Showing Posts For Kersic.6718:
I was able to re-complete Coztic Itzel Hero Challenge, which I had completed prior to the patch, to get 100% map completion after not being able to commune at Pact Airship Wreckage.
If you’re in an organized group where you can count on Banner of Discipline (170) and Spotter (150), with Master Fencer you can achieve 100% Critical Chance for both yourself and your phantasms with minimal excess (wasted) Precision.
All you need is a minimum 2277 Precision.
There is no dependency on Food or Utility Nourishment.
There is no dependency on Sigils.
Even without banner/spotter, you and your phantasms are at 85% at least 75% of the time.
The following is assumed:
- All gear is Ascended (with the exception of Water Breather)
- Masterwork Gavebeorn Breather (or Berserker Rime-Rimmed Mariner’s Rebreather)
For FotM AR: - x2 infused rings, +10 Agony infusions
- Infused back, +10 Agony infusion
Eagle Runes
- Berserker Head, Shoulders, Gloves, Trinkets
- Assassin Chest, Leggings, Boots, Weapons
Due to the lack of Assassin’s trinkets, this optimization is more difficult to achieve with Scholar Runes.
Previous to the update, base critical chance at level 80 was 4% with 926 Precision.
The base Precision was increased to 1000, which should have been a base critical chance of 7% at level 80.
Either the increase has been incorrectly coded, or we essentially received a 0 base Precision increase… because base critical chance at level 80 is STILL 4%.
Calculated on 926 base, my new total of 2295 Precision should be 69% critical chance.
However, I only have 65.66% critical chance… which is exactly what I would have without the “increase” to base Precision.
Please, either fix this error in calculation or clearly explain why an increase in base Precision was never meant to be an increase in base Critical Chance.
Am I interpreting the following wording correctly?
- Confounding Suggestions: Increases daze and stun duration on foes by 25%. When you would daze a foe, you stun them instead (5s ICD).
So, if my dazes become stuns once every 5s, do I receive the benefit of Dazzling only when I daze during the CS ICD?
How are multi-target dazes (Power Lock, MoF Diversion) affected by CS?
Is one target randomly stunned, while the rest are dazed, or does CS convert all dazes from a single source?
I believe there will be an overall reduction in Critical Damage due to the removal of Trait-line Attributes.
Ferocity is a secondary attribute with a base value of 0, but the Trait-line Attributes allow you to add up to 300.
Unless they plan to change how secondary attributes (Boon Duration, Condition Damage, Condition Duration, Ferocity, Healing Power) are calculated, I don’t see how you will be able to achieve “the same stats” without radically changing gear selection.
A 20% increase in stats (accounting for most of the missing points) from Ascended Berserker gear nets ~894 Ferocity, up from 745… but down from a possible 1045.
Purely hypothetical, but we need more information before we know for sure how the new gear and removal of Trait-line stats fully impacts builds.
The existing game client is limited to 4GB of memory by the 32-bit addressing scheme.
I’ve seen countless posts on these forums regarding OOM issues, and the recommended solution is (more often than not) to reduce the graphics settings.
I’ve been affected by this limit myself.
It would seem to me that this expansion release might be an opportunity to rewrite the game client to take advantage of modern hardware and operating systems?
1. Mesmer
2. Elementalist
3. Ranger
New condition, call it “Suppression”.
Think of it as Blind, except instead of making the next outgoing attack miss, it interrupts the next skill used.
Durations similar to Blind, stacks in duration.
(In looking at GW1 Mesmer skills, this condition could also be described as Clumsiness without the damage or AoE component, and would cleanse on the next skill used.)
All sorts of ways this condition would help Interrupt builds, in my opinion.Instead of a new condition (they got rid of hexes since they wanted to minimize the number of conditions), what about a trait that does damage when blind is removed? Would not be able to stack the trait BUT we could time our blinds for that “active DPS interrupt” defense that seems to have a few core mesmer ideals while staying within the gw2 boundary of mechanics.
I don’t understand why you’d suggest “damage on blind removal” as an alternative to “interrupt next skill used”?
While I agree that your suggested trait may have value in a number of builds, it would not take advantage of any of the existing “on interrupt” traits that we already have.
Anet has already shown that they are open to implementing new conditions post-launch with Torment. My suggestion would be to make several new skills which cause Suppression, not to limit it to three skills in the game on three classes. They could even consider adding it to some of the existing RNG type skills that Mesmers and Engineers already have.
Honestly, I just think that it would be nice to have a more reliable method of interrupting.
“They got rid of hexes since they wanted to minimize the number of conditions.” Implementing a condition that is basically a hex from gw1 is going down a slippery road of stacking 20 conditions on an enemy while condition removals only remove 1 condition at a time. Giving necros 2 “new” conditions is part of what is making them “op” in the ability to overload people.
“Think of it as Blind, except” … you mentioned blind yourself.
This is why I recommend some modification to blind rather than a new condition. If that modification is an interrupt, sure.
Fair enough.
I’d definitely be happy with a trait that interrupts on blind removal.
The synergy with Dazzling Glamours, Chaotic Interruption (RNG chain interrupt?!?), Illusion of Vulnerability, and Halting Strike… coupled with Chaos Armor, The Prestige, and Counterspell – that would be a pretty incredible buff for Staff/Sceptre/Torch.
New condition, call it “Suppression”.
Think of it as Blind, except instead of making the next outgoing attack miss, it interrupts the next skill used.
Durations similar to Blind, stacks in duration.
(In looking at GW1 Mesmer skills, this condition could also be described as Clumsiness without the damage or AoE component, and would cleanse on the next skill used.)
All sorts of ways this condition would help Interrupt builds, in my opinion.Instead of a new condition (they got rid of hexes since they wanted to minimize the number of conditions), what about a trait that does damage when blind is removed? Would not be able to stack the trait BUT we could time our blinds for that “active DPS interrupt” defense that seems to have a few core mesmer ideals while staying within the gw2 boundary of mechanics.
I don’t understand why you’d suggest “damage on blind removal” as an alternative to “interrupt next skill used”?
While I agree that your suggested trait may have value in a number of builds, it would not take advantage of any of the existing “on interrupt” traits that we already have.
Anet has already shown that they are open to implementing new conditions post-launch with Torment. My suggestion would be to make several new skills which cause Suppression, not to limit it to three skills in the game on three classes. They could even consider adding it to some of the existing RNG type skills that Mesmers and Engineers already have.
Honestly, I just think that it would be nice to have a more reliable method of interrupting.
New condition, call it “Suppression”.
Think of it as Blind, except instead of making the next outgoing attack miss, it interrupts the next skill used.
Durations similar to Blind, stacks in duration.
(In looking at GW1 Mesmer skills, this condition could also be described as Clumsiness without the damage or AoE component, and would cleanse on the next skill used.)
All sorts of ways this condition would help Interrupt builds, in my opinion.
So we are all bummed about the illusionist celerity nerf right? Righttttt…. Mesmers are sooo screwed now we have noo viable builds.
Blurred frenzy that was a stupid shot too. We are sooo done now… ohhh nooo… Well do I have some news for you guys!!!! The protection master build has been updated! And it is even better thanks to the Prismatic understanding buff!
New build: 0/20/30/20/0
Dueling: Desperate Decoy/Deceptive Evasion
Chaos: Debilitating dissipation (or Illusion of defense), Chaotic dampening, and PRISMATIC UNDERSTANDING!
Inspiration: Glamour Mastery and. Restorative Mantras!Shamans or Cleric Ammy depending on which way you wanna go.
Staff and Scepter/Torch
Staff cuz DUH!
Scepter because torment is actually nice![]()
Torch cuz BOONS!!!!!
Skills Mantra Of Recovery, Decoy, Veil, Mantra of ResolveWith the new buff to PU. This build is a million times more tanky with much longer protection duration than before deleting the need for any signet which gives better condi removal.
runes are still all the same and it is an ungodly uptime now. 45+ seconds.
The only real weakness here is an s/d thief. Even with Tons of evasion… You normally can’t out dodge their stupid LS… But that is a glaring design flaw and hopefully will be adjusted
Would this be the equivalent updated post 6/25 patch non-Ascended PVE build? (if Grove were swapped for Monk)
One Decoy can give you about 20-25s stealth depending on what pulses.
I’m assuming this is a typo, and you meant protection?
This sounds familiar. Please fix. AC Path 3 -More bugs for Engineers!
This happened to the Ranger in my group on Saturday (May 4). Not limited to Engineers it seems.
I’ll take a look at the delay. Was supposed to be .5 seconds. I can check if somehow it got increased.
I think that there needs to be a balance review of the imposed delay on phantasm actions post summoning, regardless of how long, now that LoS, Blind, Dodge, Evade, and Block affect these skills. If phantasms are considered a targeted weapon skill, akin to a damage-over-time (albeit with additional burst capabilities inherent to the profession), I question the validity of offering the target both a way to negate the skill outright as well as additional time to react… this seems to be redundant and overly penalize a core mechanic of the profession?
(edited by Kersic.6718)