Showing Posts For JazKW.6547:

Should we add another weapon to each class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JazKW.6547


Just my 2 cents

Warrior: Off Hand Pistol (Rytlock has this, why not us?)
Guardian: Not sure
Thief: Off hand sword
Engineer: Short-bow
Elementalist: Great-sword (even if it would void the fiery GS elite, it’d still be awesome)
Necromancer: Off-hand Sword
Mesmer: Not sure

so much sylvari favoritism

in Living World

Posted by: JazKW.6547


I see everyone wanting to kill Jormag, why not Kralkatorik? A mountain sized dragon with a 1000 foot wingspan that blocks out the sun…. Why not Ol’Kralky?

[spoilers] We send Scarlet off in style!

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: JazKW.6547


Lol nice
[15 Charrs]

[Spoiler?] Gift for Scarlet Briar

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: JazKW.6547


You sir (madame?) win the internet

Still waiting

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: JazKW.6547


Let’s count to 10,000 before the event begins!








Still waiting

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: JazKW.6547


Hey, back at original launch for early access, they started the whole game -three hours early-. I know they aren’t deliberately delaying!

A 3 hour head-start on the 3 day head-start, was awesome, well for those that got it that is.

Still waiting

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: JazKW.6547


It’s usually not spot on lol, give it a minute or 2

Still waiting

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: JazKW.6547


Noon in Seattle is 3 pm EST and 9 pm CET, I don’t see much of a problem here with time.

Two new zones and a Dragon -spoilers-

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: JazKW.6547


OP, for the record, Primordus is already awake, he’s just biding his time underground, he was the first dragon to awaken.

Screenshot of your Asura Toon

in Asura

Posted by: JazKW.6547


This happened as a glitch with Litch Form in CoF story last night.


New Weapon Type: Fists

in Suggestions

Posted by: JazKW.6547


I like this idea, especially the Warrior 5 skill XD. Just toss people behind you, just imagine an Asura doing that to a champion without knock resist.

Asura Tossing

in Suggestions

Posted by: JazKW.6547


I am an Asura, and I approve of this suggestion.

Too much risen

in Personal Story

Posted by: JazKW.6547


Besides, once you hit 60 (or maybe 70) you get the “Orr” variety of Risen which are a lot more interesting… and far more annoying!

Beware their chickens, this is not a joke. I’m serious.

Outrageous file update and Future Launcher

in Suggestions

Posted by: JazKW.6547


Dude, that’s 4 months of content updates and bug fixes to make sure the game works properly. Also, you’d be downloading the game for an entire day if you went digital, maybe even longer + the content patch. Trust me when I did beta I downloaded the client digitally and it’s 25 GB in size.

It also appears you didn’t even play the damn game, before you go whining on the forums about freaking download and patch times, PLAY THE DARN GAME! It’s totally worth the wait dude, and the fact you didn’t play it is YOU wasting your own money, not Anet, YOU! If your going to buy a game that’s been out for at least a few months expect large patch updates, ESPECIALLY when you buy it after 2 holiday (3, one is currently in progress).

I beg you, don't increase the level cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: JazKW.6547


@ThuGaNoMiX Source or your argument is invalid

I’m on the fence with this issue, TBH. A cap increase would work for story but, as I remember like the last 5 story missions were all level 80, so in theory you wouldn’t need a level cap increase in future expansions. Also, I’ve heard about Ascension gear. That could work sans (without) a level cap increase, yes it would make you stronger, but not through monotonous leveling, but through had work and fun just doing stuff in game.

Too much risen

in Personal Story

Posted by: JazKW.6547


The reason the story is mainly about the Risen at this point is because the story starts off with the Zhaitan arc. The games story starts off with the arc in which we go and kill Zhaitan, so it makes sense that alot of the dragon minions we face at this arc in the story are the Risen.

New classes and Races

in Suggestions

Posted by: JazKW.6547


We don’t really have the need for a new race. But if there would be any kind of new profession, it would have to be a Soldier (Heavy Armor) Profession, IMO. There are currently only 2 Soldier professions, where as Scholar (Light Armor) and Adventurer (Medium Armor) classes have 3 Professions each, having a third Soldier Class would round it off.

Gender-neutral armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: JazKW.6547


This is why I play Asura, all their armor is gender neutral. Though I do agree alot of non-asuran race, female armor looks a bit skimpy and risque in some cases. There should be an option to have a modified version of male armor on female toons. (By modified I mean so that it fits around a certain area).

On the Sixth Elder Dragon and its corruption

in Lore

Posted by: JazKW.6547


Umm…There’s only 5 Elder Dragons, check your numbers. Primordus, Jormag, Zhaitan, Kralkatorrik, and the Deep Sea Dragon (Most likely Mordremoth as stated in the OP) The Deep Sea Dragon Drove the Krait and Quaggans from the unending ocean, and quite possibly it also drove the Karka from the ocean aswell.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JazKW.6547


The only thing I’m glad to see here is that I’m not the only one having this problem. Since that last little patch on Monday (And the Micro Patch just yesterday), I’ve been getting 5-10 secnd delays in any action I tried to do, weather it be gathering, fighting, or just trying to talk to an NPC. Sometimes it would lag to the point where I’d get booted and I would always get Error Code: 7:11:3:189:101. Because of this lag, the game is currently unplayable for me and I would really like to be able to play.

There should seriously be a fix for this already.

(edited by JazKW.6547)

Network Lag, Game currently Unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JazKW.6547


This has been occurring this morning since the micro patch. I’ve been getting spikes of network lag, sometimes to the point where I disconnect. Sometimes when I get network lag I end up dying because it’s in the middle of a combat scenario. Any help? I’ve already cleared my DNS cache, tied resetting my network card, but none of that has worked.

Six feet tall!

in Asura

Posted by: JazKW.6547


May be a bit unrelated but here’s the best line I’ve heard:
“You’re dumb, you’ll die and you’ll leave a dumb corpse”
-Female Asura

Trahearne - initial impressions

in Personal Story

Posted by: JazKW.6547


and again, you’re a nameless hero, one of thousands of nameless heroes. they can’t make everyone suddenly be the special chosen one of whatever, that’s just stupid and silly. so they give you the title of commander and put you as second in command, leaving a character to take on the lore-glory (like Kormir) and you to take the triumph at the present (unlike Kormir, Trahearne didn’t even get a promotion, and you’re just as celebrated as him).

Making every individual player the hero of the whole world in their own story makes no less sense than making every one of millions of characters played by over a million players second in command. Your personal story does not sync up with the rest of the world anyway. The fact that one group of people has gone in and defeated Zhaitan doesn’t mean that another group goes in to find a dragon carcass and NPCs saying, “A little late, huh? We could have used the help; maybe fewer people would have died.” When you go to WvW you’re not wondering, “Wow, I wonder why there’re hundreds of us Trahearne sidekicks all kicking each others’ teeth in.”

Fact is, when you play your personal story your character is separated out from everyone else’s and their stories, which could very well be identical to yours if they are the same race and answered questions the same in character creation. For the personal story to make sense you can’t look at it in relation to everyone else running around in the world. Trying to make it make sense in that context (like being a sidekick to the real hero who does little of the work and gets nearly all of the glory) actually causes me more cognitive dissonance than just keeping the different aspects of the game distinct from each other.

Books from the point of view of a sidekick can be interesting but I don’t play video games to be the spare. That’s fine at the beginning of the story, not at the end.

This post made the most sense to me. To make an analogy. Everyone is Commander Shepard. Not really sure how I can expand this, but those who get what I mean should be able to understand what I mean by this.