Showing Posts For Kakera.3195:
This event in question is in Timberline Falls I believe and not Metrica Province which is where the crystal is, for a whole other event. This event has been indeed buggy a lot, and I only managed to get to the shop by pure luck one day when I zoned in and checked, after checking if the event successfully cleared for 2 whole weeks, every day at least two or three times.
First of all, you’re getting quite worked up over the fact that I said one thing.
Second of all, the chests did get changed to once a day, and if you made them once a day per character awarding ascended materials, do you even realize how many ascended materials would enter the game? They are going for straight up 10 gold for some of them, if not even more. I can do a meta event in about 20-30 minutes by getting a taxi into a zone, all but Dragon’s Stand which requires about an hour and a half of investment to reach the end chest.
Third, your entire opinion of my rework is biased because you didn’t like my post just now. Yes, they would be straight-up nerfs, but those were before the chests were turned daily. If you can grind the events once every half hour? That’s already very overpowered in terms of gains. Besides, my point wasn’t to make all rewards corresponding to one player’s definition of worth, but it would be to make them not so terrible that it would straight up always be the same choice, because as it stands right now, everyone picks the same (50 currency + 12 keys) because it’s about a hundred times better than either options, except for the reclaimed plate option in Verdant Brink, and maybe the chak egg option in Tangled Depths (but even just 1 egg isn’t much compared to 12 keys and 50 currency).
All of my suggestions were just as valid, and I even give faction provisioners, which are pretty much done only by the people who want the eventual legendary armor as you will need 50 of their currency per piece (so 300 total), some more visibility and accessibility even for those same people which currently are stuck sinking all their money in the market, instead of playing the maps.
I’ll end on the ascended materials again. If each player got an ascended material for 30 minutes of work per character, the HoT maps would immediately be over-crowded and the price of mats would plummet and die right away. I’m not even a hardcore player and I have 4 characters who can do it, so in a day of play I could taxi into enough maps to make at least 10 ascended materials (3 maps 3 or 4 times, all on different characters) without even spending my whole day onto it. People have multiple accounts, too, and ascended materials aren’t account bound (at least not that stage) and they could make even more. It would trivialize getting full ascended sets down to mere days rather than being a medium term goal (as opposed as a legendary that is a long term goal). Fractals were given a chance at ascended materials for account-wide daily high fractal level chests. That’s how rare they want it to be, not a thing that you can farm tenfold per day. And if you say ascended sets should be the norm because raids require them, or that I’m some kind of elitist who’s got all legendaries and doesn’t care, or that I’m a rich baron, I have 1 legendary I worked over many years to get, I don’t even have a full ascended set yet, and I have no interest in raids which, to begin with, should be a long term goal anyway, not just content that appears on your plate right when you ding 80. I’m not rich either, I’m just a normal player who only wanted this reward to actually be a choice, and not a braindead pick, because why even have the choice then?
Edit: Also, you can just taxi into other successful Tarir maps, and all your characters could immediately pick up their character-specific ascended chest right away. For 30 minutes of work, I’d get FOUR ascended materials, which currently would be worth around or above 40g. That’s crazy talk.
I’ve already posted suggestions for a chest rework one page ago. Needless to say, this one is grossly overpowered and would irremediably destroy ascended material prices.
I believe originally the intent was to have all 3 maps function differently for their key/chest systems. VB had keys given from events, and chests throughout the whole zone. AB had keys bought, and chests after the meta. TD had keys bought, and chests throughout the whole zone, mostly. Now that’s a bit more normalized, though the best loot phases are still after each meta event, even if VB’s key earning ways are a leftover from the previous system.
Digital download is almost always the quickest and best way to go nowadays. Discs can get lost, destroyed, etc. and also, when you install from the net, you instantly get the latest patch, or should get. It’s not really the case from the disc. Not to mention, if you buy digitally, you can get in on sales from other websites, if you’re tight on money.
As you’re all aware, the Spring Quarterly update brought the rewards up for the Heart of Thorns map, but I feel this zone is now a very sad level 80 zone that is completely unrewarding for the time you’d spend in it compared to any of the others. Let’s explore why I think this way. This map was made as the first new permanent map other than Southsun Cove, which honestly also needs a bit of a revamp in my opinion as the only thing people do there is Karka Queen, and it was designed to have a cycle of timed phases and events. As it stands, this zone’s main attraction is the Ambrite Weapon collection which is a nightmare to make now. I’ve been looking around for a good way to grind geodes for the massive amount of rewards you can buy from it, and people told me “I just get mine through PvP”, and it’s abhorrent that the map’s rewards are better in one game style than others, especially to such a degree that people generally don’t even bother with the map and only do the reward track instead.
In light of the fact geodes are terrible to earn, let’s look at the cycle phases. Let’s say you get in during the clear phase which lasts 40 minutes. You do events, earn geodes from them, but how many? You get 1 geode + as many geodes as the Zephyr level, so if it’s at rank 4, then you get 5 geodes. Normally, for a good 20 minutes, the ranks won’t rise higher than 3, and then you have the slow trudge towards the rest, which never really go higher than 4. Which means for 40 minutes, each event rewards 2-5 geodes and they take a few minutes to complete. On average, it sounds like you’d get about 60 geodes for 40 minutes, which is pretty bad to begin with.
Then the sandstorm phase kicks in and you start the event train to maximize your rewards. Usually, you get 10 geodes per event, because the maps always, or mostly, get to level 4 and never higher, and during the sandstorm phase, you get twice as many geodes per event. There’s a usual rotation that the zerg does to grind for geodes: Dust mites, Haze, champion devourer queen, maybe rare creature at this point, and then nothing for a solid 3 minutes or so. Then we’re 10 minutes in, so a bunch of things spawn: Dust mites, Haze / Dust mite twister, Skritt queen. In total, you get about 90 geodes, 100 if you get the skritt thief to spawn. You may get 120 as maximum if you’re lucky enough to catch some other events as they finish elsewhere from the zerg real quick. But, wait. You didn’t get 10 of those geodes.
People pulled the Skritt Queen when she spawned because they were too impatient to wait 5 minutes to mine the rich node near her, which means the entire zerg loses out on 10 geodes, as she spawns on the 10 minutes time. Meaning your effective gain on a bad map is about 80 geodes during that time. In total, you’ve gotten about 135 geodes for a whole hour’s worth of work. You need 425 (as the tiers never get to 5 anymore) to buy one ambrite weapon schematic. 3 hours to get a single schematic, and then you also need other stuff from the zone. Notice how I didn’t mention looting chests, it’s because you get no Zephyrite keys, except from the sand from dust mite events, maybe and the chests are rather rare, spawning in only a few locations whereas they are abundant in Silverwastes and HoT zones.
You’ve revamped areas of the game to be more worth our while, so please, ArenaNet. Dry Top is just that, it’s a dry top zone. It feels bad to play in it, but there’s so many rewards you can get from it. Every time I head into it, I want to enjoy it, but it becomes a frustrating experience to organize people for the zerg group so they don’t end up blocking other people’s gains in geodes, and most people are just there for the rich node which ends up making everyone else lose out, meaning the grind gets progressively worse and worse.
Because the third reward is too good. If you make 1 of the rewards too good, then the others will never be picked. If they make the rewards as a whole too good, then it’ll be a daily chest and I’d much rather be free to grind out the zones as much as I like rather than have one run every day and if I miss it then I’d feel like I’m missing out on rewards, like if I don’t craft my ascended mats every day.
Then make the first 2 as good as the 3rd. No reason to dumb down rewards. They wanted to improve rewards, not make them crappier
My entire post made every reward roughly the same. If I boosted the other two rewards to be just as good as the third rewards without making them a little bit worse, then they would make it so the collections would be fulfilled within a mere few days of play time, or in other cases, would make the possible gains in pure gold too high. 12 keys AND 50 of the currency is way too much, it pretty much gets you about 100+ of the currency because you get currency back by opening chests/caches/cargos too. And it’s very possible to get up to like 30 of the currency from a single cargo as well. Multiply that by 12 and add in 50 currency, maybe the VB reward gives a whopping 410 total currency which is just insane, on top of the rest of the loot. The third reward is way too good. Way, way too good.
Because the third reward is too good. If you make 1 of the rewards too good, then the others will never be picked. If they make the rewards as a whole too good, then it’ll be a daily chest and I’d much rather be free to grind out the zones as much as I like rather than have one run every day and if I miss it then I’d feel like I’m missing out on rewards, like if I don’t craft my ascended mats every day.
Smokescales in general are horridly overpowered. They dodge while hitting you like 20 times, then they did their circle, in which they dodge ALL attacks, and then you lure them out only to have them start attacking you 20 times again and repeat. I’m thinking of that one area in Dragon’s Stand crawling with veterans and it makes me seethe with rage every time I gather pods there. I needed to kill only a few tigers to get my tiger claw, for Wild Abandon, though.
I thought the chests were a bit weird because the first and second options were almost never viable, so I tried to think up three rewards that would be fair, on somewhat equal levels of worth, without being too overpowered in gains for all three options. I believe the chests should also not be made daily, because it would devalue playing the maps and turn them into daily grinds which are honestly not very fun; if I want to play Auric Basin 50 times, then I should be rewarded 50 times in somewhat the same way. So here’s my ideas to balance the hero’s choice chests, starting with Tangled Depths:
- The static reward which is 5 Leaf Fossils is pretty bad, and I believe the chest could give a daily-locked reward in its stead of 25 Ley Line Crystals. This makes it pretty fair without being over the top, and it would be a one-day reward so you won’t be able to farm this amount of crystals every time. This also pleases the “I can’t play a lot every day” crowd, giving them a fair gain for their time still.
- The Ley Line Spark choice should be scrapped, because it’s so easy to get them, nobody will pick it. Instead, have that option be to receive a random rare item that suits the Faction Provisioner demands. Some people might just be in it for the gold, so that’s good for them, and others now can access those vendors more readily. This option is for accessibility of those vendors.
- The second reward should be a bit more powerful, because nobody really picks 1 chak egg when you can potentially get so many from the crystals and the keys you get from the third reward. What it should be to keep it in line is giving 1-2 eggs, random, with a chance of a chak weapon. It would be very rare, but people are also there to complete the chak weapon collection, and it requires a very large amount of eggs and currencies. This way, people have a viable alternative to grinding out the caches or grinding out the story on alts. This option is for people who want to get Chak Weapons, or the Mini Chak Gerent reward from that collection.
- Chak Gullet shouldn’t give as much rewards, because it’s not supposed to be a braindead pick, but rather, it should help you explore the map more and thus, participate in events and the next cycle of the gerent’s meta event. To this effect, the rewards should be 5 Vials of Chak Acid, 15-25 Ley Line Crystals and 1 Greater Potion of Tangled Attunement. As it stands I bet not even many people knew that potion exists, because it’s Artificer only. This would make it a bit more equal with the other rewards, while allowing you to get a decent amount of the currency and keys every time you complete the map. This option is for people who want to participate in the next meta events and need the currency / loot from caches / cargo.
For Auric Basin, well, first the chest needs to be renamed to “Auric Basin” and not “Auric Basic”, but we also have these possible changes:
- First of all, that chest can’t be found right now, or at least I never got it, because you’re supposed to get it from Grand Exalted Chests which never drop it for me. Make it drop from the event of liberating Tarir instead. The basic reward is a Maguuma Burl which again should just be the map’s currency, 25 Lump of Aurilium, once a day. I know the Burl is used for Amalgamated Gemstone, but bear with me, I’ll get to that eventually.
- The first reward, once again, scrap it for a rare item that corresponds to the Faction Provisioner demands. This option is for accessibility of those vendors.
- The second reward is a joke, nobody needs 1 Auric Slivers. You need 3300 total Auric Slivers and 3300 total Lumps of Aurilium to even get every last Auric Ingots for your Auric Weapon collection if you want to make all of them. Instead of giving Slivers out, give Ingots out. It should be 1-2 Ingots, with a VERY rare chance of getting a weapon, exactly like the Chak reward option. This makes it fair, because if you just want a few weapons, you’ll get the ingots to make them with a chance of randomly getting the right one you want which may not happen, and if you want all of them it’ll really help in the long run, making it a very good reward and more in line with the others. As it stands, the Auric Backplate is such a harsh collection that this would help those who want to go for that. This option is for people who want to get the Auric Backplate or just want more Auric Weapons.
- The third reward should again be 5 Exalted Keys, 15-25 Lumps of Aurilium and 1 Greater Potion of Auric Attunement. This option is for people who want to participate in the next meta events and need the currency / loot from caches / cargo.
For Verdant Brink:
- Turn the 5 thorns into 25 Airship Parts, daily reward for doing the meta.
- Bottle of Airship Oil should be made into a random rare item that fits the Faction Provisioner needs. This option is for accessibility of those vendors.
- Reclaimed Metal Plates are fine, but to keep it in line with the other maps’ rewards, they should be 1 Reclaimed Metal Plate with a semi-rare chance of getting a random rare Reclaimed Weapon rather than a static 1 drop, much in the same way you’d have a very rare chance of getting an Auric weapon or a Chak weapon. This option is for people who want to make the Plated weapons, and eventually Machined weapons.
- Airship Engine Case should be 5 Pact Crowbars, 15-25 Airship Parts, and 1 Greater Potion of Verdant Attunement. This option is for people who want to participate in the next meta events and need the currency / loot from caches / cargo.
Finally, we have Dragon’s Stand. I thought of this map in the optic that you spend possibly one hour and a half in that map before the Mouth of Mordremoth is beaten, so that’s a fair bit more work than the other maps you can just log in, join a meta taxi and in 20 minutes you have your loot. In that sense, it’s okay to have this zone be done only once a day for the chest, but if people prefer to farm them, then divide the amount of rewards by 3.
- You can pick 5 rewards. Reduce that to 3, and make the first reward be a flat 10 Crystalline Ores with 30 of each map’s currencies. It makes no sense that the chest rewards are a pick of a single 1 of the other maps’ crafting materials. If you’d rather have it farmable, then just make it so it rewards 5 Crystalline Ores and 10 of each map’s currencies. This option is if you want to focus your gains on other maps.
- The second reward should be 3 to 6 Amalgamated Gemstones. Now, I understand that this would cause issues with money gains, so make these account bound. Since the recipe to make Crystalline Ingots is NOT in the Mystic Forge, you can use those as well as not account bound Amalgamated Gemstones anyway. This will only do good for people who want to make legendary weapons from Heart of Thorns. If you’d rather have the chest farmable, make it 1 to 2 account-bound Amalgamated Gemstones. This option is for people who want to make the legendaries.
- Finally, the third reward shouldn’t be a shower of all those currencies. Instead, they should be a flat 21 machetes, with a rare chance of a Leystone Armor Box. Again, if you want this to be farmable, simply reward 7 machetes with a very rare chance of a Leystone Armor Box. This option should be for people who want to open up pods and make the Leystone Armor collection.
That way, the options are all pretty equally rewarding depending on your goals in those maps without being overly so, and there’s always an option for when you’ve depleted the other options if you’re a completionist who wants to do every collection and whatnot.
(edited by Kakera.3195)
I’m of the honest belief that Guild Wars 2 has thrived on outdoor content much more than content in dungeons and it should stay that way rather than introducing new systems like dungeons. The main issue is to not have meta events be the focus of a map, but the map’s smaller events all around. See Silverwastes for example, Vinewrath is too important of a target, but the smaller bosses, which you can’t realistically all kill in 1 trip, those are fine. They’re different, smaller meta events, and they don’t take nearly as long to reach. You can jump in, play a bit, do them, then jump out. Dry Top is alright too with its various sandstorm events.
What doesn’t work is maps like Tangled Depths where the meta is impossible, where nobody playing means you utterly fail and it takes forever to get back to the meta. Silverwastes? It progresses, even if people fail events and lose forts all over the map. I always saw Silverwastes as a mini dungeon where you can switch paths/forts whenever you liked and grouped with random people to defend or capture them every time. Sometimes a Legendary happens and then all hell breaks loose. It’s still fun even if I farmed it so much for Luminescent. Dungeons/low fractals are a rushfest, but you can’t rush Silverwastes and you can go about it in so many different ways unlike fractals always done the same way over and over.
I rather enjoy the set I cooked up for my sylvari warrior:
However, I feel like there really needs to be more heavy armor that fulfills the following criteria:
1. Helms that have multiple dye colors that are completely closed around the head (so without looking like I’m wearing a frying pan). I’m only using the Bladed helm because it’s the best I can find that fulfills that and is available to every race. Human sets are good for helms, but they’re human only, so…
2. More armor like Body of Koda. The Carapace lower armor piece is really fantastic, if not for the fact that’s only really true for male characters. For females your skirt is a butterfly and you show thigh for no reason. See this: If only it was completely closed around like the male model and it didn’t look like I just walked out of a fashion show.
3. More armor that isn’t like Body of Koda. By that I mean, make armor actually be armor for heavy armor. Vigil’s Honor Tassets, which is impossible to refute as being “the heavy armor set” since vigil people are kind of the warrior faction, show thigh as well and the skirt is weird. I’d rather have it be straight up leg plates. Leystone Tassets are a skirt too, but it’s odd and short. Bladed Tassets also have an unnecessary short skirt. Studded Plate Leggings are a bit too beefy and they look weird overall, blurry even. Gladiator looks like it’s made of leather. Draconic looks like it’s Light armor, also way too long and flashy without any detailing. Illustrious tassets for females are a joke compared to the male model which looks alright.
4. More top armor that isn’t a bikini or a sleeveless shirt. Look at Carapace armor! It feels like it’s a sleeveless armor with a shirt underneath. Bladed is fine, actually in this department. Flame Legion Breastplate would be fine if it wasn’t for the fact it’s on fire in weird areas (I’m using it for my look just because it has so much detailing and it’s what I need) and so many others are just plain off-putting like Vigil’s Honor breastplate. Yeah, that’s a breastplate alright, you can see my skin showing off everywhere, it’s like I’m asking to be stabbed and killed. I’m a warrior in melee range, I want armor.
5. More shoulder armor that isn’t like wearing a mansion on each shoulder, but still big. The Inquest Pauldrons are a good example even if they look like sheets of paper from up close. They’re big, they’re detailed, but they aren’t mountains. On the other hand you have the godawful Twisted Watchwork Shoulders which, while they’re a good asymmetrical choice, look just plain terrible, especially since it’s a blatant lie and they’re not “Shoulders” but “Shoulder”. Bladed again look fine too. Vigil’s Honor Pauldrons look okay, but they feel like they’re encroaching on the helm area too much. Leystone is atrocious, first you can’t give it multiple dyes and second they are like giant rocks on your shoulders.
6. Boots. Bladed Greaves are too bladed, everywhere. It clips through stuff and looks weird, could have used a bit less blades. Carapace is okay, but it doesn’t look like they go high enough and they’re a bit beefy. Vigil’s Honor Greaves are perfect, they protect even your knees and you can realistically still fold your legs. Heavy Plate Greaves – what the kitten are these tiny slippers with barely anything to protect your leg with? Again with the Draconic armor, it just looks… like Light armor too.
Those are mainly my gripes. Gloves in general are really superb and you can do a lot with them. Tons of asymmetrical designs which I utterly love even if my choice of outfit doesn’t show it.
Just saying for those who don’t read posts: it’s not a rant post. It’s just ridiculous and hilarious that this is the state of things right now. I’m just looking at all these “10k drinks?! Oh my god!” and all I can think about is “Drinks are destroying the game / community / tearing me apart, Lisa” and I can’t stop finding this funny. Can you even imagine that? Like, picture it in your head after taking a step back. They put drinks in the game, and the drinks are making everyone mad. It’s like we’ve drank too much already and we’re gonna wake up after Wintersday with a giant hangover.
My warrior. Bladed helm, inquest shoulder / gloves, flame legion chest, body of koda, vigil boots. Dyes are black, imperial red (or cherry, I forgot), golden lion / blue ice (could be celestial too with more money), cherry (could be imperial red with more money, again).
The leftmost one is just one I made for fun to reminisce about the Paladin T2 in WoW, the rightmost one is the one I use.
This is my current look. The pieces for the set are:
-Bladed helmet
-Inquest pauldrons
-Flame Legion breastplate
-Inquest gauntlet
-Body of Koda
-Vigil’s Honor greaves
And my backpiece is the Crusader’s Pack, eventually the Warmaster’s Pack.
The dyes for the rightmost set (the one I currently wear) are even cheap too, it’s Blue Ice + Cherry. The best would be Celestial + Cherry, though. I also made a look that was reminiscent of the Paladin Tier 2 in WoW. I believe the dyes for this one are Black, Golden Lion and Imperial Red.
I’m guessing it’s because the chests give “Proof of Heroics” which is soulbound on acquire and it’s used to give alts freebie Hero Points too.
I got a screencap of the error I get when I’m loading a zone infinitely and it crashes me:
And just now the launcher crashed with a new error:
I started crashing (see my other thread on it too) and I’m not able to log on. Sometimes I just don’t even log on the launcher, sometimes I get to a loading screen that never finishes loading and sometimes I get disconnected during that screen but not always. I live in Quebec, Canada.
Edit: It took me several minutes to load the edit function so I could say the forums also loaded abysmally slowly.
(edited by Kakera.3195)
The forum website is super slow and the game isn’t letting me log back on after it crashed earlier. I was in Dredgehaunt Cliffs, and no matter which zone I try to log back on all my characters, including Lion’s Arch, nothing works. I’m on the Blackgate server.
It’s been maybe 20-30 minutes since, and nothing loads. When I log on, I get none of the symbols that show up during the loading (PoIs, Vistas, etc.), and my computer’s fans slow down as if the game wasn’t even open.
Edit: it finally didn’t even let me connect on the launcher, giving me an error window with this build # and error code:
Glider skins not in the cash shop.
If you fill every space of the map, it’ll do a Tetris and everything will disappear.
Trahearne got even more than he deserved.
I’m glad he’s dead. Now I can hunt the other dragons with a team, not with a Gary Stu.
I’m guessing they don’t want it to replace their gem store wing backpiece so you can have bats around you while you have bat wings and no shoulder armor, and eventually become the Batman.
Thank you, Trahearne died. Worth buying the xpac. The journey is now over, everyone.
I’ve checked an event from every zone, and it seems that all gives the same xp. Around 18k or so per, so meta events probably give the same.
Have you ever succeeded Auric Basin's Breach?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kakera.3195
I’ve done it twice now. We have to coordinate very well and make sure West and South has a ton of people. North doesn’t need as much, and East can easily manage with a handful.
I’ve taken a look at the skins for the gliders, and if you didn’t get either the white or black wings because you took a break, your glider will look like the very terrible makeshift glider skin that comes naturally with the story. I thought there might be something later, like a story reward at the very end to have the glider look cooler, but there’s none and all the choices are behind real money dumps. It’s very disappointing. Will there be anything at all added for gliders in the nearby future without having to resort to spending an ungodly amount of money if your goal is just to get a glider skin? Right now, they’re all part of some high-priced bundle, or are just unavailable, or need the deluxe edition.
Not even World 2, really. I wasted so many lives on World 1, jumping from one leaf to another above poison water and suddenly I take 10 damage even though the game registers I’m up there in the trees. Because for the game, I stopped mid-jump and fell. Then, in about 5 seconds I get ported down to the ground, and then I suddenly am on the leaf again, and on the ground… And on the leaf, and I take more damage… and it goes on for maybe 10-20 seconds. Then, if I was on a trampoline mushroom, no matter where I land, I’m ported back onto the mushroom like I never moved off it, and then suddenly I’m back in the poison water about 5-8 jump attempts later and I’m dead.
Needless to say, that’s not 1 life but 1 continue lost if it’s over pits. It’s like I’m in Tribulation mode on normal.
My connection is completely fine, though. I’ve checked it, and afterward I also checked in-game; I don’t suffer lag at all anywhere outside of the story mode, and even inside I didn’t get any lag, or even lag spikes, although I seemed to miss a certain stationary monkey on one of the trees a few times in a row. It didn’t even acknowledge my presence.
I die randomly. Here’s how I die, when I die randomly.
-I jump over a pit and make it to a platform, right as I land I die and get back to the last checkpoint.
-I take a step from reviving from said death and die right ahead again, not even two seconds alive.
I don’t get damaged by any monster, I didn’t fall into the pit; I don’t die because of some other means of health loss either. I die because the game decided somehow I had to lose a life. I used a continue coin, and I lost almost every single life I had due to that. Only one life I actually lost because I failed a jump, and it took me about five, six seconds of falling before I really did die, unlike when I landed safely and died immediately.
Is anybody else experiencing it? I’m in World 1, as I wasn’t there for the last SAB.