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BLTC Black Lion Trading Bug

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jubber.2107


The TP is broken for me if I use the -nopatchui command to login with a shortcut… It used to work about a month ago but it is now broken, havent been able to get anyones feedback on this

bug: BLTP requires me to login when ingame

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jubber.2107


There is a bug that a couple of my friends and I are experiencing with the BLTP. We all run Windows 7 and use multiple accounts on the same desktops/laptops. We use the -nopatchui to run the game as it allows you to choose different accounts simply by clicking a shortcut. As of last week the BLTP does not work at all if you run the game using this parameter. If you visit the tp it asks for you to “Please login to view this page” and even has a link to click login which then shows you this:

Page not found

It would be pretty cool if this was fixed back to the way it was previously.

To update this post, I now get the following message from the TP:

ERROR: Invalid authorization

(edited by Jubber.2107)

Please remove dailies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jubber.2107


your reward should be playing the game, not getting a cookie at the end of a ‘grind’ for a daily. Daily’s are there to incentivize that people log on each day and that there are people to populate the mmo other than just the weekends.

Give Ele the Greatsword

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jubber.2107


The ele has access to all weapons through their spells, they are elementalists and so they conjure the elements and use them as weapons. Its a great mechanic, do you really think the game would be better if all classes ran around with great swords? wheres the diversity?

Add 3-5 slots for consumable items please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jubber.2107


please let it come about

Midnight Fire Dye

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jubber.2107


thanks a ton for the constructive comments

mob health in cursed shore

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jubber.2107


The individual mobs placed every square metre in cursed shore does mean that its a big effort to run or fight your way from one point to the next. The fact that they may in certain instances each take long to kill is not in itself frustrating but when you couple this fact with the way DE’s work it seems imbalanced. When I’m alone ranging through the hills taking enemies on 1 by 1 seems to work well.

When I’m in a DE, say for instance in the Plinx DE chain there might be 50 other players with me. The idea is that the events are easier and they are but now they are on the other extreme. The mobs die in seconds and as a ranger with aoe skills which take longer than the spawn rates to cooldown I find myself unable to deal enough damage in those few seconds to be eligible to get a drop.

Please scale an individual mob’s hp up proportionally based on how many players have it targeted or who are dealing damage to it. When a group of enemies are flash-fried by necromancer marks and elementalist aoe in the second it takes you to target them then it discourages participation in the event because you know you won’t get any drops from them.
I know that joining a party reduces this problem but what about the players who are the odd ones out or who are unable to join a party because they are all full or unwilling to accept players in?

Midnight Fire Dye

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jubber.2107


Midnight fire dye shows up in the colour palette as a colour that is very close to black, but once applied to armour, say, Medium Mad King’s it comes out as dark brown. The colour on the palette bares no resemblance to the colour in practice.

What does being a Ranger mean to you?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jubber.2107


To me a Ranger means playing a class that is able to range well. When I say range I mean in the historical sense of the word. Rangers were people who were able to cover large distances in the wilds and who were able to survive in a harsh environment. In gw1 the elite skill Melandru’s Resilience was my favorite skill, rather than having insane damage I was able to thrive when covered in conditions, maybe even escaping into lava with relative safety in pvp. I don’t mean tanking, I mean surviving under very specific adverse conditions. Perhaps gw2 has captured this idea to a certain degree, rangers have very decent healing skills and some wilderness survival traits are fun to play with.
When I say range I also mean distance fighting. This is different to following somebody around as best you can as you bash them in the face with a blunt object. It involves paying close attention to your surroundings in order to maximize damage by maximizing line of sight. Cripshot has always been an epic skill for this strategy and being able to dodgeroll often helps a lot too. Having your pet or friendly players obstruct your arrows – although realistic – does suck, do other classes suffer from this mechanic?

Anyways, I love playing my ranger, the pet system adds so much to to the class, the only things I dislike about it is how the F2 key seems to not activate properly when you click on it instead and how pets don’t always listen to you when you ask them to F3 return. How cool would it be if there was a weapon combination like a warhorn/whistle that made your pet perform some kind of attack on your behalf – just like in gw1 where you could fill your skillbar with pet abilities…

Randomize the requirements for the Daily

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jubber.2107


Imagine A daily that is purely based in sPvP. play a certain amount of games, perform a certain amount of finishers, defenses/captures, kill x players, or earn x amount of glory. If players prefer to spend all their time in sPvP rather than in PvE rather promote that. Daily achievements are in place to promote player involvement in the world, a sPvP daily would inhance player participation in that area of the game.

A suggestion for a mystic forge recipe mechanic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jubber.2107


Rolling out extreme luck onto precursors is wrong. Right now they are just way too valuable to be reliant on that type of luck. Its demotivating and depressing. Finding one from a chest when you’ve not opened that many or from your first craft in the forge just seems to undermine everyone who has tried countless times to craft one and failed. It could make you jump out of your seat and scream victory, but I’d like to explore the 2 ideas explained below:

I propose that a system more reliant on cumulative effects from crafting weapons might be lots more fun and people will feel like they’ve earned the precursor:

1) *Introduce a multi-tiered system of transmutations – each successful transmutation creates an exotic weapon of the next tier.

*When you transmute 4 same rare weapons of relevant level you have the same chance to get an exotic that you have now, but that exotic has a tick mark and an inherent +% chance to enhance the probability. Tier 2 weapons would need 4 tier 1 weapons and their chance to generate a precursor linearly.

*e.g. Tiers could be valued from first through to tenth. Each time you use 4 weapons that are for example first tier (you transmuted 4 rares successfully and received an exotic of the same type) the only thing special about this weapon you’ve generated is that it has a single tick mark behind the name which indicates that if transmuted with another 3 weapons of the same type it has a chance to generate a second tier weapon and concurrently a greater chance to generate a precursor.

I think a system like this would help to dilute the massively inflated cost of precursors into lesser exotics. For instance, tier 1 exotics compared to tier 0 exotics like what we have now would sell for a hypothetical 10g, tier 2’s would sell for 20g each and so on. I realize that there is perhaps a system like this existing now: tier 1 are high lvl rares, tier 2 are exotics and tier 3 are named exotics, but this system is difficult to follow and people who find named exotics probably profit more by selling them and buying lesser exotics and rares simply because losing 4 named exotics with a bad luck RNGed roll might just hurt too much to comprehend.
A tiered system would cultivate a sense of working toward an end goal, each transmutation would be cumulative while still relying on an element of luck.

2) Thinking about it now, imagine a system of item generation that suffers minimal losses that one would with bad luck. You find/buy 4 rare lvl80 shortbows, transmute them. RNG comes up with an exotic shortbow 10% of the time or whatever the current rate is. After many tires you eventually have 4 exotics which you have made in the forge. When you transmute those 4 you get an account-bound named-exotic shortbow with a hidden counter on it, say randomly generated, the counter could read anything from 500 to 600 to choose arbitrary numbers. Now it becomes a recipe component that maybe upgraded by transmuting it along with rare or exotic items of the same type, along with things like mystic coins, obsidian shards or maybe even mystic stones(imagine that). The idea here is that with each additional transmutation with another weapon, a new similarly-named, account-bound exotic is created, the only difference is that is has less counters on it, say 2 less if it was a high lvl rare, or 4 less if an exotic, maybe 10 less if a named exotic…see where I’m going with this? you constantly transmute all the rare or exotic weapons of the same type that you find until the named exotic you have reaches 0 counters and it finally transmutes into a precursor.

Unfortunately the grind doesn’t disappear but the profound sense of loss does, while it equalizes the whole process for all players.

Maybe this second system would make the recipe seem to be unattainable by casual players , mayhaps a hybridized system that always has a small chance to generate a precursor on each transmutation would keep players motivated to just try their luck while simultaneously feel that even if they don’t get a precursor they are a step closer to it rather than starting from scratch after each transmutation as is what happens now…..

These are just possible ideas, we can wait to see how the current system is changed with the new patch, it might make this post redundant but the idea could always be used for different future recipes.

Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jubber.2107


The title of this post is “Legendary…luck”

clovers are kinda meh too…too much luck based honestly !

Gift of luck should be changed to my eyes…to many ectos wasted on it for something that doesn’t even work all the time… idk…remove it or change it…your choice…even with 1 gift less there’s plenty of other gifts to do…
Second is to change the way precursors work…i mean…it’s just like the clovers…pure luck.

I feel like I must criticize this post. The user is complaining that the gift of luck is based too much on luck… seriously? I know its frustrating as hell throwing expensive ingredients into the forge to get clovers but clovers are lucky. I feel ambivalent towards the RNG in this regard because it hurts when you ‘lose’ and get 1x vicious fang but its good when you get a clover or one of the expensive lodestones.