Showing Posts For JunoYuvon.1803:

Identifying Face

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: JunoYuvon.1803


I would like to know if someone could help me identify which face is used to create the character on the screen. The character is Human.

Thank you very much in advance.


Ground disappearing during personal story

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JunoYuvon.1803


I’ve tested both the 32 bit and 64 bit and the same thing happens. I also tested with two different computers with very different specs(AMD and nvidia cards) and both do the same thing.

Viper Armor

in Necromancer

Posted by: JunoYuvon.1803


Well I usually play power necro, but seeing as condi-necro is preferable over power necro in t4 fractals and raids I was hoping to get Viper’s for the condition build. What I might do is maybe craft a berserker and later as necessity arises I might stat swap to Viper’s, seeing also as it’s cheaper to stat swap it.

Viper Armor

in Necromancer

Posted by: JunoYuvon.1803


Hello fellow necromancers!

Before the recent patch I was working on crafting Viper’s armor for my necromancer for high level fractals and possibly raids.

My question is if you guys think it’s still worth it to craft it after the recent nerf or if I should get another stat to the armor, because I would really like to have my necromancer with an ascended armor set to play fractals and raids with it.

Thank you for your attention,