Showing Posts For JayPaulc.3472:

new to wvw

in WvW

Posted by: JayPaulc.3472


So I got my thief to 80 and want to start wvw but have no idea how to gear him up so I don’t get my butt handed to me.. I want to play d/d build.. Just need to get gear.. Any tips?


SPVP build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: JayPaulc.3472


Hey all,

I’m new to the mesmer class and I love to go in a pvp… I’m looking for a good spvp build that does very good damage.. Most builds I found are WvW…

Thank you

d/d spvp build?

in Thief

Posted by: JayPaulc.3472


Looking for a good d/d spvp build.

Thank you