Showing Highly Rated Posts By Jade Nekotenshi.8702:

On making Healing Power Worthwhile.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jade Nekotenshi.8702

Jade Nekotenshi.8702


Removing healing power is also a change to healing power. :P
I’m not claiming to have the ultimate solution, but something needs to happen to the Healing Power, and probably Vitality.

One of the big problems we run into is how do we perform the conversion?

If Healing Power stays, is it because the scaling was tweaked? It would have unintended consequences in PvP, I think. The meta would adjust, obviously, but it’d be a kitten-storm of kittening for months on end. And bunkers were an issue apparently, indicated by the ‘tweak’ they put on turrets. (I’m.. actually pretty mad about that, but whatevs.)
I’m actually not a fan of re-scaling Healing Power. It’s a lazy solution.

So, thought goes, perhaps Healing Power in all of its weakness should pull double duty. That’s where the Boon Duration wish comes from. Lots of classes got their boon durations shredded, and Giver’s gear is garbage, so it seemed like a great way to add utility to a stat while enhancing support and restoring our busted boons.
Not to say it would shatter a meta, but it would give more incentive to filter in HealPow in a gear piece or two. The max-efficiency crowd would still gun for Berserker, since a few second seconds on a might stack wouldn’t mean anything for dungeons. The spot I’d be a smidge fuzzy on is the effect a possible +10% duration would be for PvP. 0.3 extra seconds of Protection doesn’t seem like a huge benefit. :P

Or, we obliterate Healing Power altogether. (And, quite frankly, we probably should. Good game design demands it.) But what does it get replaced with on gear? What happens to Nomad/Cleric/Zealot, except maybe a double-click choice? (It worked very well after the Magic Find removal.) Does Healing Power get rolled into Vitality, making defense even more viable in PvP? Does HealPow just stop mattering and all the healing skills base out at static values?
Even as someone who plays lots of heal/protection-oriented roles, I could get behind dumping Healing Power, I’m just not sure what the right approach is to compensate for the change and what would be best for the game.

That’s a lot of good pondering about all this, and raises a few good issues.

So it sounds to me like extra Boon Duration would be mostly useless in both PvP and PvE, unless you piled it to the sky, at which point it’s either OP (possibly in PvP) or doubly useless because you have to give up so much offense for it in exchange for so little (in PvE). You might be able to fix some of that by reworking some boons, but that’s another kettle of fish.

Rolling HP into Vit is probably OP for PvP unless the scaling is changed a lot; what about PvE? My understanding is that both Vit and Toughness are marginal in PvE anyway, and when you do mix some in (to survive bad pugs, etc), you usually want Toughness over Vit. So it seems to me that maybe this just tips the scales the other way, which might not be all bad.

Eliminating HP, and making outgoing heals mostly static (plus things like Sigil of Benevolence, and maybe an added Benevolence boon), plus maybe making incoming heals scale with Vit (or with max hit points) could work. Both that and the “roll it into Vit” proposal have issues with existing gear sets. What about eliminating it, but replacing Healing Power on all gear that currently has it with some amount of Boon Duration?

Out of all of these, I think maybe “dump it, possibly to be replaced with some other tricks” sounds like the most attractive option.

Kati Kainulainen – Norn warrior | Irina Kuznetsova – Human elementalist
Baghaar Ironfang – Charr guardian | Maja Sigurdsdottir – Norn ranger
Tarnished Coast

Change Breathers Into Skins, Not Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jade Nekotenshi.8702

Jade Nekotenshi.8702

I’ll thoroughly second this. Heck, we’re still mostly stuck with limited stat selections for breathers. Nuke ’em, make ’em skins, and just use my standard hat stats and runes.

This idea was truly touched by His Noodly Appendage. RAmen, OP, RAmen.

Kati Kainulainen – Norn warrior | Irina Kuznetsova – Human elementalist
Baghaar Ironfang – Charr guardian | Maja Sigurdsdottir – Norn ranger
Tarnished Coast

On making Healing Power Worthwhile.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jade Nekotenshi.8702

Jade Nekotenshi.8702

Aye, that’s what I’d like too. Having a bunch of options that are so obviously garbage that nobody would even think about using them isn’t my idea of good, even if there are a few that I really like too.

(Full disclosure: most of my toons are actually mostly-zerk, so this is not about wanting to buff my pet build or just pointless contrarianism.)

Kati Kainulainen – Norn warrior | Irina Kuznetsova – Human elementalist
Baghaar Ironfang – Charr guardian | Maja Sigurdsdottir – Norn ranger
Tarnished Coast

Cursed RNG... Not fun anymore =[

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jade Nekotenshi.8702

Jade Nekotenshi.8702

It’s so inconsistent, ne? I’ve probably gotten a grand total of maybe 35-40 exotic drops since launch, but the other day I got two, off a champ in Frostgorge and then off Claw of Jormag: a pair of zerker gauntlets and a zerker sword that, together, fetched me almost 30g.

Some days you’re the windshield, some days you’re the bug.

Edit: frelling curseword filter?

Kati Kainulainen – Norn warrior | Irina Kuznetsova – Human elementalist
Baghaar Ironfang – Charr guardian | Maja Sigurdsdottir – Norn ranger
Tarnished Coast

Bleeds not UP, just underrated.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jade Nekotenshi.8702

Jade Nekotenshi.8702

That makes a lot of sense, and roughly comports with what I see on my various condi builds (though you’ve seen that already!)

There are probably cases where it’s not worth, say, letting three stacks of burn fall off to put four bleeds on, but when the trade is more favorable than that – and it usually is – it makes sense to work bleeding in.

In PvP, it’s practically essential, too – even if most of your damage really is from burns, you need everything else to protect those burns against condition cleanses. (Hence my preference for a Sigil of Torment for my engi, rather than the Sigil of Earth I use in PvE).

Kati Kainulainen – Norn warrior | Irina Kuznetsova – Human elementalist
Baghaar Ironfang – Charr guardian | Maja Sigurdsdottir – Norn ranger
Tarnished Coast

Lack of cool items in the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jade Nekotenshi.8702

Jade Nekotenshi.8702

I mean come on Anet look at these armors, in particular light and medium. This is a fantasy game yet why does some of the gear look like i can get it in a charity store?

There is little variation in level 80 armors and even then there is nothing that makes my jaw drop. Don’t get me wrong i love the whole wardrobe thing and personalizing a character but there isn’t enough good looking gear to create an overall good looking outfit with. The dyes are great however there just needs to be more armors/skins in the game that really stand out, like huge shoulder pads with massive green flames i don’t something that looks fantasy not real.
I hope a Dev sees this.

Nothing personal, but if a Dev sees this I hope he discards the idea out of hand.

I wouldn’t use the giant, gaudy green-flaming shoulder pads, but I’d also have no problem with them existing so that people who like such things could use them.

Kati Kainulainen – Norn warrior | Irina Kuznetsova – Human elementalist
Baghaar Ironfang – Charr guardian | Maja Sigurdsdottir – Norn ranger
Tarnished Coast