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Which is the better " support" class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KiraChen.7963


I know hat gw2 doesn’t have dedicated healer and tank. I am looking for a class that will benefit from equipping supporting stats the more ( boon duration, etc )

I found that elementalist and Mesmer can tune into some kind of a “support/buffer” class , what’s your opinion ?

Guardian build : Burn to death Version 2

in Guardian

Posted by: KiraChen.7963


Hello fellow guardians i have made a burn to death guardian build about a year ago before the condition update , it was not an effective build during that time.

But after a long break, i’ve came back to my guardian and wanted to remake my burn to death guardian build and discuss with everyone about its viability.

The older version is focus on burning and being tank, which i choose to use Dire stat. After playing round with my self i only find it useful in wvw running away from zergs and some rare situation in pve world. So i decided to change the entire focus point into dealing massive damage. Viper is my choice to deal enough direct damage and burn damage.

To overcome with the sustain and survival problem of this build i took Force of will in honor grandmaster trait line to sustain longer while exposed to condition damage. While i also considered to take scepter and shield to draw distance and back into defensive stance.(Scepter 2nd skill impact for 16 times which means Virtue of Justice has the viability to activate 5 times if everything hits the target.

Now to the part i am not pretty such about is the Rune , i took rune of the berserker to maximize the damage output but in return i am just becoming even more squishy. Should i take Runes of undead instead or it is enough for me to survive with 2.3k armor with 15k health.

Guardian Build: Burn to death.

in Guardian

Posted by: KiraChen.7963


Hi fellow guardians, recently i have been playing around with my tanky knight build and it works just sweet. But i wanted to try something new, something that is more unique.
A burning build. Basically this build focus in, and only burn to take down your enemy. I don’t know how this build works in pvp/wvw , but this is what i’ll be trying in pve.
First of all i have considered to go full offensive, but it doesn’t work quite well(I die alot, especially in dungeon, which i don’t really like it). So i have decided to go with Dire armor (+Condi +Toughness +vitality).

Secondly, i will try to buff our passive virtue(Virtue of Justice) as much as possible to make it more consistent rather than focusing on weapon skills and utility.

There’s some highlights in this build which will be:

1. Virtue of Justice(buffed)-which will now deal 2,074 burn damage in 2.5 sec in a blast radius of 240 every 3rd attack. Which somehow equal to a power-based build hitting 1k/s. The different over these 2 are direct damage is reduced by armor while we are doing 1k/s pure damage. While, i also want to keep our burn duration as short as possible(or reasonable), to prevent burn capping(ignore world boss), and to prevent others to cure conditions.

2.Valor traits allow us to lose condition every 10 second which provides more survivability. Otherwise, if you want to go more on offensive play, i will switch the traits to Radiance III.

Overall : High toughness, Reasonable vitality, High condi damage, low direct damage(which our symbols will make up for it abit) , and Hot , hot .

Please share your opinion of this build or will it works well. Thank you.

Necro discrimination ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: KiraChen.7963


So i got my guild to be ok with me being necro by just bringing my necro on runs and not sucking at it. If i bring my ele or phalanx it still goes faster, but it doesnt go TERRIBLY. They still hate pug necros though because people do weird things like bring condi builds to dungeons, or use staff 5 while stacking in fractals :|

I cant tell you how to make people WANT a necro. I can tell you how to make people not HATE your necro.

Stack, use dagger, use your damage wells. If you’re in a dungeon where you need blinds for trash pulls, bring ur blind well instead of your signet. Make yourself somewhat useful. Dont fear things. Dont range unless you have to. Stack and burn like the rest of the classes. Bring power not condi. Dont bring minions either. In dungons there are 4 good utilites: well of power/darkness/corruption and signet of spite. Sometimes your flesh golem is useful as a meat shield, but you have to know when and how to use it.

You still wont be wanted, but atleast you dont make yourself a pain :\

I understand what you mean, i am running 2 different build depends on the situation, a minion build and a vampire well+zerk build. My minion build can deal up to average damage while tanking. My vampire build can hit up to 3~4k for each strike of dagger. I think my builds is not major of the problem, but people just wanted to hate necros for a reason which makes me frustrating to play with. While i can’t find other class to like more than my necro, changing profession won’t be an option for me i think.

Necro discrimination ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: KiraChen.7963


Is there a way to really prevent others to think that necros are just useless? I’ve been playing in a lots of dungeon these days and about 80% of the run if there’s something went wrong all the blame will be on necros ;(. Which will then lead to unreasonable kicking us necros from the party. Because of that i can’t even get my desired token weapon after days of tries to do the dungeon. Is it a wrong choice to be a necromancer ?
I just want to make sure, because i will be making myself some ascended armor and weapons which will be a heavy investment for me, i need to convince my self that is worth it to do so. I don’t want to end up a full ascended and regret.

I hope fellow necros can share their experience with me that can prevent yourself being kicked unreasonably, thanks.

(edited by KiraChen.7963)