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Did ANET think about Upscaled chars?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Jinkai.4130


I am terribly sorry if i offended you, I in no way meant to say you were a toddler. I am just trying to use 2 extremes from the real world (a toddler with no job skills vs a highly educated grown up) to compare that to a lvl 10 vs a fully ascended geared lvl 80 in guild wars. And trying to say those 2 cannot accomplish challenges equally well.

Again, I dont really want to expand on this further, but I do apologise, it was never my intention to make it look as if I (or anyone should) look towards you as if you are an actual toddler. I totally understand that some people have less time to play, as I sometimes myself take multi-month breaks because of real life being too swamped. So I apologise if my post came off harsher then it was supposed to.

In that case I also apologise to you. I’ve had a fair few bashes from some players for this thread, but my original reason for posting was because I believed it was only for 2 weeks and would be gone permanently afterwards.

Since that isn’t so, I don’t mind continuing to level and then facing the challenge when I can

Liadri alienates a lot of gw2 players

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Jinkai.4130


I feel alienated by this fight, not because of the challenge, but because I’ve been screwed out of a reward. I’ve already beaten Liadri 5 times now, but still have yet to actually receive credit. Every time, she dies, her visions disappear, and I’m left in the arena alone. After about 10 seconds, the announcer starts counting down from 5, and the floor opens up dumping me to the floor far below.

Aside from the camera issues, the whip reflection bug, and the red-circle-camouflaging floor pattern, the fight is fine.

That must seriously be annoying. If I ever get that far and that happened to me, I would probably rage and never go near the gauntlets or living story content again. To do it 5 times… that’s some serious patience and sad luck at encountering the bugs

I feel for you.

Did ANET think about Upscaled chars?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Jinkai.4130


This whole thread is rediculous.

Im going to make a slightly exagerated analogy to the real world here.

OP is a 4 year old toddler that wants to earn the same paycheck a PHD graduate has, and he wants it now, instantly, since the PHD graduate gets it somehow, he should get it too, else its no fair.
Not too forget, in this analogy, the entire world except for “the paycheck/reward/this particular achievement” is already cathered to the toddler into the extreme.

You can literally do everything except for something most people with even 1000hours+ playtime and fully geared chars cant and you complain its not fair?

What is your viewpoint of fairness then? Regardless how hard anyone “worked” on their character development/gearing/… they should only be able to achieve the same things you can else you feel like its not fair?

Op you just sound spoiled troughout the entire thread. Hope its not offensive, its not meant that way. But seriously, you needed a reality check.

Reality check is that OP might be complaining that he will not be able to level and gear a character before the event will be gone permanently. That is a valid complain. Anthony confirmed that this is not the case as QG will return in the future. That solves the issue for OP and from the design standpoint satisfies me as well.

I’m happy to know that there exists a person that actually noticed my original complaint. You are correct in that I was complaining as I originally thought the whole thing would be gone permanently after 2 weeks. Thanks for being a star and pointing it out… thought me not realising that it was going to be there after pointed it out though.

As for you JackBeShipping, if I am as you say a 4 year old toddler, I am sure my family and friends are quite proud of me for being able to write in such a manner and even understand a game as complex as Guild Wars 2. Heck the fact that this 4 year old toddler can use a computer so well must mean that i’ll sometime in the future become a Genius and my family will become rich.

Stupidity at it’s best. You sir clearly did not understand my posts.

I am satisfied now that I understand the Queens Gauntlet will be back again… even though I may have more complaints with it’s design process.

Did ANET think about Upscaled chars?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Jinkai.4130


I do know it is possible on an upscaled character and I am aware of some of the tricks to some of the fights, but knowing them doesn’t always help. Sometimes i’ll get them almost all the way down and other times i’ll get them half way down despite doing the same amount of damage. My boyfriend and I think it’s also based on luck given the fact that we can use the same skills and build and either win 1 time and die the next on the same boss.

As for those surprised by the fact I don’t have a level 80 yet since I had the game at launch and was in the headstart etc… That’s because I don’t always have time to play and I also like rotating to different characters so I don’t get bored after playing one too long.

Pedition: Make the Gauntelt permanent!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Jinkai.4130


I agree with this. I actually think they should make a proper looking arena like they have but actually have the floor in instead of having it drop down to the pavilion thing.

If you could challenge them in an actual arena and have other players come and sit in the “stadium” like seating to watch I think it would be epic… It would definitely fix the visibility issues and give more room to run around.

The domes were a nice idea but they add more issues to the very elite challenges. They built an arena, hopefully they can use it. Maybe PvE arena boards would be cool too to show what players actually beat Liadri.

Did ANET think about Upscaled chars?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Jinkai.4130


well as long as I have a chance to complete it one day it doesn’t bother me but I assumed it was a 1 time event, didn’t know they may implement it again. Sorry for ranting so much, but sometimes ranting can help one cool down a bit.

It probably didn’t help that i’m over my bf’s on my macbook pro with pretty bad internet connection and the worst mouse ever on the arm of a chair, but my desktop with my gaming stuffz is a little hard to carry around lol. I’ll attempt it then, but hey at least with my current set up i actually got to the tornado woman and almost killed her.

I want my 5600 dpi mouse back xD

Did ANET think about Upscaled chars?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Jinkai.4130


At least all of the dungeons state that you can’t do them until a certain level… you can’t even enter some without being that level (i think?)

Did ANET think about Upscaled chars?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Jinkai.4130


And what class where you Shostie and your level? Some classes will have some issues. I know it’s possible. My boyfriend had a lvl 42 upscaled warrior with the on fire gambit and finally after a bazillion tries he managed to complete it. I came close and then the tornadoes got me… FoV visibility annoyance much… run into the walls and it’s like playing blind

I coulda got her but once you’ve fought enough you just can’t do it if you get too annoyed… I know from gaming experience the harder you try and the more annoyed and frustrated you get, the less chance of completing something. I left it a whole day to try again but failed miserably on my thief which is lvl 38.

I’ll try again at lvl 40 and see how I do with 20 traits in 1 trait bar perhaps.

Did ANET think about Upscaled chars?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Jinkai.4130


Fair enough but if it was designed for that purpose they should have it stated on the main page for the Queens Jubilee. And if they did put it on there fair enough I didn’t see it, but if they didn’t then they should do so players know that it’s for those super elite players.

I like challenges and sure enough I’ll do this one day… but am I going to see it properly again?

Another Idea would be to make it an arena accessible any time so that players can face the challenge when they have the time to do so, I think that would be great and a great use of the arena added in the area that was a giant hole before.

It’s the fact I only have these 2 weeks that annoys me slightly. I’d like to be able to have a chance at it. I don’t care if it’s hard, I’m happy almost killing tornado woman, and i’d be happier if I do kill her. I’d be even happier if I can complete this entirely but I know I won’t be able to in 2 weeks hence my issue.

Did ANET think about Upscaled chars?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Jinkai.4130


Well sure I can dodge tornadoes and the knock backs but that and attack and do it in the timeframe too? Ouch much.

I do know that with that boss you need stability but I haven’t got a skill on my thief with stability that I can see. Feel free to point out a weapon or skill that has it that will give me a little more chance. at beating her. I came close to beating her but then the countdown came and I came crashing down to the ground… sadly. I would have rather died so I could be revived by my friend

Feel free to demonstrate to me an upscaled character completing this to the end considering it’s been said that 5 or 6 testers out of a whole 100 completed all the tiers. That kinda sais a LOT you know.

It also goes against what the game was originally built for. Accessibility, being downscaled to level with friends or upscaled for events.

I played in dungeons in Halloween events and did a lot better than this Gauntlet and it was a hell of a lot more fun. Games are meant to be fun… and yet i’ve seen countless threads of complaints from players that have felt like quitting entirely because of one tiny addition in the game making them feel horrible.

I have some skill but I thought Guild Wars 2 was meant to be based around the way you wanted to play it. Now you NEED to have a certain BUILD to win?! That’s not based on play style really…

Yes i’m ranting, Yes I care about being able to participate in this event fully, No i know I can’t do much but at least I know now that Arena Net catered this for level 80’s in full gear and not for upscaled players.

Now I hope they can create a challenge catered for upscaled players that will make it a challenge for us and a steamroll for you guys so you can all rant about it being too easy while we actually have fun completing the challenge.

(edited by Jinkai.4130)

Did ANET think about Upscaled chars?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Jinkai.4130


I’m not talking about JUST me… I’m talking about others that are UPSCALED. I’m sure I’m NOT the only one that has issues in real life that limit my ability to play games but when I can play a game I like to be able to play almost all elements of it.

I’m not trying to get it catered to my life lol.

I don’t know if any of you even remember what was said when this game was created but the fact that it was a game that was built to cater players of all levels was what hooked me in.

The fact that it was said that even if you didn’t have time to play the game and you joined an event or WvW, it would upscale you to have a chance like all other players was greatly appealing. The game was built so that players could play how THEY wanted to play and wasn’t forced to do anything. I’m not forced to do this either sure enough.

My point is, I WANT to participate in the gauntlets and sure I keep dying over and over again. I WANT to play it and I love the challenge but I can’t do what I want to do fully because it was designed for players in full exotics.

Think of it this way… It’s Queen Jennah’s Jubilee… a MAJOR event in the lore but a simple lowbie can’t participate in 1 main element of the Jubilee… Sure i’m a bit saddened by it.

As for you dank, sure i’ll just go ahead and quit college and everything else so I can dedicate my time to Guild wars 2 for an event that is going to last only for 2 weeks and may or may not be seen until next year. Sounds like the perfect idea.

I was keeping this as a discussion about the challenge being only for those with a fully geared level 80, which I don’t have.

I like to gather achievements and i’m sure many others do also. If this was catered for level 80 characters then perhaps they should have stamped that across all the achievements or made it so that they weren’t linked to achieves for them achievement hunters.

I know in my life there is no possible way to complete every single achievement in the game without dedicating full time doing so.

All I wanted was a fighting chance in this where I perhaps didn’t need to worry about being dropped to my doom for taking too long even when I was doing pretty well dodging etc.

Apparently it’s too much to ask for.

Did ANET think about Upscaled chars?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Jinkai.4130


Missing out because I may not have time and missing out because I literally don’t have the power to complete the achievements is different. I miss out on a lot of the events. I don’t think i’ve ever been at an event where i’ve got 16 of 16 achievements in living world content and I am fully aware I am able to do so with this event as the Gauntlet achievements are separated. I still would have liked the opportunity to be able to attempt this with a fair fighting chance. For the lulz I even took a level 4 engineer into a battle and if it would have been possible to do more damage I would have killed Halmi with her but the lack of damage in the 2 minute timeframe is impossible anyhow.

You say I could make a new character and level to 80 in this 2 week period, sure if I had the time to play the game. it is now 1am my time. I can play for like 2 hours in a night at most at the moment with the amount I have to do in the day time. When I go back to college i’ll be lucky to get that with the amount of work required to pass a year.

I chose to level in moderation but even if I didn’t I still wouldn’t be able to do so in 2 weeks lol

Did ANET think about Upscaled chars?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Jinkai.4130


Makes sense I guess. It’s still a bit sad that i’m unable to participate in this fully. As fizzy pop stated, they could have done something to improve it such as making it instanced or even making it like the pvp zones where you have the ability to use all your skills and traits at level 80.

It’s good for those that want the challenge I agree… I also like the challenge but it’s a lot harder for me with hardly any traits.

Did ANET think about Upscaled chars?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Jinkai.4130


But that’s like each year right? So I have to wait like an entire year to play in the queens gauntlet?

Did ANET think about Upscaled chars?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Jinkai.4130


It will? I never really got the chance to read up about it, been doing too much lately so I an go back to college properly in September.

I thought the gauntlets were only for this 2 weeks as part of the living world but if they’ll be back again and again that would be nice. Is this posted somewhere?

Bug or not?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Jinkai.4130


It’s all good, I queued up and never got pulled in at all, and it still ate my ticket

Did ANET think about Upscaled chars?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Jinkai.4130


Well given that there are new players about as well that may just want to gain these achievements too so that they may also feel included in the game I think I myself and they have the right to complain about this. Perhaps I would also like all the achievements and the miniature gained from completion of the gauntlet ones just like everyone else?

How is it not fair? Sure they may have wanted to make it more challenging for players with level 80 exotics but how about making something that us upscaled players can enjoy without the loss of an entire line of achievements?

It would have been better instanced for example or better to make it a level 80 zone or to explain to every player out there that have no level 80 character that they’re not included in the Gauntlet fights.

I like gathering achievements but I also don’t have as much time as some players may have so I can’t dedicate my time to levelling to 80 and gaining exotics.

I do feel really left out with it

Did ANET think about Upscaled chars?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Jinkai.4130


So here’s what you’d call another QQ post most likely but i’m going to write it anyway.

I love Guild Wars 2, I had been following it since they announced it years and years ago that they planned to work on it, years before they announced the release. When I bought it I was so pleased with it, I love to play it. I enjoyed the fact that I wasn’t left out in events or WvW because I was a low level being upscaled. This to me meant that even though I had no time to play often, I could enjoy the content like everyone else.

That is, until Arena Net decided the players needed a super challenge that throws you into the gauntlet from hell where it’s nigh on impossible to kill any of the bosses unless you have access to a level 80 character with a full build.

I like to play games in Moderation without rushing which is why I don’t have a full level 80 character yet. I don’t want to get bored so easily. I also don’t have the time to play much and hardly ever get around to completing the full living world achievements.

The Queens Gauntlet idea is awesome, but unless you have access to full traits and a majority of the skills, you may as well just give it up. I want to do this so much but it frustrates me to the point of having to log off or else i may just throw my Mac across the room, and it’s expensive, i don’t want to do that.

So my question is to Arena Net: When you guys developed this event did you really sit down an think about those players without a level 80 and if they would be able to complete this too? Because judging by the majority of posts among other things, you missed out these players or overlooked this small but important fact.

For once in all of my GW2 days I am unable to fully participate in an event due to the fact that I am upscaled to level 80 and I don’t have full exotic gear or skills.

Players have said to me something along the lines of: “go level then” and “You want to complete something that most level 80’s in full exotic gear find near enough impossible?”

I got to Windcaller Kaldia in Tier 1… but i’ll be lucky if I see anything passed her with my characters having hardly any skill for stability.

Just another rant from a long time low levelled player.

(edited by Jinkai.4130)