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Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kaideus.4329


Having big problems with my guild aswell.
Yesterday when I logged in I could see our guild panel and the name, but our guild logo had change and so had our tag from [EIN] to [KST].

I also couldn’t change any permissions, create new ranks and i’m the guild leader, had members /w me saying they can’t see the guild or guild panel anymore etc.

Then today I log in and I can’t even see the guild, when I press “G” I just see the standard create guild window -_-

I hope we get out guild back and don’t lose any of the things we trained or our influence. Please find guild details below and let me know if more info is needed,

The guild info:
Guild: Einhärjer [EIN]
Server: Far Shiverpeaks
Leader: Kain Bloodclaw (myself)