not good for the community. I am not saying make these games easy mode, I am saying give the player more information so that they can improve themselves.
Hand Crossbow (duel wielding capable)
Engineer need an RPG Kit
Throwing Knives
As an engineer I will agree, we need some RPG action.
This is the first time my favorite things about the game have been the world itself and the music. The world and art team, did an absolute fantastic job in creating a world in which I want to explore every nook and cranny… even the jump puzzles I so miserably fail at. The music is also fantastic, of course, one would expect nothing less from the composer.
I feel it is often thought of, but rarely said that the teams for both the art and sound went above and beyond to bring us something that will be talked about for a long while.
Thank you!
edit: slight mistake on wording fixed.