Showing Posts For KNBrew.2675:

Defektive's "New Meta": New Patch? New Build.

in Warrior

Posted by: KNBrew.2675


I’ll just throw in my 2 cents since i’ve seen a couple comments about PvE. I’m no expert but I found it to be effective. Obviously you’re no berserker but your group will love you.

Was changing MH Sword for Axe since the Axe #1 chain is easy to get off when your enemy doesn’t move, i mean it is PvE.
Found myself changing the Shield for Warhorn in boss fights (anything that has Defiance), since your Shield #4 really becomes useless at that point.

I also found that i didn’t need the Signet of Stamina as much (except in the new Aether Dungeon) and was swapping that skill around constantly. Usually for a banner as per the groups requests.
And as always in PvE the debate between Signet of Rage and Warbanner arises but i personally go Warbanner for that safety if someone goes down, not to mention the buffs it gives.

Was changing Blademaster to Opportunist (LB#5 have to use to maintain bleeds anyway) and Shield Master for Dogged March.
Have no idea if keeping DoTE is worth it since few mobs/bosses have boons.

Then again i believe more in strengthening the group then my own personal DPS. The combination of LB F1 + LB #3 + Warhorn #5 + 2 banners is instant Might. Add a mes with Signet of Inspiration and Time Warp and your group is rockin.

I found it to be fun, and again i’m no expert. Just what i was doin.

Tarnished Coast
Asura Warrior (yeah the one with the fro)
Elder Council-The Ebon Banner [Ebon]

(edited by KNBrew.2675)

2/8 Tier8 FC/ET/hopefully not SF

in WvW

Posted by: KNBrew.2675


Shoutout to my fellow Ferg’s that held Bluebriar against the Sorrow’s PvDoor zerg a while ago. Great fight once they finally broke in. Hopefully will continue to hold until we decide to log for the night.

Tarnished Coast
Asura Warrior (yeah the one with the fro)
Elder Council-The Ebon Banner [Ebon]

Looking for a New Server!

in WvW

Posted by: KNBrew.2675


I’m going to try to speak for some of FC when i say this, I know we’re tier 8, but we love it down here. Call it ignorance is bliss or whatever but it’s awesome. The WvW is competitive and solid PvE (obviously..we are tier 8 ). I’ve never really had trouble finding a dungeon or world PvE event when i decided to lean that way.

As for WvW,you’ll find guilds down here that thrive on it. The only times you really find zerg vs zerg fighting (and i say that as a zerg down here is considered to be 15-30 people…if that) are at peak times, which i think is what you’re trying to get away from. And the competition since SF came into our WvW is awesome. All 3 servers in tier 8 love the fact that if you want there are chances to run around in 5 man teams are less and take camps, fight defenders, etc.

I will say though, we do take pride in our fighting abilities since we were rolled by Kaining and Devonas (congratz to them btw for ranking up so much) before SF and had to rely on small group tactics/skill vs the oncoming zerg. Anyway, heres a link from a WZ guildie who’s trying to cover recruitment to FC and i think he sums most of it up pretty well.

Good luck to you and your guild though. Hope wherever you choose turns out to be a good fit.

Tarnished Coast
Asura Warrior (yeah the one with the fro)
Elder Council-The Ebon Banner [Ebon]

Tankiest Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: KNBrew.2675


I’ve been trying to build a tank warrior myself after the long hours of DPS and trying to find one that could also be relevant in WvW, I came up with something similar to this and might give your choice of skills a try.

Now I did skip over a couple posts, and i understand you use sword and board in your set #1, but what weapon do you use in set #2 or do you not change weapons at all? I took to using the warhorn in set #2 solely for the extra speed boost.

Tarnished Coast
Asura Warrior (yeah the one with the fro)
Elder Council-The Ebon Banner [Ebon]

Level 20 warrior... Why GS?

in Warrior

Posted by: KNBrew.2675


In WvW in particular, the GS has one of the best mobility of any weapon in the game. Few will outrun you if combined with the Signet of Rage especially with the immobilize trait (Tactics I). As for PvE the Hundred Blades can be nasty. Personally though I have noticed that many out there do not swap weapons in a fight, and i’m always alternating between it and the rifle almost every cooldown to combine the cripples and range; it’s not my sole weapon.

Tarnished Coast
Asura Warrior (yeah the one with the fro)
Elder Council-The Ebon Banner [Ebon]

Best rune for a DPS warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: KNBrew.2675


Looks like power runes would be better then precision. The only problem i have is with rune of the scholar in that in WvW i rarely spend time in a fight with my health at 90%+(i don’t like to just sit at the back), making me feel as if that would be like wasting one of the five bonuses. As for Ogre i might give it a shot, but is the rock dog really worth it? i see them all the time and usually they just evaporate.

What about rune of the mad king? Would that be worth it with the rifle?

Tarnished Coast
Asura Warrior (yeah the one with the fro)
Elder Council-The Ebon Banner [Ebon]

Best rune for a DPS warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: KNBrew.2675


I run a GS/Rifle build and currently aiming for Superior Rune of the Eagle for the prec/crit dmg. Don’t know if aiming for a rune with power would be better or not.

Could use advice. Thanks.

This would be for WvW and PvE. Really only do PvP for dailies and not worried about it.

Tarnished Coast
Asura Warrior (yeah the one with the fro)
Elder Council-The Ebon Banner [Ebon]

(edited by KNBrew.2675)

Warrior vs. 3+ (WvW)

in Warrior

Posted by: KNBrew.2675


Just wondering if anyone out there has advice on how to have a successful build with a warrior that can handle himself in a 1v3+ situation. 1v1 and 1v2 aren’t really the problem, depending on the classes i’m fighting etc. I can hold my own and it’s not frustrating. But if 3 or more people show up i don’t stand much of a chance.

I am currently running a GS/LB build, but don’t know if i’ll stick with it.

Would love to see a video/ build post if you say you have fought off multiple enemies.

Just want to hear y’alls thoughts and opinions.

Tarnished Coast
Asura Warrior (yeah the one with the fro)
Elder Council-The Ebon Banner [Ebon]

(edited by KNBrew.2675)