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Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578



Lag after 03/20 maintenance

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578



Experiencing Lag / Spikes in game.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


anet it’s been a week now.. any updates? funny thing is. it’s like they dont exist. even 1 reply for the whole bunch of threads here complaining lag.

Lag after 03/20 maintenance

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


the lag is still there. it just lets you play for 1-2 hours without lag then after that.. BOOM! it’s back! -.- SOO SOO FRUSTRATING!

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


@Force ACtually it happens even though you’re all alone in 1 place. it’s definitely server side. and yes. chats are not lagging but there’s a huge amount of delay on skills and dodges.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


@Caligo if that is the case then it’s just a bad customer service right there! i mean 1 of the reasons i played this game because of the trust ppl had given ANET for prioritizing the needs of the players and doing week per week maintenance to make the game balanced. but what i’m experiencing now is just horrible and no signs that ANET should be worthy of the TRUST ppl has given them. i mean if you don’t know how to handle a big population of players or unable to handle big changes. then DONT do it! pushing your limits is a good thing but make sure you don’t bring hardships to other people! especially to your customers -.-

Lag after 03/20 maintenance

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


Anet will lose a lot of customers if this one continues -.-

Lag after 03/20 maintenance

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


It was gone for an hour or so then it’s back again. i hope this is a good sign that A-net is fixing it..

Lag after 03/20 maintenance

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578



Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


lag lag lag lag lag lag!!

is there no replies yet about the lag?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


ugh lag is back. -.-

is there no replies yet about the lag?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


oh yeah.. follow up.. fixed the lag for me.. Thanks ANET! LAG IS FIXED YUHUU! i hope thsi one continue

is there no replies yet about the lag?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


Calling out ANET,

I am posting this for the lag reason and in behalf of all other players experiencing lags since the latest patch.. we just want a clear explanation of what’s going on .. if someone could tell us what’s exactly going on rather than pointing our ISP and telling us it’s on their end. why just not be transparent . we really need an answer. We pay for the game and we continously pay buying GEMS and stuff and doesn’t deserve to be clueless about what’s happening.


Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


I too from the philippines experiencing quite some lag . It’s not our isp. you see there’s different countries experiencing lag.. i hope it get’s fixed im already missing 4 days of my life because of this unplayable lag. i really like the game and i can tell i am ADDICTED to it. that’s why i am so frustrated.. hands are itchy to go WVW and do dungeons .. i hope it gets fixed. Thanks

Lag after 03/20 maintenance

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


I mean no it’s not our isp*

Lag after 03/20 maintenance

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


@Knocom. yes it’s not our ISP i’ve proven it.. most of my guildees are from canada and they experience the same lag that we do.. and my friend back in japan lags too. so this is definitely not on our end.

Lag after 03/20 maintenance

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


^— THAT’s THE Frustrating part . i also did that kind of “TESTS” they told me to make and passed them the results. and they tell me it’s my ISP? i was like wtf? my ISP is not available on other countries.s and they experience the same lag as well.. WHAT IM TRYING TO PINT POINT IS if it’s our ISP then why the heck other countries are experiencing the same lag and they use a different Connection than us? doesn’t make sense right… TECH support are made to fix problems not to cover up craps for the customer. I am kitten off and frustrated cause i like this game. Don’t get me wrong. i am not trying to be rude but sometimes you just need to SHOUT OUT what’s inside you in order for you to be heard -.- WE need a reply ANET.. Just tell us what’s exactly going on. being transparent to your customers is part of the business -.-

Experiencing Lag / Spikes in game.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


Tech support replied to me saying it’s my ISP. how the hell that it’s my ISP’s fault? We’re not sharing the same ISP and we’re all lagging right?! IF ItS OUR ISP WHERE’s the logic in that -.- someone need to take a further look into what’s going on! not just giving us inaccurate resolutions!

I'm experiencing lags

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


Tech support replied to me saying it’s my ISP. how the hell that it’s my ISP’s fault? We’re not sharing the same ISP and we’re all lagging right?! IF ItS OUR ISP WHERE’s the logic in that -.- someone need to take a further look into what’s going on! not just giving us inaccurate resolutions!

Lag after 03/20 maintenance

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


still no reply from any of the devs / tech supports -.-

Lag after 03/20 maintenance

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


Come on anet fix this.. don’t tell it’s our isp cause if it is. we’ll experience lag also on other games .. been posting here for the past 3 days .. no action is being made.. even 1 reply from the dev team -.-

Lag after 03/20 maintenance

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


I am quite dissapointed with the tech support. they made me do a lot of tests and in the end they just told me to contact my ISP provider. tbh. i;ve been using the same ISP since i played gw2 and not experiencing any lags. just now. I’ve also tried playing other online games to test if it’s my internet. and there’s no problem. i also tried playing Dota 2 and tried to connect to SEA, US , EU servers no problem .. so i am confident it’s not on my end. i just really want a more “TRANSPARENT” response so we’ll know what to do..

Lag after 03/20 maintenance

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


Me too SEA has issue on this maintenance i hope it gets fixed soon cause a lot of people are getting affected not to mention almost half of GW population came from SEA countries!

I'm about to give up(Lag)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


Same issue on me. already posted about this issue and still lagging. it doesn;‘t depend on the server you’re in i tried guesting and still the same issue

Experiencing Lag / Spikes in game.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


Still no reply. i hope i can get a reply from 1 of your tech supports / admins. so that i’ll know what im gonna do instead of sitting the whole day in Lion’s Arch doing nothing because of the lag. i really love the game so i would appreciate it if this issue gets fixed. thanks

Experiencing Lag / Spikes in game.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


Dear A-net team,

I hope you look at my current issue in game.. i am not enjoying the game anymore because of the’s been 2 full days now since i experienced this unplayable lag. i hope you fix this soon enough as it’s affecting my daily dungeon and boss raids

Sincerely Yours,
A Very Loyal Hardcore Player.

Experiencing Lag / Spikes in game.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578


Update.. Im in the claw of jormag event right now and usually there’s no problem killing it ( well except for the culling) but now. i literally can’t move. and my skills are non-responsive. i hope you can fix this issue . i had missed a day of my daily dungeon / boss/ event routine.

Experiencing Lag / Spikes in game.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KazX.4578



I’m from the Gate of Madness server and i’m experiencing insane lags and spikes since yesterday.. to be more specific everytime i use skills / buffs it has a 2-3 second delay as a D/D Ele it’s really hard for me to utilize all my skills and can’t play the game with full potential. I’ve asked some players in my server and they told me they dont experience any lag. is it somewhat account specific? cause i know it’s not my Internet. my Latency is just around 5-10ms . and not experiencing the same issue on any other online games. i want to know if there’s something wrong with my client or is it server-side? thanks.. looking forward for your reply.