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"use ability even if cursor is out of range"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kauhu.1298


I don’t know how many abilities there are that this could be applied to as I mostly play only Thief, so I’ll use this as an example. I’ve enabled the fastcast groundtarget. Now when I use Infiltrator’s Arrow (Shortbow #5) if my mouse is too far ahead of my character (out of IA’s cast range) I’ll just get a popup saying “Out of Range”.

Give us an option to cast it at max distance of the ability’s range even if the cursor is further away. This is simple ‘quality of life’ change, it’s annoying that because my cursor was 1 millimeter too far from my character the ability won’t fire.

Sorry for bad wording, I haven’t slept for ages since I’m doing last polishing touches on my graduation paper, but I think you figure out what I mean

The Clock Tower is Awesome (Video Inside)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kauhu.1298


The clocktower is not fun. I’m all for fastpaced jumping puzzles, but getting randomly stuck on 1 pixel IS NOT FUN. Not to mention that some classes can actually use speed boosts and do it 50% easier than others.

Not going to bother with this one.

Simply bad design ANet. Not really impressed by the whole Halloween event at all :/ Act1 was what, gather 6 books and kill some mummies coming out of a door? The best part so far was the ‘ghost’ kid in LA, he was really cute. Besides that… it just sucks.

This event does an excellent job showcasing player culling

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kauhu.1298


Agreed. I never have FPS issues. Heck, I don’t remember when I hadn’t seen an enemy player in WvW. Yet in costume brawl I didn’t see ANYONE. First time I got the spider, just blindly used Daze and then spammed #1. Next time I got the skeleton and just spammed all the AOE’s (3 of them) from the stairs and easily got to 25 stacks for achi.

My personal opinion: Heartseeker is broken

in Thief

Posted by: Kauhu.1298


As a Thief (albeit not yet lev80) I think they should just do as suggested here and nerf the 33%+ damage (D/P might need fixing then too tho). This would at least cut the whine down a bit, and force the onebuttoner onetrickponies to actually learn to play. Of course many would reroll “because Thief got nerfed to ground” but I don’t personally care.

Ps. RoI gives you 6 init, Steal can be traited to give you 3(?) init. Do your combo until you are exhausted, RoI -> Steal -> keep on spamming.

Of course when/if they nerf HS next people will whine about Death Blossom giving you “perma-evade” and being able to stack tons of bleed ^^ Or the fact that with S/P you can initiate Pistol Whip and make it unavoidable with “Shadowstep” Signet. “omgz too OP!”, while of course forgetting that Thief isn’t only class (cough ele cough) that can do tricks like that.

One thing I’d personally like, and flame me if you like, is that Assassin’s Signet wouldn’t trigger on our #1 skill (except Backstab). I like keeping it on autoattack because it reduces the need to whack buttons and gives more time to observe surroundings for potential incoming adds, focus on casting animations etc.

Of course you can always take some range so #1 won’t hit, activate signet, then use Blossom or HS.

(edited by Kauhu.1298)