Showing Posts For Kanagi.6231:

Dominant Species - Led by DAoC Vets, looking for DAoC Vets

in Guilds

Posted by: Kanagi.6231


Dominant Species [DS] – PvX with a WvWvW Focus | Gate of Madness

We are looking to recruit any mature and respectful people that want to have fun and experience all game content, while helping us maintain a very strong presence in WvWvW.

The guild originated in Dark Age of Camelot on Alb Kay and Mid Percival (We have characters on all realms on Uthgard). Dominant Species was founded and is led by a group of real life friends.

Established since early access, we’ve earned most of the guild upgrades. Our membership is now 50+, with well over a dozen DAoC veterans.

I define us as semi-hardcore. We are very active with regularly scheduled guild events and we intend to make an impact in our server’s WvWvW standings. That said, we never require attendance, the average age of the guild is 27-30 and we all have real life obligations. We play to have fun.

We want old DAoC players, and you want to come play with us. Come sign up with us and reminisce about good times, maybe meet up with some old forgotten friends.

Ventrilo, website, forum and guild event calender – all up and running.

Officer positions are available. Contact me here, in game, private message, or register at our forum.

Look forward to playing with you!

Henge of Denravi: Player looking for guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Kanagi.6231


I have never been a fan of pvp, not even in WoW. It’s just not my thing unfortunately.

To each their own for sure. I know many players that are not interested in PvP.

However given the titles of games you listed in the OP, I would say you’d do yourself a great service to join a guild that participates in WvW.

It is drastically different then any PvP you have experienced in those other titles. And WvW with a guild is 100% more satisfying and fun.

Henge of Denravi: Player looking for guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Kanagi.6231


You friend left for another guild and no longer wants to play with you? Sorry to hear that.

Any reason in particular your not interested in playing PvP?

WvW Need serious work, or this game might be next SWTOR

in WvW

Posted by: Kanagi.6231


Post was TLDR but comparing GW2’s WvW to SWTOR’s Illum is night and day.

Man what a disappointment that was, it was as if they didn’t even try.

Leveling past 60

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kanagi.6231


Have you tried World Vs. World?

I know it is not the “traditional” way to level, but you can do it surprisingly fast there.

There are regular mobs to kill. Plenty of herbs, trees, and mines to gather. And every supply caravan or keep you attack counts as an event.

So you can still earn your daily achievement quest rewards.

Most importantly it is a GREAT way to break up monotony and still be earning very good exp.

Another great way is crafting – you can earn a TON of exp from crafting if you have enough materials.

another class help thread O_O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kanagi.6231


Try using fire underwater – it has the most damage oriented abilities.

Water is good if you are in a 1v1 situation – auto attack hits hard and ice wall is awesome.

One of the best abilities for PvE is summon thunder hammer – once you get there it doesnt matter what weapon you use. Get 20 trait points in Fire to give you 10 extra stacks on your conjured weapons.

Once you have that skill, I recommend using Staff for PvE, that way you can toss down your thunder hammer and switch to heals if you need to.