(edited by Khayle Zerker.3675)
Showing Posts For Khayle Zerker.3675:
I think it lies in boss mechanics. I loved dungeons in world of warcraft, and I liked them in Aion.
Bosses have big health pools, and there is this die-rez-die-rez thing going on.
What I think would make dungeons 10 times more worth it is adding difficulty to bosses through boss mechanics rather than giving them huge health pools.
Taken as an example from world of warcraft where the boss has 3 ’’stages’’.
At first stage he will set out bombs frequently that you had to dodge, but where you had to kite the boss himself into his own bombs.
2nd stage, where there is a fire-wall twirling around him, so your party had to slowly walk around him to avoid being burnt to death.
3rd stage where he goes mental and you had to nuke him down to 0% before a certain time limit was reached, making him next to impossible leading to a wipe most of the time.
These are the kinds of bosses that makes a dungeon fun! Sadly this is missing in GW2.
And most important, don’t make npcs two-hit us! You can dodge out of the way on melee mobs, but playing against a ranged one is a pain, especially if they are many. You can of course dodge, but when they are used up and you have to wait for recharge you’re doomed.
(edited by Khayle Zerker.3675)