Showing Posts For JohnCataldo.9201:
When you enter or leave underwater, you have an entirely separate set of skills that automatically populates.
I’d like to see this also happen similarly for entering WvW, PvP, and PvE.
Ideally this would include trait swapping along with skill swapping. The first time you enter WvW it should send a chat message reminding you to update your traits. This should happen when you enter water and have any skills unslotted, as well. I know it took me a while before I realized you could use ANY utility skills underwater. I just assumed they couldn’t be used because my skills got ‘grayed out’, in my mind.
There are ‘default’ settings I like to use in each of these gameplay modes (depending on which character I’m playing as well), and they often don’t overlap much. It’s pretty annoying to feel a need to reset traits each time I want to go to WvW, especially. Sometimes I just want to play WvW for 10-20 minutes, and it’s time consuming and fun-impeding to not be able to switch modes quickly.
Ultimately I end up frequently playing WvW or PvE with ‘wrong’ traits, which seems silly.
Revised idea:
Every 15 minutes, you gain points proportional to how many enemies played during the last 15 minutes, and how many keeps/castles/etc. you own.
Possibly just using the existing values for locations and multiplying, either up or down, whatever. But those are the values to scale with.
Scale the points awarded every 15 minutes based on number of active players during those 15 minutes.
Make undermanned scale appropriately too, if you want.
Sure, start with some base so it’s not wonky. Make the math work right and weight it as needed. But 200 players per side should be more meaningful than 20 per side.
I used to like WvW a lot. Not much point now.
That said, if you are going to give combat bonuses to someone, give it to the losing side or the undermanned side. Give the non-combat bonuses to the winning side as a reward for winning.
Magic Find when you are undermanned? How is that supposed to help?
[Guide] What everything actually does. All your mechanics questions answered.
in Mesmer
Posted by: JohnCataldo.9201
“Death vs. Shatter:
Death refers to when an illusion is killed or replaced by a new one.
Death is not a form of shattering and shattering does not count as death.”
Note that the target dying also counts, which automatically makes your illusions “die” (and possibly 3 at the exact same time).
Do any illusions benefit from any of your stats? Do they do more damage with more Power? More critical chance with you having higher Precision? etc.