Showing Posts For Jenosyde.6341:
this build is better than what i had for sure. anyone else have any others that are working well for them?
looking for a solid build for point guard, as well as any tips.
prefer something with dual 2 hand though and not reliant on spirit weapons. and i also want to know what stats to go for for exmp burning builds go for condition i think, for 2 handers is it power or what?
Prefer 2 two handers maybe greatsword main and spear or hammer offhand but not sure what traits and spec. any help?
Since your only getting trolled ill post what i use. I use full soldier weapon’s/armor (power, toughness, vitality) and cleric jewelery. Heres the build.
I use my staff mostly for the skill 4 dps buff then switch to my greatsword for damage and aoe condition purge. If you need to stay ranged or need to throw some healing switch to the staff then use skill’s 2-4. Over all i can just stand at a mob without any issues in cm.
Thanks for the first constructive post, i dont want to be a tank that can just never take dmg, i want to be able to not sit at ranged every fight and prefer to be able to take 3-4 hits before i run out and heal up many are saying the healing on boons traits works, but what boons
nothing i like so far i want to tank no problem
Looking for a build that will allow me to maek these groups go fast and take little to no damage and no deaths prefer while still allowing group mates not to die. please link buildsyou are having luck with along with explanations
anyones just lookinfor a tank/suport with mainly heasl
i have manyhigh dps friends. looking for a build that can take alot of damage and heal decently , utlitliy and CC is a bonus
And any tips on how to play the build alog with what are prefered stats appriciated
i dont see this trait anywhere in my trait trees. cana nyone tell me which number and tree?
it says it blinds targets when you activate this skill. does this also blind when the skill is already active but refreshes? or just when you first hit the button to activate it?