Showing Posts For Jester.6293:

AngryJoe Interview - HoT Questions for Devs?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jester.6293


This is why you ROCK, Joe! I know you will straight up ask the devs the questions we ask and not sugar coat them.

WvW has been neglected for a long time. The announcement said we’d be getting rotating maps… it’s a start, but that isn’t nearly enough to keep the rapidly-dying community alive. What ELSE do they have planned for WvwW? Keep in mind that a poor answer will lead a mass exodus to Camelot Unchained

Blackgate – Imperial Coalition [ICoa]

Lets talk about the new Gem conversion [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jester.6293


the new system is awful and no one was asking for it to change. I agree with everyone here who says to change it back. if Anet ABSOLUTELY FEELS that it HAS to change, how about a simple slider system? anything is better than what this was turned in to.

Blackgate – Imperial Coalition [ICoa]

Suggestion: Gem Conversations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jester.6293


There are a lot of people who have been yelling about “if you don’t have any suggestions then don’t complain”. Those people are stupid.

I had problems with the gem system before, beause it didn’t have simple things like auto-buying the exact amount of gems you needed, or not being able to select how many gems you wanted to convert from gold. instead you just typed in an arbitrary number and did the math from there. NOT hard at all, just a QoL thing i would have changed, but by no means felt was necessary.

the new system is awful. My suggestion is as easy as it comes : go back to the old one. That was one of the few changes that DIDN’T need to be made and that NO ONE was complaining about.

Blackgate – Imperial Coalition [ICoa]

Solution to fix the population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: Jester.6293


How about after seasons you do something like this:

1st place gold tier, 2nd in silver, 3rd in bronze
2nd place gold mix with 3rd silver, 1st bronze
3rd place mix with 1st silver, 2nd bronze

that way there will be a decent mix of servers, and hopefully avoid any arch enemies being put together. All lower tier servers will be able to play with, and learn from, the gold servers. the reason for this being… outside of seasons, we play the same 2 servers over and over and over again. its a constant 3 way battle with the same people, the only time it changes is when seasons come, and you’re either playing someone from a different tier and face roll them, or get run over, there’s no middle ground. so… why not just have 3 mega servers? other wise, just merge:

Silver 1 and Bronze 3
Silver 2 and Bronze 2
Silver 3 and Bronze 1

then they will have hopefully close to the numbers we have in gold tier.

as far as the Queues… yeah, they’re pretty bad NOW at times, adding several thousand people per server will only make it worse. you’d almost HAVE to find a way to expand the player cap per map.

Edit: holy crap, didn’t realize how many servers there were… yeah, that will need some major overhauls.

Blackgate – Imperial Coalition [ICoa]

(edited by Jester.6293)

Consumables Nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jester.6293


I could give a rip about what Anet “giveth” and what Anet “taketh away”, however what I do give a rip about is what I spend on it. I had just finished loading my toons with 30 gold worth of pets and potions {adds up when you have 8 toons} and now they have become worthless. GIVE ME A REFUND NOW! I am sick of spending my hard earned gold on gear, weapons, pets, and tonics that become worthless soon after I buy them.

….why 30 gold worth x.x isn’t that over 250??

250 eles + 250 ogre pet whistles + 250 experimental rifles + potions/tonics/food x 8 characters = a lot of gold
i have 9 characters, so i understand completely {: (

Blackgate – Imperial Coalition [ICoa]

Consumables Nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jester.6293


The duration of the Fire ele is 5 min but they rarely last that long in most cases.

I would trade the 30 min cooldown for 1 min duration and being able to use them every 5 minutes. It would be nice if they left everything the same on them except for those two attributes.

I never personally spammed mine but I guess I could see people doing this because of how fragile they are. What if you changed the actual skill effects and avatar to be something a bit less intense to help with issues? For me I could care less if a giant flapping fiery orange elemental was flying around me. Also get rid of the graphic that pools the lava field on the ground and have it be something extremely basic.

I need Mas DPS! When it boils down to it that’s all we mostly care about.

My question to the devs would be can we have some kind of trade off that we can get this missing DPS back without putting the hurt on the servers?

Maybe something like getting a buff to strength when you have the timer debuff?

Blackgate – Imperial Coalition [ICoa]

Consumables Nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jester.6293


What about returning to the GW1 style of summoning?

You could summon a Flame Elemental, and it wouldn’t only be around for 5 min, it wouldn’t have a timer, however, you could only summon 1 per map. So, if you could keep it alive you would have it all the time, but if it died, that’s it. I guess if you were to WP or enter an instance that may reset it, but still, that would be better than, as you said, endlessly summoning them.

Also, maybe upping the price wouldn’t hurt too. 20s seems decent for something like that.

That works in an instanced world.

According to Anthony, it’s much different for an open-world. Even then, it sounds like instances as a whole run on their own server, so 150 ppl over 30 dungeons each using Infinite amounts of Embers would indeed cause server stress somewhere.

Personally, I want to see encounters overcome by build design and skill, moreso than consumable dependencies and/or bandaids

Good point, everything in GW1 was instanced… would make that a lot easier to do than this. Oh well. I don’t rely on the embers or anything, but they ARE helpful :P

Blackgate – Imperial Coalition [ICoa]

Consumables Nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jester.6293


What about returning to the GW1 style of summoning?

You could summon a Flame Elemental, and it wouldn’t only be around for 5 min, it wouldn’t have a timer, however, you could only summon 1 per map. So, if you could keep it alive you would have it all the time, but if it died, that’s it. I guess if you were to WP or enter an instance that may reset it, but still, that would be better than, as you said, endlessly summoning them.

Also, maybe upping the price wouldn’t hurt too. 20s seems decent for something like that.

Blackgate – Imperial Coalition [ICoa]