Showing Posts For Kieser Soze.8561:

Accessed By An Unauthorized Individual.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

Good news on my side, the issue for me is half done. My account was restored, but my wife’s account still has the botting message pending.

I just hope they don’t close the ticket thinking its completed.

I forwared the email + updated the ticket with the reply of my wife’s account still pending.

In short, I’m still waiting for full completion. if you have the same scenario of the message difference, I guess you can consider that as it is actively being worked on.

Hang in there.

Accessed By An Unauthorized Individual.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

I have an open ticket for my Wife’s account and my account I submitted that was caught up in the botting account terminations.

Unable to create a support account, I used my son’s account (This one) to submit the ticket/incident for both my wife’s account & mine.

The incident was submitted on 11/6/2012 and we have not had access to either accounts ( When we launch the application we have gotten the message that the account has been terminated due to botting, etc….)

I haven’t received an email /update other than the system generated one that was sent during the time when the ticket was open on 11/6/2012

Checking now I get the message that you have detected that my account may have been accessed by an unauthorized individual. etc…. On my account.
On my wife’s account it still states the original generic message about botting, etc..

Please note, this morning I got the botting message on both accounts

Would a GM please guide me on the next step? I don’t want to open new ticket (which I have read is not encouraged) for this new message prompt.

If I don’t have access to the account, which we’ve checked religiously, I don’t understand why the new message is given. I could only assume its a false/positive


(edited by Kieser Soze.8561)

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

maybe this is helpful but i noticed quite a few ppl saying that their entire parties got baned at same time while being in the party… this is definetly something to look into while reviewing baning process by anet.

btw, really weird to have this happening after 7 years of flawless game support. i am not alone in this situation and it is realy kind of dissapointing and am wondering who else from my closest friends list will get the same experience… for now we have 1 hacked acc and 2 bans…

Are you under the impression that parties don’t bot? If they were banned for botting, it’s entirely possible that this is what the entire party was doing because yes, botters do join guilds, do form or join parties, and do everything they can to avoid detection. It doesn’t work, but they try.

This statement kind of makes me very reluctant to party up with anyone in cursed shore.
I will explain…
Whenever i go there lately im constant tagged by party’s asking if i want to join ’’faming’’ events.
So.. if a party full of bots start to do that to players and we find ourself through no fault of our own accepting such an invite, when the bots eventually get there punishment will the unknowing player that has accidently tagged along get it too.??
I think from now on im avoiding Orr totally.

I think its more of a radius, not that they are grouped with you.
I haven’t joined any PvE groups is ages. I have how ever encountered bot in my path of heart questing. I tend to quest solo, if not already grouped with my wife.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

maybe this is helpful but i noticed quite a few ppl saying that their entire parties got baned at same time while being in the party… this is definetly something to look into while reviewing baning process by anet.

btw, really weird to have this happening after 7 years of flawless game support. i am not alone in this situation and it is realy kind of dissapointing and am wondering who else from my closest friends list will get the same experience… for now we have 1 hacked acc and 2 bans…

Are you under the impression that parties don’t bot? If they were banned for botting, it’s entirely possible that this is what the entire party was doing because yes, botters do join guilds, do form or join parties, and do everything they can to avoid detection. It doesn’t work, but they try.

Ouchies, Gale if I may ask a question.

If we encounter bots in our path of questing / farming should we head the other way as quickly as possible? if they get detected then anyone in the radius will get snagged.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

Day 3 and no response to my opened incident.


I have not received any follow ups or messages of any kind regarding my open issue.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

Is anybody here that has been waiting for longer than 5days to get unbanned? I just want to know because im wondering if some of us will have a chance of missing the Lost Shore event wich will make me extremely pissed.

There have been some posters stating that they have been unbanned.

Folks asked them for general info such as how long, when did you get the unban message, etc.. but have not responded to the questions ask by other players seeking info.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

Mine is 2 days so far, still haven’t received anything at all from support.


A Joining Player: full server

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

……..which is full atm, will there ever be any more spots open or am i just screwd?

This link might be of interest to you:

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

My account has been restored it took just over a day to restore it after i submitted my serial code to the awaiting more information responce .Thanks guilds wars team and people in this thread for helping.

Question, when did it get restored? just wondering if they only have say 9 to 5 support or if they are 24/7.

I realize they your answer won’t clarify the actual support hours, but might give us hope to expect it soon or wait until morning

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

Account has been banned for botting too but i never bot i playing 100%.Please help!!
Ticket : 121108-000886

Some folks have been waiting 3+ days to hear back from support.

all we can do is wait.

Account Hijacking

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

You can try opening an ticket of sort and provide that information to support.

the ticket would be more of an informational request.

Any "compensation" for wrongful bans?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

Not sure, for me I was in the Harathi Hinterlands questing early yesterday.
When I was doing the Heart @ Modniir Gorge, obvious bots crossed my path.
I choose to continue with my questing.

after taking a break (Logged off) I returned to complete the rest of the map.
Once I had 99% complete I noticed that the point of interest @ Modniir Gorge remained.
While trying to make my way thru and failed (Level 39 Mesmer) all was contested.
I did run into another player and decided to help do the event to gain the area back.
at that point, my wife joined me both in party and zone to help me complete the task plus get the point of interest.

@ the last Veteran kill started to attack, my screen goes black, ( WTF remark) wife asked what happened, then noticed that her screen went black.

restarting the application. we got the botting message.

Mind you, if I got flagged by another player that I was part of that bot group (which I was not) other players can make the mistake. that doesn’t explain why my wife has gotten labeled as she has not played at all yesterday until I asked for assistance on completing the map/task.

From what I can recall, after my break and heading back to the Modniir Gorge, I did not see the bot anywhere.

As a player I can try to take the false label and wait for a resolution.
As a husband, I feel @ fault for my wife getting hit. If I didn’t ask her to help, she might be able to be online, applying Dye which she like doing as well as playing her characters.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

That doesn’t make sense, someone posted in the Tech Support forum that they are using a Microsoft controller using Pinnacle, etc…
I think that would be out of the Norm input device standards. but no word of that person having been banned.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

I was playing and running around and doing my hearts ,way points and opening the map when I get this black screen in the game so I close the game and re start to open and suddenly I got this same messages saying my account is terminated due to BOTTING! I am so frustrated knowing the fact that this is not true. I feel so rage about it that playing guild wars 1 for almost 7 years and now I’m on this game ( Guild Wars 2 ) I will get this type of message of termination for doing nothing bad of this game. I thought about the arenanet or guild wars fault but I also thought that Hackers have something to do with it too. Please admin follow up my issue, my account was terminated for a false accusation.
—thank you—

Same here mate, hang in there I think they are dealing with it. I have read that it can take up to 24 hours to sort it out, there are probably lots of tickets on the same topic at the moment. Something to do with a mass bot-ban. I’m not sure why you have been mis-identified as a botter, the same has happened to me. I am wondering whether it has something to do with the mouse and keyboard I use, both of which have the capability to record macros (pressing one key and sending more than one keystroke), but I do not use either of these facilities in GW2, as I am aware from the terms of use that such macros are not allowed. I always press one key for one action in-game, like everyone else.

My suspicion is that their bot-detection software has the capability to scan for the software that gets installed with the mouse/keyboard, and treats that as a positive macro ID. This is the only thing that I can think of after hours of pondering on this problem. It may then be that they automatically ban you and wait for you to make an appeal via the support system, expecting that anyone who has actually been using macros would hold their hands up and accept the ban, as it were.

Main problem is, with out proper responses as what actually flagged our accounts (Non Botters) we are left to speculate as to the cause.
Trying to figure out how or why will never measure to the real reason as to how we have gotten labeled.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

I don’t think button mashing is a valid measure of identifying a bot.
by default, your primary attack #1 is set to auto cycle.
but if you read the game mechanic messages, you can actually re assign the auto cycle to a different button say #2 will now auto attack/cycle which will now have you mash #1

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561


Just re launched the application, got a little excited since I saw it was downloading a new build. The excitement was short since the lovely account botting message showed up again. – sigh

About banned account that got it restored

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

I would say no, telling you how it happened would revival their methodology, Not that they are being sneaky ( I hope not ). but to avoid giving the real botters a way of being undetected, even if that means that we players are caught in the cross fire.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

But only a handful, a small number, are terminated in error.

One is one too many :/

GW2 is an amazing game and I would like to keep playing it. This is the 4th time an error in the abuse detection system has happened to prevent me from playing the game properly.

You’ve been banned/unbanned three times before? I would suggest looking for patterns in your play style that lead to the appearance of botting or whatever and change what you are doing to avoid this kind of thing in the future.

That’s asking to much from players. If we are working on leveling while questing and @ any point of the completion or near the completion of the map you will run into bots.

should we stop & go somewhere else (just to encounter more)? or finish our quest even if the cross our paths?

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

But only a handful, a small number, are terminated in error.

One is one too many :/

GW2 is an amazing game and I would like to keep playing it. This is the 4th time an error in the abuse detection system has happened to prevent me from playing the game properly.

The delay in a official response makes it worse

wow this was scary

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

Time Warner cable @ times reports their customers to be elsewhere other than their actual city

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

Seems like they are using the Mystic Forge to apply new ways of attempting to try out different ways of administering methods.

I hate being a test subject, would be nice if they ask for testers in place of this “Lets see what this does” method.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

maybe we should all quit this game and let all the bots dominate this game.. since they keep blocking normal gamer’s account
im freaking pissed now and will still be even if i get my account back

wait maybe they like bots better huh?

Heh, perhaps since 99.9% of bots will not respond.
I guess the view of you can’t post then no issue exists.
(which i was originally unable to do with my account, couldn’t log in to support to report/contest the term for botting).

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561


Sad part is that they are doing their best to was it seem like to hide the issue. Folks that post the issue on the more visible media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, etc) have their posts removed the instant they are posted.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

I had mine blocked too today and never used macro bot or similar, how do i open a ticket?


go to

Credit card approval failed when trying to buy gem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

Credit card approval failed when trying to buy gem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

That’s good, now the issue is solely on anet. aside from waiting for a GM to respond, you should open a support ticket when you tire of waiting.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

Just got a Blocked/suspended/terminated ban as well for god knows what reason.
Its not nice being accused of something that you haven’t done and then not shown any evidence that you have done it.

Welcome to the club, sad but at least were are not alone.

Credit card approval failed when trying to buy gem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

what should i ask my bank so they understand to help me out

Easy, just tell them what you are trying to do.
You are buying an item from an on-line game company and you are unable to complete your transaction.

Ask them if there is anything on thier end that is preventing the purchase.

(edited by Kieser Soze.8561)

Credit card approval failed when trying to buy gem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

I forgot to add it my debit card, not credit. Do i need to go to the bank to check with them ?

Would be best. that way you would either find out that its just an extra layer of security by your bank or if its anets issue, not to mention, you’ll get a faster answer checking with your bank first.

Credit card approval failed when trying to buy gem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

You may want to contact your credit card company first to verify if the issue is due to arena net getting grey listed by the credit card companies. happens when there are to many issues with a vendor submitted by various of their customers or if simply they need to verify you in order for the transaction to go thru.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

Well i got ban my self not sure what to do at this point any suggestion?

Sadly we are @ the mercy of anet. Open a ticket and wait is the general action

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

I wonder if this ban on botting affected as many players as the one in August banning people for a variety of things but affected 3,000 players. From the forums postings here, it seems to be a rather large issue. They did state in an earlier post on this thread that they will not be monitoring this thread for tickets its just a venting thread I think. I am speculating they rolled out an automated system to try to get the bots out of the game and it isn’t working properly. I certainly hope that they compensate us for being wrongfully accused of botting for those who were just playing normally but stepped away for a bit to get a drink or use the bathroom. I also hope they get on the ball and resolve it quickly so we can resume playing our characters and buying gems.

Its not so much that folk were afk that is the issue. My wife & I were actively playing while doing an event. near the completion of the event, my screen goes black, about a second or so later my wife’s screen goes black as well.

after restarting guild wars 2 we got that darn message about botting.
The only idle time either of us have done is the same as everyone else.
Standing in front of a merchant, trade posting, repairing armor, applying dye and/or looking @ the map.

(edited by Kieser Soze.8561)

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

This is getting really annoying, I had to use my sons account to post & open a ticket for my wife’s & my account.

When the issue happened I nor my wife were able to use our accounts to log in to support to contest our accounts being terminated due to botting.
After reading Jasonlow’s post, my wife asked “how are these people able to post if there accounts are banned like ours”.
Logically, we tried our accounts to log on to the website and now we are able to go to support.

Would be nice if they were consistent.

Problem now is. Do I open new tickets on our accounts or just wait on the original ticket submitted my sons account.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561


I’m curious. The folks that got labeled as a botter by anet.
Did you also report bots?
Every time my wife & I came across bots we reported them.
I wonder if this is the way Anet is telling us thank you by terminating our accounts for doing the due diligence of reporting.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

They do auto kick afk folks, but we don’t know how they measure afk.

Auto attack is part of the game build, I don’t think that should be a problem.

There are other things in the game to do that does not involve “moving”.

My wife spends time applying dye to her character’s clothing. No matter how much time she spends applying dye, I don’t think she would be or should be considered to be afk.

Wrongfully Terminated Account!!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

121107-000540 – Submitted Ticket

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

Was actively playing, screen goes black on My & my wife’s screen. attempted to restart the application to receive the “kitten” message that our account have been terminated due to botting.

One thing that they need to consider. when an account is “Wrongfully” termed/suspended. those accounts can not contact support.

Lucky I bought the game for my family and am able to post via my son’s account.
I hope they fix the issue for the others & my accounts soon.
I guess I can start telling other friends that thought of buying the game for their family to play should not buy it until we see what the hell is going on.

Wrongfully Terminated Account!!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kieser Soze.8561

Kieser Soze.8561

I would like to know how someone can report or even contest a account termination.

I was playing a few moments ago, all of a sudden my screen goes black, I tried to log out. Seemed to be frozen, then I ended the application.

When I restarted I got a “kitten” message saying that my account as well as my wifes account (which she was playing with me) Grouped which had the same black screen happen to her. the message read that Your Guild wars 2 account has been terminated due to botting, extended unattended play, blah blah blah…..

so, now using my sons account I am posting here since I can not open a support ticket on my primary account nor my wife’s account.

We have not, did not and never used anything other than us playing as the game is intended to be played.

What the Hell!