Showing Posts For Kayroo.7503:

Update preview: Warrior's shadowstep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kayroo.7503


Ah that~
I see it now.

Update preview: Warrior's shadowstep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kayroo.7503


Reaper, it’s the Hammer’s F1 skill.

Stability changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kayroo.7503



So in the upcoming patch, ANet guys decided to change how Stability works in game… Everyone knows it has a timer now, and during the time you have stability on you, it block every incoming Ckittenil someone strips you from the boon or runs out. Now, after the patch, it’ll change to stacks. Say you have 5 stacks of stability -> you block 5 CC.

What I’m about to say, that in my opinion, it is a silly change, and it’ll kill most melee classes, like Warrior. I’ll even tell why…
My warrior build has the trait that automaticly gives me stability if a CC strucks me. I use it to get close to annoying rangers, or in WvW to save a tower, that’s under attack by 50 people. I pop endure pain and stability pops automaticly as soon as 10 guys jump on me to stop me from beign able to get into a tower and save me. Now, if this changes into stacks, what, I’ll have 5 CC block change, and then I’m kinda screwed? I don’t see any good side about nerfing the stability, because you can get CC so kitten quickly, that even 25 stack of stability is useless in a huge zerg vs zerg fight. -For me- it kills the class I play the most(Warrior). Especially in WvW where you NEED the timer on the stability to be able to do things against engineers, rangers, necros, and so on.

I’d like to hear other player’s opinions about this change, because I certainly don’t like it.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kayroo.7503


I’d like to point out that the most important change in this patch was the change of the town clothing system. I have no idea what was wrong with the old one, but really — I payed for my town clothes. I payed with real money. I mixed my town clothes as I wished. Now, I can’t do that. I’m already too scared of using the new Armorsmith at the traders, because it gives us Tonics. For example: I had the Khaki leggings for one of my characters, and ONLY that. Now, I have an entire set, and I can’t remove parts from it.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I can’t change it. I mixed 4 town clothes on my main character, and I’m not gonna use this system, because I WANT to use THOSE clothes on my character. The parts that I want with the colors that I want.

WE, the GW2 community don’t want refunds in form of gems or other things…
WE, the GW2 community wants the OLD town cloth system back…

Town cloth system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kayroo.7503


Dear ANet… I ask you NOT to delete OR move my topic! I want you to see people’s reaction about the change! Let it stay as a separate topic!

Hello everyone, especially ANet.
I’d like to point out that the most important change in this patch was the change of the town clothing system. I have no idea what was wrong with the old one, but really — I payed for my town clothes. I payed with real money. I mixed my town clothes as I wished. Now, I can’t do that. I’m already too scared of using the new Armorsmith at the traders, because it gives us Tonics. For example: I had the Khaki leggings for one of my characters, and ONLY that. Now, I have an entire set, and I can’t remove parts from it.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I can’t change it. I mixed 4 town clothes on my main character, and I’m not gonna use this system, because I WANT to use THOSE clothes on my character. The parts that I want with the colors that I want.

WE, the GW2 community don’t want refunds in form of gems or other things…
WE, the GW2 community wants the OLD town cloth system back…
The old town clothing system worked perfectly, players liked it. You guys can’t force and entire player community to change to something that is worse than the old one.

Players reading this, please.. Leave a comment!

(edited by Kayroo.7503)