Showing Posts For Jikal.6249:

Make dungeons soloable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jikal.6249


Either make two versions of the same dungeon, one for groups and one for solo players, or they can make story mode for individuals and explorable mode for groups.

This, so much.
I’d love if they made an individual/duo story mode. I wouldn’t care if it had a reduced reward rate, or even just cosmetic rewards.

It’s frustrating when a game allows you to enjoyably solo to the level cap, and suddenly shoehorns you into doing group content for “progression”.

You have 1 billion of $ only to invest on GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jikal.6249


1.) Remove all the fractal/ascended nonsense and boot out the WoW audience stuff.
2.) Work on the things that made me fall in love with the game during the beta, like the quirky end of beta phase events.
3.) Add more massive open world invasions and bosses.
4.) Cash shop would be cosmetic items only, mostly account bound.
5.) Encourage more staff + player interactivity, “GM events.”
6.) More options for your “home” phase, shopkeeper upgrades, etc.

How many people did you invite?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jikal.6249


None. This whole Ascended fiasco has left a bad taste in my mouth, and is leading the game down a type of path my friends and I are tired of grinding.

It’s hard for me to recommend something I feel I can no longer stand behind 100%.

Having a duel feature?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jikal.6249


It doesn’t need one.