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Reminder: Skirmish beta beginning soon

in WvW

Posted by: Kimiku.1652


Skirmish point system has eliminated the opportunity servers with coverage gaps had to catch up during times when they have the numbers.

Anet decides who has consistent coverage by choosing the server pairings. (I’m assuming coverage and overall server population have something to do with the pairing choices and that it’s not just a random roll.) This is a factor that is out of the control of any given server, which can be demotivating.

There is often a good half hour out of every two hours played where whatever you do is worth nothing to the outcome of the current skirmish due to the given point spread.

At least with the old system we knew, even if the gap appeared kind of large, we had a chance to do some game changing, which was motivation to rally the troops. Now that’s gone.

Skirmish system at this time rewards consistent quantity of players vs. quality of play.

I do appreciate you guys trying to tweak the ranking system because the old glicko system was not suitable, but at this time I’m not a fan of this skirmish system in it’s current state.

WvW with friends/new players - Which server?

in WvW

Posted by: Kimiku.1652


I hope you find a good server! I’m pretty sure your very first server transfer is free.

You can set up a scrimmage with another guild and have a set number of players. You can even call out when you’re done and they will cease fire. This can be done in a guild hall if everyone involved is in a guild with the same guild hall (everyone has lost precipice, for example) or can be done in a field somewhere in WvW.

I’ve never played on a T1 server, so not sure how it compares to other tiers. Many people claim the big difference is that higher tiers have higher population. Honestly, I don’t know.

Good luck to you!

What makes WvW awesome, you ask?

in WvW

Posted by: Kimiku.1652


That’s refreshing to read someone enjoying our resistance. It’s so hard to keep on fighting when the odds are so ridiculously stacked against you. There was no hope of victory save in each moment played for the fun of trying to beat impossible odds.

Those times are good when you have friends around who make it fun. Hopefully you will also have lots of times when you guys are well matched.

What makes WvW awesome, you ask?

in WvW

Posted by: Kimiku.1652


My post is a slice of WvW life.

Our server was just making the best of the situation we were handed, as we did when we were on the other side of the coin. We definitely prefer better matches, but we found a way to enjoy ourselves when facing adversity. Yes, being randomly bumped down is adversity. Being matched with servers that don’t want to have battles is adversity and we faced the other kind of adversity, where we were being totally trampled and we still made it fun. I switched to SBI while SBI was being trampled…I actually went out and bought a gem card and paid for a transfer to a server that was taking a bit of a beating because it is fun to play with these people. – Thank you, again to those on Tier 4 who, during the match up with SBI, gave us some good fights. As I said above, you surprised us sometimes.

Please stop trying to stomp out anything that resembles happiness or fun in your attempt to appear morally superior to all human kind.

What makes WvW awesome, you ask?

in WvW

Posted by: Kimiku.1652


You know, it’s OK to let other people enjoy themselves. As frustrated as you seem to be with whatever your experience has been, it’s not cool of you to attempt in your post to shape me into everything you despise about what you’re going through.

Hopefully you will find your own enjoyment from the game or the people around you and if you can’t, maybe it’s a good time to move on or take a break.

What makes WvW awesome, you ask?

in WvW

Posted by: Kimiku.1652


lol, you guys, I joined sbi server when we were being overrun by maguma…still fun because of the people. Being knocked down to t4 after winning our tier was frustrating and made no sense to me [as a former admin of a competitive online fps gaming league and ladder, and as a long time fps competitor,] but everyone did their best to keep it fun. We’re back in t3 and having great times in match up that is closer to our play level. Definitely my preference for game play is to have a challenge, however, it’s the people of SBI who make it awesome no matter what hand we’re dealt.

What makes WvW awesome, you ask?

in WvW

Posted by: Kimiku.1652


My post is all silver linings. You seem a bit grumpy though…maybe get some rest and try a cup of tea from the Imperial Palace in T1?

What makes WvW awesome, you ask?

in WvW

Posted by: Kimiku.1652


You should come see the Imperial palace in tier one some time, we have got the latest in lag and one button for everything installed. Guest from three lands tend to drop in very frequently, and the lord is often entertaining them with his airship shows and snow makers (don’t mention this to him, but they tend to clug up and make ice shavings instead). Miyani is usually busy serving tea and crumpets, sometimes she has time for a private showing of legendaries from the mystic toilet, I mean forge, same thing…

On our way. We (SBI) just bounced back up to Tier 3 for reasons unknown.
Tell Miyani to keep the tea warm.

What makes WvW awesome, you ask?

in WvW

Posted by: Kimiku.1652


I have say community above all.

Today reminded me what makes wvw special. I hung out with OMEN guild on Dbay for a bit and TS was fun as hell. Even though SBI had much more than us and kept slamming us around, we still had fun and kept thinks positive.

Overall, I’m not sure where this next server linking is going to take us but I am sure that the people here are still putting up a fight and keeping it real


What makes WvW awesome, you ask?

in WvW

Posted by: Kimiku.1652


Definitely the personalities of the people you play with. Being mistreated by the disaster of a ranking system has been a bonding experience.

We’re fairly certain that after owning tier 4 this week, we will be bumped down to tier 5. That’s OK, because we are having the best times together.

The map queue is crazy long every night now because everyone is rallying. Is it due to injustice or because we just have so much fun? Both, I think.

We crashed in on a tower about to be turned last night, enemy zerg working on lord. Instead of fighting, we tried one of King Bullyfoot’s new strategies…lying down to sleep right there on the bridge to the tower. It must have been very scary because the enemy jumped out of the tower and ran away. Really, this happened. (Devs, please add “zzzZZZzzzZZZ” to this emote).

Thank you to players of SF and DH who are willing to fight. We’ve had some good ones here and there. You guys surprise us sometimes. PVT boring. Battles are awesome.

SBI, I joined you guys while we were getting smashed by Maguma. You make everything fun. You guys make me want to be a better player. Transferring was worth the fortune in gems it cost me.

Mist Form Cantrip broken

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kimiku.1652


It’s not a condi clear, I know, but condi shouldn’t be damaging while invulnerable in mist form. Those stacks of 25+ condi that seem to be almost instantly applied are what’s most noticeable. I’m being stunned in the middle of mist form. Sometimes it seems like stun before mist form doesn’t break when mist form is activated.

You will have plenty of opportunity to see for yourself. However this is being done is becoming quite popular.

Mist Form Cantrip broken

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kimiku.1652


This skill is supposed to break stun and give three seconds of invulnerability, but I’m being stunned and condi damaged/killed while in mist form now while playing WvW. Please fix.

Farewell To Our Partner Server

in WvW

Posted by: Kimiku.1652


p.s. Storm Desert Treb Forest is a masterpiece. Cannot be topped.

Farewell To Our Partner Server

in WvW

Posted by: Kimiku.1652


SBI, I had so much fun playing with you guys and hanging out with you on TS. These are the best times I’ve ever had in GW2.

*Getting to follow and learn from some great SBI commanders. (Liv, my fave!)
*Spooning with Wee in SM, our princess castle!
*Listening to funny (not mean) stories on TS about people’s drunken antics in the server from the night before.
*Hearing some of you share about hard stuff you’ve survived in your lives. You people are incredible!
*Looking around last night, wondering why everyone else was naked. lol

Thanks for that last dance. Sorry, I didn’t know I was also supposed to be naked. Haha!