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A Concern about Mentoring

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JazzAnarchy.2783


If someone asks for help for “Battle for Claw Island” (ever get this request?) then, while I can show restraint, it’s a delicate balance. Also, it’s boring for me, and I’m not sure but it’s probably not as much fun for the person I’m helping since they know there’s no risk.

Also, it’s not easy to “control” agro. I’m not really sure how to do that at all. And it’s not just my level 80 characters in starter zones, it only takes 5 levels or so and you’re just too powerful to have meaningful encounters. I would gladly down level to the new players in my party to make things a little less lopsided.

A Concern about Mentoring

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JazzAnarchy.2783


I have a concern about the “Mentoring” mastery coming with Heart of Thorns. It’s an issue I have when I’m helping guild mates or random people calling out in map chat. When I help them with a story instance or a dungeon or something, my level 80 with ascended gear and legendaries is much too powerful; I pull all the agro and easily kill the mobs.

Is there a way the mentoring tag can make down leveling more effective? I know it seems weird, but it would discourage trolls hanging out in starter areas, and I won’t have to keep swapping out and rolling low-level characters.


an Examination of Engineer Traits

in Suggestions

Posted by: JazzAnarchy.2783


How are you playing your engineer? How often do you play engineer? I’m a little confused, because you say things like “Engineers have no such trait [quickness]” when you can gain swiftness everytime you switch to a kit. And it’s hard to think of a better might builder then Juggernaut, where might stacks as long as your using a flamethrower. So you can run around with a flamethrower stacking might in between battles without even doing anything. And then there’s the HGH “all elixirs give might,” if your not a fan of kits.

I can understand you wanting to move might to earlier traits I guess, but with traits like “kits gain regeneration,” you can have the passive regeneration many other classes have without using a utility slot. I run 2 kits (not including med kit) along with my pistol/shield, and that essentially allows me to swtich between 3 weapons with no cooldown, and the condition damage and cc is amazing. My ranger doesn’t have nearly the aresenal or versatility that my engineer has.

Of course Engineers aren’t going to have the burst damage that Necro has, they dont’ have the aoe necro has either. (Calling a trap “burst damage” is a bit of a stretch.) Engineers aren’t cannons, they use conditions and cc. When I’m fighting, my opponents keep bleeds, burns, poisens, vulnerablities, etc. They fly all over the map, they stay crippled, blinded, and dazed.

Engineers use a different style of play from the other medium armor classes, that should be evident from the limited weapon selection if nothing else. You can’t spam like a ranger with a bow and expect to get all those conditions you seem to want. (Well, you can spam with a bunch of potions if you want.) Try a build with kits. It may take a while to learn (imagine, having to actually learn to play a profession?), but it’ll spoil you to the point you won’t want the weapon-swapping cooldowns from all the other professions. I use elixir gun/flamethrower/med kit, and I don’t really need my other utility. (Mines for knockback PvE, Elixir S PvP/WvW). You can’t design your own traits, and the traits that are there are fine.