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Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustPhil.8502


Obligatory reply showing concern over the proposed update.

My main concerns:

  • This could lead onto more power-creep
  • This could lead to content being locked out to those who haven’t acquired ascended gear.
  • This could have a knock on effect on current dungeons if all we can get are exotics.
  • Can ascended gear be crafted? If not then most people will stick to cooking.

Unusually high FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JustPhil.8502


I’m saying that there’s way too many people in that “Low FPS” thread with outdated hardware expecting ANet to cater to them.

I think that might be because A.Net said they were aiming to have GW2 run on “mid-spec gaming PC’s”. Granted the game does run on them, just not particularly well.

Issues with getting in dungeon instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JustPhil.8502


My party had an issue getting into Twilight Arbor. I was able to enter the first time but non of my party members could follow, when I left the instance and attempted to go back in I was unable to.