Showing Posts For Jhivago.7318:

Introducing Marvel Girl! tpvp vid

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jhivago.7318


Awesome video. Love the editing, rarely does a pvp video keep me that entertained. Nice job.

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jhivago.7318


IGN: Jhiv / Herubim
Main Profession: Thief
Alternate Professions: Ele / Warrior
Account name: jhivago.7318
Practice Availablity: 7pm-1 am PST ( Tue-Sat) / Any time on Sunday and Monday.
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): Rank 26
Level of Desire: Active tournament play
NA or EU: NA

Looking for a team.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jhivago.7318


<Player looking for a team>

Ingame name: Jhiv
Main Class / Potential Classes (Incase team requires): Thief (Main)/ Ele/Mesmer/Warrior
Region: NA
Practice Times: 7pm-1am PST
Experience: Rank 25, mostly played tourneys, atm hovering above 85% ( highest is rank 518)
Other (Anything else that you would like to add): Looking for a serious Tpvp team to practice with or even just players who are interested in joining a team. Can use any voice comm system. Will learn other classes if team needs. Contact me in game if you are interested.