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Winner… Winner… OP is a Winner. Unfortunately that means we are all losers.
My sign is telling us the truth since 2 october 2012.
My sign is the real winner
Oh yea, I also play thief from the launch, and I can only agree – it’s so unfortunate and sad. T_T
… has also its end.
If they want us to stop playing, they can say it to the balance patch log: “Don’t play the class.” And it’s done, they don’t have to do such a things all the time like they do.
They could write this to pop up every time anyone clicks on the pvp or wvw button: We don’t want you to play this mode!!
(sorry, but that’s how I feel)
Yea, that’s it. We all feel same. ;)
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1. they have like 1 person playing thief and all she does is RPing in main cities, i honestly think devs entire thief experience is based on letting bot spamming attacks on golems
2. they needed to sell HoT, to do so they had to make rev mandatory – thieves would compete for same job so they had to effectively delete the class to promote sales.
(I am still very salty about what happened in season 1: worst class in every single game mode, nobody wanted to play with me, even my “friends”, got harassed and flamed in every match for just playing the class, customer support never done anything despite all the reports).3. to counter thief mechanics you need to be able to play mind games, time your spells, stealth is generally not always fun thing to deal with when you are new/bad at this game – your average Joe (which is majority of players) can’t/doesn’t want to deal with slippery mechanics so he runs to forums/reddit and QQs until devs add changes to please them without actually given a flying kitten about thief players (recent patch is just another example for it).
It has been like this since launch pretty much and it got worse and worse every year.
Yea, that’s right. I don’t know what else should I write to it. This comment does completely fit to what are the game keepers doing to this class. It almost seem like they don’t even play this game, just flipping all the sentences to next balance patch, which don’t give a sense at all.
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I still have 12 silverwastes shovels pm me if intrested, i already burried my thief deep in tyria!
Hahaha, XD, man, you made my day. :D :P
XD :D :) :) :/ :( TT T_T
Oh my god, why is this happening to us?! T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T
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I think that ANet should do something about that. I think they just read forums to see if someone is spreading bugs to be fixed, but not at the opinions of players at all. If they want us to stop playing, they can say it to the balance patch log: “Don’t play the class.” And it’s done, they don’t have to do such a things all the time like they do.
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Yea, that’s absolute right. I really don’t get why ANet do this. It’s such a stupid thing. Thief was supposed to be PvP class mainly like a 2 years ago, but now – you can only focusing on decap and support – what the – this profession should be good enough to fight, not just like support. I don’t say good D/P thief cannot kill in fair and square duel – of course he can. BUT THIS CLASS ISN’T NOW WHAT IT SHOULD BE. They are giving minor buffs to skills, which pro-thief player never uses. And major nerfs to skills, which pro-thief uses all day all night. Like a year ago – I could kill 1v2 really easily with my beloved S/D. All I can do now is to run around the map and support outnumbered fights or decap free points.
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Ehm… So where do I start.
I play this game almost since the launch. Thief is my beloved main class far away from others.
Like since 2 years ago, maybe more, cannot remember well, were you (ANet) always nerfin’ the thiefes. You didn’t actually even balance it – you were cornering us always to play one and only playstyle.
You were tryin to make us play condi by slight buffin’ condi skills, but condi thief has always been the worst scenario for the thieves. You could never put condi to such a good shape to actually compare it like a good build on the same line like others, like minion master or turret engie.
Then every patch you were nerfin’ my beloved S/D. And trying to players to play something else. And when now one wants to play something else and finds something that could revive the build other than D/P, you nerf it. That’s it, you only nerf all the good the thief has.
I have always been reading forums since I started to play PvP it’s like a 3 years back. And at the section THIEF were only two types of messages:
1) We are dead, guys. ANet again nerfs the theives. I really hate them for that.
2) (someone who doesn’t play thief) OH MY GOD – THEY SHOULD NERF THE THIEF IT’S SO OP!
These years readin’ only hateful comments weren’t good to read, but they were right. It was truth. It was only about, how you nerf the class. And I always though – it will be better with next patch, it certainly will be.
But you know what – it wasn’t, never ever. Only DAREDEVIL was really good. But other classes with HoT got much more buffs than we did, that we can actually jump from the point to the point without really beating the guys, if we play something other than D/P.
I have never wanted to write any hateful comment towards you, the ANet. But I was loyal to you all these years, and only nerfs was the thing I actually taught from the balance patches.
Men… Even that S/D trick. YOU MADE THIS GAME AND ARE WORKING ON IT FOR A 4 YEARS, DON’T TELL ME, YOU DIDN’T KNOW THAT. And there we are again: “Oh god, on S/D is still something good, let’s rip it from that, we thought we have buried already.”
That’s it. I’m done. If next balance patch will be like – nerf, I think you’ll lose a lot of thieves, this class will die out slowly, ‘cause you don’t have a freedom in making builds anymore in that class, you have to just strict to what ANet wants, or you’re done.
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This link is after a spec update.
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Watch some youtube videos about solo-runnin’ with thief.
It is rly helpful. For a example for Arah P3:
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I cry in da corner ‘cause of that changes. S/D is my beloved build, so this rly breakes me. I still play S/D, but I would rather have it stronger than it is now. ANet has been nerfin’ this build for a 2 years. And now, they have done it. They have totally broken it. It’s sad. T_T
I would like to return to it more dodges and evasivity like it had before, or give it a more burst.
I could play it with Critical Strikes instead of Acro. It gave me bigger burst and it’ survivability has been still good somehow. Now it’s shameful. S/D is weak.
I knew players were sayin’ to ANet something like this. “If you nerf S/D more than it is now nerfed! (It has been after Sword/Dagger Skill 3 Nerf), you see falmes on the forums.”
And now it is here. I didn’t want to write these coments or flame something. But this really got me. Sorry, ANet, but it is right. S/D is no more playable. It is still fun, but it is pretty weak against other classes. If a new player or player with no such an amout of expereince in PvP comes to fight with me, I’ll kill him. But if a player with a lot of experience, player, who plays PvP as long as me (I play GW2 from launch), comes to duel with me: It’s a difficult to win. And I don’t think that is about my skill. I play PvP really a long time and I have never a such problems with S/D like now. T_T
… has also its end.
Hi, there!
1. I think thief will get rifle. I don’t want this.
2. I would like thief to have a TWO SWORDS. Not TWO-HANDED SWORD. But TWO SWORDS!! I really love my beloved S/D, but with that kitten nerfs + this spec update, it is now totally broken (in that bad meanin’). It hasn’t so big burst like it had before. Or its survivability is rly bad if it has its burst. I could have it balanced before a spec patch. It had a lot of survivability and its burst was rly big.
3. I love S/D ‘cause of its Shadow Steps and ports. That Evasive playstyle is rly incredible. So I would like to have this new proffesion mechanic like more with PORTS. Like from Bleach that Flesh Steps. I want more ports, that’s all. Sword’s skill 2 has a slow port. When you want to shadow-step back, you have to wait 0,25 sec. I know it isn’t a lot of time, but if it would be immediately, it would be far more fun and better in all the ways.
4. I don’t know what kind of utility skills it could have (maybe more Shadow Steps like skills) but I think that it could have a Elite Skill like this – For 5 sec. Quickness + Your initiative points amout doesn’t decrease, in other way to say – infinite amout of initiative for 5 sec.
5. It could be called Shadow. Just a Shadow ‘cuase you can’t run away from your shadow. So that’s why. Shadow will always get you, and you can never get him. But spec. Shadow Arts should be renamed after this, ‘casue it’s a little wierd to have two Shadow… specs. in our traits.
… has also its end.
(edited by Joker.9812)
IGN: Joker The Dark
Playstyle: PvP
Server: Ring of Fire
Experience: My likely shadowy assassin is my main and the first 80lvl class in GW2. I’ve been playin’ him since launch. I play mainly PvP with my beloved S/D. But one year I was playin’ PvP with D/D and D/P. I tried a lot of times also condis and so next. But S/D and D/P are my main specializations.
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You know, this is RIGHT the best topic I’ve ever seen.
More fun than ever!
… has also its end.
Necro is now one of the best PvP classes. I go solo Minion Master and always easy win. I have a lot HP, a lot of toughness and when they shramp me, I heal myself easily. Nice dmg with power focused and with Minions. And if there edge of death arrived, DS is always on my side.
Necro’s one the most powerful classes in PvP at the moment, mate!
… has also its end.
Hi, everyone!
I haven’t seen any condi-build on forums since a new system appeared. So I though I could post here my current build. Before this update Curses Necromancers were really badly nerfed. HOWEVER, I came up with one idea about build with conditions when I saw that traits in a new system.
Curses Master
Scepter – It’s a main condition for conditions build.
Dagger – Deathly Swarm is needed for transfering conditions to your foe. There will be really a lot of dots on you and you want to give it like a present to your foe. Enfeebling Blood – Next Bleeding Skill, so it’s ok.
Staff – AoE casted from your staff are always useful. Every of them. Especially againts melee classes. You cast your AoEs at your feet. And Skill 4 is useful like next condi-transfer.
Consume Shadows – It was pretty good with condi-builds earlier. It has got a lot of nerfs through the time and I don’t know if it’s still good choice like a healing skill. So this is just an idea, ‘cause it was condi-classic healing skill.
Plague Signet – The most powerful condi-transfer. You can change it for Signet of Spite if you want, ’cause that causes a lot of condis in one click, mates.
Blood is Power – Everyone knows that this is always useful. Might in blink of eye is nice to have.
Corrupt Boon – One of the most mightful utility skills. EVERYONE IN PvP USES A LOT OF BUFFS. This causes a lot of unpleasantly problems to every PvP player. Trust me!
Flesh Golem – This is up to you what to take like an Elite. I don’t take Plague becuase it isn’t so OP like it has been earlier and this is always optimal in every build.
Plague Sending – Condi-transfer, what to say more?
Master of Corruption – Reduces recharge on corruption skill like Corrupt Boon or Consume Shadows and even Epidemic or Plague if you want to use it. Additional condis on you just enpower you to send more condis to your foe.
Lingering Curses – THE BASE OF THE BASIC BASIS of this build.
Speed of Shadows – Quicker recharge of Shroud. Shroud is one of the main survival aspects in this build.
Vital Persistance – Longer Shroud = Better Survival.
Dhuumfire – Don’t forget this is condi-based build. You need cast condis like Burning, not have a big chance to critical.
Putrid Defense – Each of your foe has Poison, ‘cause of you (Curses Master). So this improve a little your survivability.
Reaper’s Protection – The first skill is for minions. And the third one is for power. So this is a optimal choice. More survivability and the only one possible choice at all.
Corrupter’s Fervor – Main trait. It gives you 300 toughness in a blink of eye. You stack 10 condis on your foe really quick with this build. So this trait is also for survivability.
Amulet and Rune:
Carrion – Carrion is carrion. The most optimal for condis.
Krait – Krait is krait. The most optimal for condis.
It’s a build I’ve created and I’m running just a while, so if you have any improvements or advices about Conditionmancer. I’d like to hear you out!
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