Showing Posts For Jormungand.7314:

11/15 JQ/ SOS/ BG (Gold Season Match 5)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jormungand.7314


The issue is so many people would rather pve in wvw than to actually secure objectives and actively participate. We, on JQ, have an influx problem of what I like to call:
Internet Police: The internet police like to report people who are temporarily afk in a Garrison or Tower to refill a drink, food, bio break etc.

“People who refuse to listen to Commanders” Im sure that other servers have these players, but with rolling against Blackgate we can afford it. Blackgate is one of those servers that either A) eats, breathes, lives WvW and dedicated everything to it JQ is populated with 35% good players and 65% of Molasses types or C) A little of A and B
Horrible Commanders: See Molasses and people like him.

Refusal of players who to get into Voice Communications, this is self explanatory in these harder matchups communication is key.

Welfare players, who expect a zerg to drop what they are doing and run to their location to kill that one person who just killed 5 solo.

PROTECT TEH DOLYAK!!!!! Players who expect the organized zerg to drop attacking a keep/tower and help out a dolyak across the map.

Availability of Tomes of Knowledge in the shop

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jormungand.7314


So, no official posts?

Availability of Tomes of Knowledge in the shop

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jormungand.7314


If you hate PvE so much, then why do you want to pay $160 for a character that would be used for PvE? Otherwise you would be playing PvP which automatically levels you to 80. I don’t understand.

I used a friends account for several days before buying my own. I used the arena area to play a warrior, guardian, ele and engineer. I do not like that area, was I exceptional? no. I considered my above average as I placed 2nd or higher on each game. I prefer WvW, I love the zerg fights.

I played years in another game that specialized in realm combat and I had a high ranked stealth character that primarily attacked solo. After doing that for a few years, I grow tired of the small group combat scene. Its wonderful that Anet has this in place for others who enjoy the playstyle, it is not for me.

I am also sorry you consider WvW as pve. I consider it a breath of fresh air. Thank you for posting.

Availability of Tomes of Knowledge in the shop

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jormungand.7314


“you should let me pay money to skip content so the game zones are emptyer then they already are becuase i dont want to do that ever again” is what i get from people asking to buy lvls

So your answer to my question is: "Because the zones are empty now, I should have to suffer like everyone else?

How is this helping anyone? People will still have to grind levels and some people hate that tremendously. If you enjoy it, that’s wonderful! I and many others, do not like the story or the grind fest that is the PvE side. A good friend of mine, who initially referred me to the game, considers the Fractals and Dungeons to be absolutely mind-numbing. After watching him for a few days running them, I would have to agree.

My suggestion doesnt hurt anyone. The majority of this game PvE content can be soloed until killing Zhaitan. At least on the server I play on, most of the larger events are staffed by players.

Availability of Tomes of Knowledge in the shop

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jormungand.7314


First, I do not know if this is the appropriate medium to discuss this. If it isn’t would someone move it to the correct place? Thank you. For those of you who do not wish to read go to the end of the paragraph which has a TL:DR.

I will not speak for others, but it is my opinion that those who have the means should be able to purchase a level 80 of their choice. I know many of the players who would scoff at this, ridicule me for even discussing this idea but allow me to explain my position. I am sure many others feel the same way as I do.

1) I play this game to WvW, and that is it. I have tried the arena and I just did not like it. The PvE in this game, which intuitive, is the same grind fest as every other game.

2) Purchasing a fresh level 80 is not “paying to win” as the entire game model is based off of micro-transactions. This is the revenue stream that Anet and most mmo’s are modeling today.
a) Even with a fresh 80 in exotics how does time played (or in this case paid) translate into skill or an advantage?
b) It increases revenue for ArenaNet which is a good thing. I would gladly pay $160 for a level 80. (Thats $2 USD per level)
c) It does not affect anyone’s game play as there is no significant advantage/disadvantage outside of time invested.

3) As a veteran of multiple online games, the term “pve” makes me shudder with disgust. I despise it and will avoid it at all costs. I would rather pay money to craft than to grind out another 80.

As I understand some of the complaints from players would be…
“It isnt fair that you have more money than me, and that is my disadvantage” My answer to this is: “Does Anet ban people who are better skilled than you when you die in a pvp area?”

“The game is incredibly fast to level, why spend money?” I have the financial means to better my hobby. Why is that a problem? If I want to spend money, suiting my enjoyment to my taste why is it your concern if I do not impede on any gameplay mechanics?

ArenaNet, please give me a reason on why you can not fulfill this request? You can email me privately. If you allow me, I will pay for 2-3 level 80s at ($2) per level. I think around this Holiday Season you can use this to possibly make some serious money. I also would not think it would be much of a coding issue. As you could just “gift” us several tomes of knowledge to grant us a level.

Thank you.

I want to purchase “Tomes of Knowledge” for $2 per item.

Suggestions for ANET.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jormungand.7314


First, I do not know if this is the appropriate medium to discuss this. If it isn’t would someone move it to the correct place? Thank you. For those of you who do not wish to read go to the end of the paragraph which has a TL:DR.

I will not speak for others, but it is my opinion that those who have the means should be able to purchase a level 80 of their choice. I know many of the players who would scoff at this, ridicule me for even discussing this idea but allow me to explain my position. I am sure many others feel the same way as I do.

1) I play this game to WvW, and that is it. I have tried the arena and I just did not like it. The PvE in this game, which intuitive is the same grind fest as every other game.

2) Purchasing a fresh level 80 is not “paying to win” as the entire game model is based off of micro-transactions. This is the revenue stream that Anet and most mmo’s are modeling today.
a) Even with a fresh 80 in exotics how does time played (or in this case paid) translate into skill or an advantage?
b) It increases revenue for ArenaNet which is a good thing. I would gladly pay $160 for a level 80. (Thats $2 USD per level)
c) It does not affect anyone’s game play as there is no significant advantage/disadvantage outside of time invested.

3) As a veteran of multiple online games, the term “pve” makes me shudder with disgust. I despise it and will avoid it at all costs. I would rather pay money to craft than to grind out another 80.

As I understand some of the complaints from players would be…
“It isnt fair that you have more money than me, and that is my disadvantage” My answer to this is: “Does Anet ban people who are better skilled than you when you die in a pvp area?”

“The game is incredibly fast to level, why spend money?” I have the financial means to better my hobby. Why is that a problem? If I want to spend money, suiting my enjoyment to my taste why is it your concern if I do not impede on any gameplay mechanics?

ArenaNet, please give me a reason on why you can not fulfill this request? You can email me privately. If you allow me, I will pay for 2-3 level 80s at ($2) per level. I think around this Holiday Season you can use this to possibly make some serious money. I also would not think it would be much of a coding issue. As you could just “gift” us several tomes of knowledge to grant us a level.

Thank you.

I want to purchase “Tomes of Knowledge” for $2 per item.