Showing Posts For Kahlamite.5029:

Official Response: Drop Rate of Legendary Precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: Kahlamite.5029


Personally I feel pretty fed up, I have no idea how people are making tons of gold. I’ve had to buy mine off the TP with gems. To date I’ve spent over $250.00 on gems converted to gold. After all of this and reflecting on the fact that the risk versus reward is significantly unbalanced. Now how do I bring that in balance? The option include;

Cutting out Anet on my gold purchases and getting TWICE as much gold for HALF the price, and continue to contribute to the problem. This is the clear choice if I were staying in the game, simple economics.

Holding out until Lindsey gets her act together to raise the drop rate in the forge.

Pray, Lindsey or Isaiah decide to implement a way to procure a precursor that isn’t complete RNG.

Lastly, and probably the most favored right now. Cut my losses and Quit.

The outlook on all of these option looks pretty dismal and grey. I know that Anet is a company under NCSoft, but as far as NCsoft is concerned…

Fool me once (Aion) shame on you, fool me twice (GW2) shame on me…. “Fool me can’t get fooled again” -George Bush

[ADT] Addiction (PvX) Blackgate

in Guilds

Posted by: Kahlamite.5029


bump 15 charrs.

[ADT] Addiction (PvX) Blackgate

in Guilds

Posted by: Kahlamite.5029


We’re normally in full force tues-thurs, other days of the week are used for dungeons and spvp.

[ADT] Addiction (PvX) Blackgate

in Guilds

Posted by: Kahlamite.5029


bump 15 char….

[ADT] Addiction (PvX) Blackgate

in Guilds

Posted by: Kahlamite.5029


haters gonna hate….

[ADT] Addiction (PvX) Blackgate

in Guilds

Posted by: Kahlamite.5029


Your grief with Gromph does not change the facts. Its also worth noting that Gromph is not leading the Guild Wars 2 section, I am. I’m not trying for a political platform here, I’m not Gromph and I’m interested in more than just winning, I’m interested in the people and friendship as well.

Oh and btw you can’t grief on an open world PvP server, stop being a carebear.

[ADT] Addiction (PvX) Blackgate

in Guilds

Posted by: Kahlamite.5029


Still doing good things in WvW.

Need Ingame GMs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kahlamite.5029


Man I second this, however realize this also not a pay to play (monthly fee) game. I would wonder if they have the budget for this.

[ADT] Addiction (PvX) Blackgate

in Guilds

Posted by: Kahlamite.5029


Remember that game you played way back when, that whenever the subject comes up you can’t shut up about it? Those few guys you played with.. and kicked everyone’s kitten with? Yeah.. we’re those guys.

Addiction is a MMO guild and gaming community that has successfully transitioned through 7 MMO’s and counting. Our original leadership has retained and grown our core member base over the last 6 years and we are constantly looking for more skilled and loyal members.

Addiction has perfected its preparation for an MMO launch. Our latest conquest, RIFT, landed us as the #1 progression guild worldwide with our first raid boss kill in under a week after launch, and 2 weeks before any other guild. The culmination of our launch efforts landed us at 3 times the amount of content completed first in the world over rival guilds. Addiction was named “hardest of the hardcore” by RIFT’s executive producer Scott Hartsman for its track record in RIFT.

In addition to our RIFT accomplishments we were also a world first progression guild in Age of Conan, congratulated for our accomplishments by the developers. We have been the top guild on our servers since our inception in Everquest 2 and have carried this through not just new MMO launches but to established servers such as an original launch server in World of Warcraft, where we cleared all content 6 weeks after rolling on the server. We returned to Everquest 1, where we progressed through all 15 expansions at the appropriate level cap, which for some bosses had never been done before. We held the top 3 leaderboard positions in Darkfall on launch for kills, damage to buildings, etc. In Tera we achieved 3 Prime titles, for first max level characters, on the most populated server.

Beyond our PvE achievements we have been known to utterly destroy or consume guilds. Repeatedly killing our enemies until they quit the game is not uncommon. Unable to quote rankings from recent MMO’s, since they haven’t implemented any leaderboards, you’ll simply have to take our word for it that our PvP proficiency matches our listed accomplishments.

Addiction is primarily interested in MMO’s, but we don’t limit ourselves to a specific genre in-between MMO titles. The Addiction ranks are filled with Platinum ELO League of Legends players, Master league Starcraft 2 players, and sponsored MLG players in multiple FPS titles. Our members have held #1 ladder positions for games such as Company of Heroes, and multiple Socom titles to name a few. Our members have been top 5 CAL-I players in Counterstrike: Source and Call of Duty 4.

Our members have a deep history in MMO’s and gaming in general, in many cases with roughly two decades of experience in the genre spanning practically every title you can name. We have members who have come from well known guilds such as Paragon from World of Warcraft, Ne Plus Ultra, Dracos Argent and Dissolution in Everquest 2, and Pandemonium in Everquest 1, to name a few. It is not uncommon for Addiction members to discover they used to play together in a previous guild from years past.

Many of our members have highly distinguished backgrounds but we value loyalty and dedication equally as much.

Current Upgrades
-Poltitics IV
-Art of War V
-Economy IV
-Architecture III

Guild Unlocks:
-Guild Armorer Contract
-Guild Workshop
-Guild Stash
-Guild Emblem Template

EDIT: Updates Art of War to level 5

(edited by Kahlamite.5029)

Legendary weapons: stats

in Crafting

Posted by: Kahlamite.5029


I love how everyone assumes that if you want legendarys to be LEGENDARY then you have a “WoW” mindset. Do any of you kids remember epics in EQ? this set the stage for time sink crap like legendarys to ACTUALLY BE BETTER. I’m not in to cosplay if I drain my free time on something like a legendary I want to gratification of being able to smash face on the battlefield.

Guardian's Zealous Blade (Zeal Trait)

in Guardian

Posted by: Kahlamite.5029


This was great at lower levels but doesn’t scale with level or damage it seems. I would be interested to see a dev post regard anything that may affect the amount of healing returns per swing(more power or healing).