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New achievement window: Comments

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ji E Toy.4150

Ji E Toy.4150

Hamfast, I like your idea as well, but with point #6 I actually meant a total number for the full tab, like a total score for your jumping puzzle achievements. So it would say 200/460 (I believe 460 is the highest possible atm), if you have 200 points.
Also, like the idea of Relativity, a longer list of nearly completed, as the big achievements tend to stick on top for ages now. The displays here are too big anyway, I am not playing on a tablet pc, so I don’t need an ipad like interface (My windows 8 gives me way too much of that already:))

New achievement window: Comments

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ji E Toy.4150

Ji E Toy.4150

So, I really like that achievement points finally get a better reward than just the points. I really like seeing chests pop up for all my work in this past year. I would like to see achievements have their own rewards more in the future, more achievements with a reward chest that’s appopriate. But I think that is coming.

I have more comments about the interface still though. Here are a few points I’d like to see changed as an achievement hunter:

1. Sorting achievements. I like that I can now sort my achievements, but when I sort it on completion, I want the completed ones on the bottom. Specially for slayer and weapon master, since I still have to scroll a lot.

2. Watch list (1). I like to have a watch list. I also like to have the dailies in my screen. But as it is, I’d have to create my watch list every day anew, to be able to put the dailies in it. Why not make a watch list in the Hero window, and have the player select, out of this list, what he wants in the UI. Or an option where you can have the dailies watch list overwrite the personal watch list until done.

3. Watch list (2). Sorting again. Right now it sorts automatically to most completed one. But why not let the player sort this list, so that he or she can put the achievements he wants to track most on top?

4. Categorisation. Ok, I like that it is more organised, but now I’m clicking a lot when I want to see my achievements. The Hero panel already starts on the first tab (Equipment) on opening. And now I have to open the achievement category I need too, before I can choose the list I want to see. Why not put achievements that are less viewed bunch up in a category, like old living world categories, events, and activities, while keeping slayer, hero, explorer achievements have their own category? Also, when there’s only one achievement tab in a category, just make the category open the list, instead of making us click a rather pointless second time.

5. Hero panel. As I said above, every time I open the hero panel, I have to go to the achievement tab again. Even if I just wanted to get the window out of my screen to finish a fight, and then go back again to check my achievements. Maybe you can save where I left off during a session, and only reset this on logout? Or maybe even make a totally seperate achievement window.

6. Total score. Me and my friends like to compare scores. But not just the total scores you see behind someones name, but also per category, or specific categories. Sometimes we want to know scores from other people without the dailies or temporary content added. This used to be easy, just add the total score per category, and you were done. But now this total score has disappeared! So me and my friends, and a lot more people I know of, would like to see this being brought back. Maybe even a progress bar per category where you can see how many achievement points out of a total you have for that category.

I hope that other people can join in and express their opinion about the achievement system, as I think it is a big thing in the game. It keeps a lot of people trying for things, trying to get it all. I also think that a good UI that is easy to navigate is important in making a game feel good, so I hope some of these suggestions will be implemented.

Aurora Glade event bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ji E Toy.4150

Ji E Toy.4150

The event Help U.N.I.T. ( is bugged in the end stage, for somewhat more than 12 hours now. Could you please fix this?

LF Achievement hunter's guild (AG|EU)

in Guilds

Posted by: Ji E Toy.4150

Ji E Toy.4150

Hey, I’m looking for a guild that has a lot of achievement hunters in it. I don’t really mean the dailies, I do them only for the laurels, but I mean the one time achievements, so anything apart from the dailies and monthlies. As I’m currently focussing on giant slayer and some other achievements, I’d like some friends to enjoy the time hunting achievements (And grinding some too:+).
I’d also like to compare the achievement scores without the dailies added on a forum or so!
Send me an ingame message before you invite me please, I don’t want to interrogate you but just want to know first;)

One more thing, I’m in Aurora Glade, but if your guild is somewhere else, I don’t mind, I just won’t switch servers since I really enjoy the AG community!

Cya in game, Rand Of Askia.

Ranger Axe skill 5: Can't click it?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ji E Toy.4150

Ji E Toy.4150

I’ve been playing my ranger and I’m currently playing shortbow and sword/axe. I don’t use the melee too often, but I just noticed I couldn’t use skill 5 on my axe… Normally, if you hover your mouse on a skill, it selects the skill by ‘lighting up’ the edge with a white line. For me however, it doesn’t do that. It does show the tooltip, and I have unlocked it. Am I doing something wrong or is it bugged? Skill 5 works on every other weapon I’ve tried (Dagger, sword, shortbow, torch) and on other characters.
I’m still using my first axe (No level requirement, account bound) but I guess that shouldn’t matter at all. Attached is a screenshot of my mouse hovering over the skill and not selecting it.

- Possible bugs in this post:
– Skill 5 on axe not working for ranger.


Aurora G. vs Baruch B. vs Riverside week 4!

in WvW

Posted by: Ji E Toy.4150

Ji E Toy.4150

Let’s face it, BB simply won the diplomacy side of the war. They did a good job in playing on our feelings. I don’t know what happened, I wasn’t there, I do know our server organised a party in PvE which was mostly advertised in our WvW active community, so lack of defense on our side was surely not only cause of some negotiation with BB. However, if it’s true that AG let BB on their BL that easy, then BB did a very nice job playing at the feelings of those present in WvW:D I personally have been very interested in this side of the battle and have been thinking of ways to make use of this (I’m not a major player on our side, so you won’t hear from me ever probably but yeah…)!

There’s always two sides of a battle, that of the blunt fighting and that of the diplomacy. BB clearly won the diplomacy this week over RS. I personally hope we’ll see more of this in future times, team ups from servers on some days, giving points away, swapping points, all that!