Showing Posts For Kaldra.4035:

Question about Level 1's and Structured PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Kaldra.4035


Yes you can, the only limitation is that you can’t immediately enter the mists upon creation. When you make a new character you are put into and instance and you have to complete this instance before you can enter the mists.

You can however circumvent this by being in a party and joining on one of them in a tourney (could possibly be on by joining a friend in pvp as well, haven’t tried this myself.).

You get access to the same gear STATWISE as someone who has reached pvp 60+. The only differences are cosmetic although graphical advantages can come into play for example with Asura being so tiny.

(Why the hell haven’t you nerfed this Arenanet? Add an option to normalize character models into humans in spvp, this has been a problem since beta…)

Will Polearms still come into GW2?

in PvP

Posted by: Kaldra.4035


I hope they do, maybe in an expansion or something. I wish there was a way to proxy my warrior’s greatsword for my dragon pike. I just love that weapon, too bad it never sees the light of day.

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kaldra.4035


IGN: I haven’t decided on a profession so just look for my account name, Kaldra.4035
Main Profession: Undecided/Open
Alternate Professions: Undecided/Open
Account name: Kaldra.4035

Practice Availability:
Monday is open all day to play until about 10pm central at night as I have work the next day and I am serious about my beauty sleep.

Tuesdays are usually pretty full at the moment for me. I can play from 4-6:30pm central, I usually have things going on in the evenings but I am free to play very late into the night as I am off work the next day so later I am available from 9:15pm central until out of mana.

Wednesday I am off work and generally available all day.

Thursdays I am typically available from 4pm-10pm central

Friday from 4pm-10pm central

Saturday from 4pm-10pm central

Sundays are very busy for me and unreliable, I can play a bit during the afternoon but otherwise won’t be able to commit until 10pm late at night, of course I am off work on Monday so then I can play until I fall asleep.

Current PvP rank : 15

Level of Desire: Active Tournament Play, the main thing I want to pursue is just improvement, all the time.

NA or EU: ’merica

Also, a little about my GW2 history and where I am right now as a player…
I first started playing at launch and was really into Spvp, I mained bunker guardian before my computer fried. Eventually I got around to fixing and upgrading the old gal ankitten ow very happy with her and ready to play again.
I started again a few weeks ago with a warrior, deciding that I just wanted to keep it simple as I work my way back in, currently though I am bored of the warrior. Like many others I feel like the profession isn’t really going places until they give it some tweaks. For the next month or so I want to learn the basics of every single class. I am sitting on necro right now due to finding the L2Play cast and from there will probably move to either ele or back to my old guardian.