Showing Posts For Kevin.7281:
Hopefully so! It matches my Arah set nicely. I’ve been looking high and low on the internetz to no avail, so I thought I’d try my luck here.
So I’m looking to craft an Eye of Rodgort scepter but I haven’t been able to find the recipe for it yet.
Your help is much appreciated! <3
Tipping nicely for a US uncontested way point. Message me in game.
Hey there MasaMune,
Aeterna [Ae] is in need of an experienced Guardian for WvWvW, Dungeon Master and Spvp activities. We’re a medium-sized family consisting of 70+ members that are predominantly Exotic geared, sporting multiple dungeons sets with differing stats to support the roles and playstyles required of each individual in varying situations. We consider ourselves casual-hardcore as we strive to reach the full potential of our characters but also recognize and respect the varying lifestyles of each individual within our family outside of the game.
We’d like to welcome you to our guild because I honestly believe that you’d be a great addition to our team and I feel that now your character is complete in terms of gear, we can help you achieve future goals for your character and support you in the next direction that you decide to take your game.
I’ll post our recruitment thread here, in case you’d like to get a few more details about us. There’s even a PvP video included made by yours truly:
Hoping to hear from you soon MasaMune,
Yo real talk, 1 gold and I’ll pm you guys Rishy’s traits and gears.
Much love <3
Go back to work you goober! Haha you know I love you, ‘badie’. Teach me how to use a thief sometime soon yo!
@ Pukknub – I’m currently working on an Spvp project. My main focus right now is taking all the tips people have been kindly giving me and implementing them against the perceived stronger classes. “Kitten” is this forum’s profanity filter word (it also seems to block words that aren’t remotely rude – or maybe that’s just my perception as an expressive Aussie, haha). I was also confused at first, thinking it must’ve been some sort of GW1 thing that I didn’t understand haha.
@ Taikanaru – Thank you The musician is DJ Pablo for all three songs.
@ Poplik – The skin is the “Profane” light armor skin set available from the Black Lion Trading Company for 400-600 gems if i remember correctly. Hey man, don’t hate on the backpack! Haha nah, “badie” my guild leader who has kindly sauntered over to our thread is all about guild pride and since the backpack displays the guild emblem, I’m wearing it. I’m also wearing Celestial and White Gold dye in case you were wondering (those are our guild colors – Aeterna [Ae] pride!)
kitten that looks fun, build?
great video, highly enjoyed it.
his fighting super kitten geared people there and/or have massige orb advantage. look at this in a fair fight would have been first fight “mist ends, 3 sec dead”
the issue is its a game but you can’t enjoy it much when you feel stupidly weak compared to playing on any other class.
the point of a game is that you feel cool etc. and in gw2 they really make you feel kitteny on a ele -_- only awesome thing is the effects of some spells which gets destroyed when your awesome effects barely tickles the enemies.
1) A fair fight would be 1v1 in the place, no?
2) It is a game and I AM enjoying it. Why would I bother playing otherwise?
3) I don’t feel stupidly weak compared to playing on any other class. It’s not always about killing things quickly. Having mobility and dancing across the battlefield and playing decoy while giving your guild time to prepare siege defense/offense elsewhere is more constructive than killing 1 or even 3 and then going down.
4) I do feel cool and I am having fun. You can see the joy I’m experiencing right through my gameplay.
5) Even if the Ele’s kit barely tickles some enemies, refer to the role you can play in point 3. That is but one of many possibilities out there.
Once again, the purpose of this vid is not to stroke my own kitten. I do not self proclaim myself a pro, on the contrary, I openly admit I’m still a beginner in many many many ways. This is about me having fun and sharing it with the rest of the Ele community and I’m obviously grinning from ear to ear during the action and every second I’m playing my character. If a single player was able to take on 6-12 players of equal gear in a “fair” fight, that would be slightly overpowered, no? Obviously the footage doesn’t aim to show that, nor has multiple descriptions of what I’m trying to show ever declared anything in that direction.
This is about the different directions you can take your gameplay, having fun while getting to know your character and generally adding a bit of bright light to this section of the forums. Constructive thinking, if you will. It is not someone’s place to push their negative views onto others, generalizing the class as useless and depressing, while adding nothing constructive to the conversation.
Great video Kevin. But according to many here Ele’s are crap in every aspect of the game, especially open world WvW when using D/D because they have to be in melee range, and they have no escape (apparently they haven’t thought of using RTL to get away you like).
Even better, not only do you take down a bunch of people and generally harass the kitten out of ‘em, but when carefully watching the vid I noticed many times when you didn’t even play flawlessly (e.g., you forgot to use cleansing wave occasionally when in water and you could have used a heal, you didn’t always put frost armor up, you missed with a lot of burning speeds, didn’t dodge-roll through static field a couple times even with 100% endurance, etc.). Note, i’m not saying I would have done any better, you were awesome, but my point is that you kicked kittens and there is still room for improvement.
But nah, listen to the haters on this forum, the Ele is crap. Again, great vid, thanks for posting.
Bsquared my man, thanks for the constructive criticism! I know I’m still really nooby, so every bit of feedback I can get really helps me focus on the details I should be refining. Thank you heaps for the taking the time to reply.
@ Truga – It’s just the armor skin from the BLTC
@ Wildclaw – Scary skills! You’ve got a good eye for detail, very accurate on your analysis. Those last 10 points are in fact giving me quite a dilemma at the moment. I’m not sure where they’d give me the best benefit but before I can decide, I feel that I still need to polish my playstyle.
@ NerfedWar – Mad respect for sticking with Necros. I find using them just as challenging as playing an Ele. Hopefully you have a great time on your Ele, I’m sure everyone here would appreciate a video from you as well!
@ CptCosmic and anyone new to the thread – Remember to read the message above the video. I know that at this point in time I lack the skill needed to play an Ele. This is just a reminder to Ele’s, nay – everyone, that this is a game. While it is fun to get into the nitty gritty of theorycrafting and maximizing all aspects of your gameplay, it is not the only form of enjoyment that games can offer you. This is just an Ele learning, hanging out and enjoying his way through the game. No need for the sarcasm <3
Thanks all for the replies, I’m glad you enjoyed the show as much as I enjoyed making it. I implore you all to make similar videos.
Thanks guys, all this is great!
I was a bit nervous being outnumbered and you probably saw that seep through into my gameplay.
I’m a happy chap now though. You’ve all given me great feedback and it’s great to have a constructive conversation. I’ll be sure to work on all your tips over the next few days and post the results in an SPvP situation!
Edit: It sucks playing at 200-300 ping (I’m Aussie) I guess if anything, I have to develop an internal sort of timer in my head that keeps a running check on all the cooldowns in various attunements. It’d be so much easier if they gave us training wheels and displayed categorized timers for all the attunements in a little corner somewhere when they’re not our current mode.
(edited by Kevin.7281)
Yeah sorry about the temporary shakiness, its been resolved now. Youtube did an auto-stabilize for some reason but I processed through back to the original. I guess I was moving around too rapidly and it thought the footage was unstable xD
You’re welcome ^^
The effort of uploading is well worth it if but even just one person enjoys it and expresses so.
Thanks for the reply!
I think sometimes we all forget that this is a game and we get too caught up in min-maxing, balance suggestions, dps comparisons and all the other sources of noise in the background.
I guess I just wanted to remind you all that regardless of being underpowered, balanced or overpowered, there is still so much fun you can have as this dynamic class.
I know it’s not a true display of skill or constructive gameplay but at the very least, it’s a true display of my love for the Elementalist and the enjoyment I get from having more buttons than any other class. Enjoy!
In the face of overwhelming odds, what path do you choose to take in the heat of battle?
Before reading further down about recruit details, I invite you all to watch this complimentary PvP video that represents the tenacity of all guild members in striving to help Ferguson’s Crossing succeed in climbing PvP world ranks:
One thing to keep in mind is that we are a medium-sized casual-hardcore guild. While we put our game faces on for WvWvW or any other activity that promotes guild/character/server progression, ninety five percent of the time we are a laid back humorous group aiming to build a family. Balance is important in all aspects of life and as such, we are considerate of the differing lifestyle values of each individual.
In saying all this, we also strive to improve our skills to get the very most out of our characters, strategies, team-work and in general this game we love. If you think you’ve got what it takes to stand right beside myself in situations similar to that of the video, then I strongly suggest that you consider Aeterna [Ae] as a place for your new home.*
- – -
Guild: Aeterna [Ae]
World: Ferguson’s Crossing
Focus: WvWvW, Dungeon Master, Spvp, Random Walking (while on mumble)
Time: We cater to most time zones, with players active worldwide
Speaking on behalf of the guild as a whole, I invite any individual with a great positive spirit to apply to join our medium-sized family! Max level and PvP experience are advantageous attributes to possess but as long as you are active and willing to evolve your game, we understand that those two factors will come in due time and perhaps create a monster of a player out of someone that was only PvE focused at the time of joining.
- – -
What we expect of you:
- Respect for yourself, for your guild mates, for your adversaries and for all those that surround you in the gaming world
- Positive vibe
- Willingness to learn and embrace constructive criticism
- Utilization of voice communication [mic preferred but not necessary]
- A good sense of humor is required to survive our mumble conversations
- Recognition of the importance of team-work
- – -
Aeterna [Ae] welcomes YOU with open arms! To notify us of your application interest or any queries you possess, message “Rishy” in game, post replies here or visit our website.
*Elitists need not apply
There’s a sample clip of my current play. Looking for some advice from more experienced Ele PvPers. I know double daggers isn’t exactly the best choice of weaponset when coming up against equally skilled opponents on a different class but I really want to make this playstyle work even if it’s mediocre at best.
I know it’s kittening myself but having fun as double dagger is more important to me than just playing staff or rerolling class.
By the way is it possible to embed youtube clips on this forum?
Hey there, are you on American servers?
We’ve got a geared and experienced group forming right now! LF2M!
Cool cool, I’ll be around!
For those who are wondering – we can enter together even if we’re all from different worlds. We just gotta be in the right zone to get the pop up!
Sounds great Lewis! Hopefully you’re up for other dungeons after we complete this one
Unfortunately there isn’t a nice LFG system built within the game for those that like their current guild but find that members aren’t interested in this particular pursuit but that’s a minor detail to me in such a great game.
Hope to hear from more people!
Just as the title says, I’m looking for a group to farm TA with. Hopefully there are groups LFM but if you’re another individual player like me, no worries! I wouldn’t mind building a group right here on the forums.
Post here or message me in game and lets get the ball rolling
Edit: I am experienced with the dungeon, quickest completion is 21 minutes with friends. Currently sitting on 4 armor pieces but I am looking to farm all the weapons.
(edited by Kevin.7281)
Thanks for the replies guys!
Just taking my time weighing up all the options. Since I am looking to join a place for the long term, I want to choose a spot and not have any “what ifs” in the back of my head. It makes for a better gaming experience
What’s up potential guildies,
Experienced gamer here with a background in fairly competitive environments within the following games: CS:1.6, WoW, UT, SC and SC2.
I’m pretty much on the look out for an active medium-sized guild comprised of predominantly level 80s. Tired of the egotistical and elitist aura that surrounds competitive groups, I’d prefer a guild possessing a more relaxed atmosphere containing players with a progressive mindset. I guess this might sound cheesy but it would be nice to find a fairly tight knit bunch of people to enjoy all aspects of the game with over a long term period.
- – -
What I can contribute to your guild environment:
- Active player willing to fill both support and dps roles in both PvP and PvE environments
- Sociable personality eager to represent the guild, post on your forums (if applicable) and wanting to get to know other members beyond the pixels that represent them
- Outgoing attitude coupled with an enthusiastic approach to guild activities whether it be random pursuits such as map completion and achievement hunting or actual PvX progression
- Fraps enthusiast, keen to record epic moments that occur during guild activities (I am in the process of making a PvP video – I guess it’s a little hobby of mine when I get into any MMO or FPS games)
- A member looking to join one guild and one guild only – yours!
What I expect of your guild environment:
- An emphasis upon the use of voice communication
- Drama free environment, however I do believe in constructive criticism and player growth
- Playerbase comprised of mainly level 80 characters, thus enabling the guild to enjoy any of the dungeons and the challenges that they offer
- – -
Due to the flexibility of my lifestyle, I can fit in with guilds that are basing their activities around American, Oceanic or Asian timezones. I am willing to send in forum applications if that is your standard procedure and I’m happy to answer any other queries you might have such as current computer specs or any other minor details.
So please, if you find that I fit right into the mold of your guild structure, drop a reply in this thread or add me in game! Hoping to get our Quaggan on soon
P.S. I don’t roleplay, just sayin’ :P