Showing Posts For Julissa.1476:
Despite some troubling confessions here (and Julissa in particular imo to be the most hardcore) I’m having a good laugh. This is by far the best thread ever created. OP I salute you!
Teehee, thanks, I guess?
- I miss farm events so badly, like the ones from the first LS.
- I have never, nor do I consider purchasing gems with real money. I always wait for a sale to get what I NEED (some might read that as want – character slots, bank expansions, bag slots) from the gem-shop. I once stood up until like 5-6 AM just to catch the gems at a lower exchange rate because I cheaped out. I ended up saving 5 gold and I was happy as a puppy.
- I will NEVER EVER EEEVER revive you at Tequatl, or Mark I Golem event, or at any event that you can shimmy to the closest waypoint. That’s the only time when I actually use the waypoints as well.
- I have a commander tag but will never tag up in EotM, WvW, Triple Trouble or whatever event people are tagging up these days. I only tagged up once for Tequatl and it was a fail due to all the people running to protect the Megalaser and not enough at the other batteries, and a second time at the Marionette event, which failed due to obvious reasons [people not listening to map chat, commander indications and running around all willy-nilly as they pleased]. I got so much flaming whispers and they all blamed the commander that I decided it’s not worth the trouble enduring such words for no reason.
- I will never play a thief.
- My necromancer is an asura, I spent >40 minutes playing with the gliders so she would look sweet as a peach, she is pink, she has a Princess Wand scepter and she is a minion-master. Deal with it.
- Whenever I happen to run into RP guilds doing their thing while I’m mapping, I activate the walk-mode and try to be as discreet as possible, to not break immersion. They do their thing, I do mine, we’re all happy.
- I used to run Tutorial Fractal runs, levels 1 or 2, to teach people who have no idea how to run them, free of charge logically. I stopped after one of the players told me to stop explaining, because he can “wing it”. Some people actually do not want to learn, and I made my peace with that. Ignorance is bliss.
- I hate metas. I play how I feel I can survive better, or how I feel it fits my mood right then. I’ll play zerker or I’ll play condi, I’ll use staff on my ele or use axe/axe on my ranger, but nobody has the right to kick me out of a party just because I haven’t equipped the weapon/armor of his/her choice. You can always ask me nicely to switch to something different, depending on the circumstances, in case I haven’t done it already. Speaking of that, I never vote to support a kick.
That’s about it, of the top of my head. I guess it was cathartic.
Oh gosh here I go.
- I’m a stalker. This is my first forum post, although I’ve been playing for ~2 years now. I listen in on people’s /say chat convos, read map chat but never say a word, same goes for guild chat.
- I resent people who don’t want to learn. I’ve ignored people’s questions so many times because one simple /wiki command would have answered all questions.
- I HATED the game when my boyfriend bought it for me. Now I play more than he does, and I’m better than him. [such modesty]
- All my characters (8) have backstories, I couldn’t play if they didn’t. Same goes for their names, they have a meaning. Also they all have first name + surname [except for my first character, which I forgot to name her properly and I’m too cheap to buy a Name Change Contract].
- Talking about that, I’m related to Scrooge McDuck. I’m a hoarder, and it pains me to spend even 10 silver on something. I have aprox. 500 gold stashed away, safe from my reach and another 500 in my own guildbank.
- I have 5 precursors. One I dropped, one I received as a birthday gift from my guildies, and the others I forged. Due to my hoarding, I have not sold any of them, nor have I equipped them.
- I forged Dusk from my 2nd try at the Forge, while leveling weaponsmith. I think Zommoros likes me more than he should.
- Even if it takes me much more time, I avoid waypointing. If I have to go to LA, I go to the borderland maps, or to Obsidian Sanctum, and then LA. If I go to Karka, I take the Consortium portal. If I go to CoF/AC, I take the portal to Black Citadel and then run for it. If I do The Shatterer, I take the portal to Ebonhawke and then run. I haven’t gone to HotW in ages because I haven’t figured out a shorter way to get there, so I avoid it.
- I’m genuinely afraid of getting banned, even if I know I haven’t done anything wrong. [remember the jute/linen Iron Marches ban-wave on BB?] Even though I was not on that server, I was exploring that map in that time-frame and I was actually shaking out of fear of getting banned, although I haven’t done anything.
- When the town clothes were changed to tonics, I was accidentally awarded with an ascended Zojja’s heavy helm. First thing I did was to report this, send a mail to support, because I have not earned that item, and I feared that I might be banned for it. Support was nice enough to tell me I can keep the item. I still haven’t equipped, it’s on one of my characters.
- I have a 15 digit password, using capital letter, numbers and all you can think about. I have an authentificator, a 3rd party authentificator for my email and SMS confirmation for my email as well. I might be paranoid a bit.
- My best friends are the /bug and /report command, I report any bugs/events that in my POV do not work/are not completed as they were intended, and I attach the screenshots as well. Serves you well for trying to break or bend the rules.
- I’m the nicest person you’ll ever meet, until you kitten me off, that is, and you release the troll I’m trying to repress deep inside. When you do that, may the Six Gods watch over you and protect you from my keyboard-smashing abilities.
- My main character is a ranger, and I hate rangers, if I see you playing a longbow while we stack, I will loathe you forever, although I won’t say anything. Same goes for pets, there are so many types of pets for a reason hint-hint.
- I LOVE fractals, I usually do 5 of them / day, one for each rank of difficulty. I LOATHE dungeons, but I will do them if someone asks me to fill in a spot if needed.
Hello, can anybody clarify a thing for me? Usually when I run out of space, and need a fast 5 free spots, I send an in-game mail to my boyfriend. Sometime he gets them instantly, sometime it takes a while, I’ve never given it much importance why is that so, and I always send him a mail using either the party UI or the friend list. But a strange thing I’ve just noticed. In my list of friends, his account ID is shown as accountname.xxx1, if I send him a mail, on the recipient field it shows as accountname.xxx2, as well as on his character selection screen. In our guildbank under the records of withdrawal it is also shown as "accountname.xxx1 has withdrawn/deposited … " instead of his character name (for me it shows my character name that has made the withdrawal). What is going on here?
Hello fellow players! We are WISP [ Whispers in the Storm ], we are a small (but very cozy) multilingual (but English speaking) community located on Piken Square (EU), most of our players span around the GMT+1/2 timezone and we would like to welcome new members to join us! We are mostly PvE ( though we like to get our PvP dailies done as well and enjoy a bit of WvW from time to time ). We enjoy very much running dungeons, fractals, jumping puzzles, daily boss runs and events, and look towards getting into guild missions as well! We have TeamSpeak3, a nice, upgraded and roomy guild-bank and not last, very friendly and sociable members
We are looking for active, mature players ( preferably 18+), old or new to the game ( experience is not an issue! ), we are not elitists, nor do we require great skills from our members. We’re just here to have fun, make friends and enjoy every aspect that this great game has to offer! Feel free to whisper/mail Ashar.5927, Julissa.1476, sune.7498 or Dana.4318 for additional info, applying or any other questions you might have! Hope to hear from you guys soon!
(edited by Julissa.1476)
I already finished the meta-achievement, did the instance and all. I was only befuddled of the second bullet of the meta text, even went to Queensdale where that NPC Sergeant Walters is, thought it was some kind of an easter-egg thing, talked to her and nothing, only 4 dialogues about the Defending Shaemoor completion and other chit-chat. I wiki’d her and she’s the main NPC you talk to when you create a human character and start the tutorial instance… Well, it must be a bug, as you said, triggering the initial story-line requirements.
So I was finishing up with my “Shut the doors!” achievement in Mad King’s Labyrinth and I noticed that another bullet popped out under the meta-achievement Tower of Nightmares, right under the “Fight the Toxic Alliance (blah blah)”, and it says “Speak to Sergeant Walters of the Seraph”. Funny thing, when I returned to LA, the text disappeared. Went back to the Labyrinth, there it is again. Searched Google, didn’t find anything. Can anyone shed some light on this? Thanks!